Voting with my wallet

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jiyuria.4321


I have played this game since launch, and I was a huge alt-o-holic. I have 19 characters as of now, and you can bet I was considering buying more. Leveling and exploring were my favorite things about the game.

To top off all the alts I had I also bought not one, but two people the game. People who wanted to try it but weren’t sure they wanted to invest money on it. People, who for the record, wouldn’t have even looked at it without me first praising it and sending constant videos on it to them. Videos which are now rendered moot by the changes.

I not only bought 14 character slots. I purchased many skins and cosmetic items. (Among them, Mad King’s outfit, Witch’s outfit, etc. Quite a few armor skins, weapons skins, makeover kits, some goofy items, like the flute, minis, etc.) We know I spent at least $250 (on myself alone) and on others and including buying the game itself $395 (as I regretfully bought the Digital Deluxe). Likely more I’m not remembering.

And before this patch, I was honestly considering buying more. A lot more. There were things in the store I wanted to buy, I wanted to buy even more character slots. Those things aren’t going to be purchased.

To top it off, my friend who I purchased the game for possibly 2 months ago? He’s quitting as well, because he wasn’t able to play religiously and as such all of his characters are under level 20 except for one 80 he got just about 4 days ago from running TA with me to get armor. (From 50-80.)

He’s actually one of the people who posted above. He was going to spend about $50 on the game over time, or at least he planned on it. Before the patch he was happily talking about how despite not being the type of person to spend money on a game (and how he tries to save his money) he was so happy about the idea of supporting this game he enjoyed so much. And how much he wanted to. With genuine joy in his voice. He was actually discussing what he wanted to buy and what he wanted to do with it (literally about two days before the patch). And now our discussion has turned to how happy we are he didn’t buy it before these changes. And how regretful I am I did.

Before the patch changes we were marathoning Jumping Puzzles and having so much fun. We were also discussing working towards Legendaries, getting achievements, completing the map, etc. Just because it was fun and we wanted to spend time in the game.

Literally right before the patch we were doing a Jumping Puzzle I was having some trouble on, and I said he should level his Mesmer to help me (and others) something he loved to do. Something he said he was happy to do and looking forward to. We got to the top of the jumping puzzle through a Mesmer’s help (well I did, he was fine) right before the patch came in. He was talking about how much he wanted to be a Mesmer because he could help people through this stuff. How fun that was and how cool Mesmers who did was. The patch comes in and we immediately notice something is wrong (some of the changes cause issues, some people are spamming due to changes, people taking advantage of the new TP system), but decide to log for the day. The next day we start playing with the intent of him leveling his Mesmer to do more jumping puzzles. And then he saw the new leveling system. And all the fun was drained. He just wanted to quit, and frankly so did I. And so we are. Anet has lost one of its new players due to both their attitude and the changes. At the core of it it’s just not fun anymore, and what we liked about the game is gone. Funnily enough my friend keeps bringing up how sad he was because he wanted to play this game for years to come, and what made it fun for him is now gone.

And a little added note: I knew an old player who had quit for a long time who had just redownloaded the game to play it again. He was really looking forward to it, and when he saw the changes he said it genuinely made him sad. (“Like really sad” as he said in his own words). I know for a fact he buys from the Gem store. I don’t think he’ll be playing the game either.

I’ve never posted on the forums before (to my knowledge, if I did it was a very long time ago), but for this I am. But I wanted to say something on it, because this is an issue that has entirely taken the fun out of the game for me and several others. And to be honest, I can get the model Anet is trying to be better somewhere else. And I think I might. (To the point, as an avid WoW disliker since mid-Cata, I’m thinking of possibly repurchasing WoW. Most likely not though.)

So for what it’s worth, you’ve lost 3 costumers and people of ranging varieties. And when I was playing the game I ran into a lot of people bringing up the issue with it mentioning their friends had issues with the leveling system. New players, who they said were only going to keep playing because they said they knew their level 80 friends would carry them. GG.

(edited by Jiyuria.4321)

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LIVE.4875


I created a new Guardian before the patch. I was sort of excited about leveling it up. Then feature pack 2 hit. It became an exercise in futility and annoyance. At the end of the evening, I was browsing the black lion shop. I saw several things there that I’d normally have bought and I thought to myself:

“Do I really want to invest more money in this?” And the answer I got for myself was a resounding “no”. Instead, I came to the conclusion that I do not see a future for GW2 on its present course, and decided to deinstall the client.

Basically, I am voting with my wallet. “You’re not doing a good enough job.”

I kind of hope everybody who dislikes the recent changes does the same, maybe that will get through to ArenaNet. GW2 was a good game, once, and it’s a shame to see what happens to it.

Good luck.
No you can’t have my stuff.

It did, and you helped convince me. Thank you

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bellizare.5816


If they’d give you lv80 scrolls, would that make you happy?

R U Serious?

I can’t imagine them giving anything cool like that away. On the other hand, perhaps they will start selling them.

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bellizare.5816


If they’d give you lv80 scrolls, would that make you happy?

R U Serious?

I can’t imagine them giving anything cool like that away. On the other hand, perhaps they will start selling them.

I don’t think making the game even more ultra-casual is the way to go.

It seems to be the trend.

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Inb4 people do vote with their wallets and when things don’t work out the company blames the fans for not blindly supporting the changes. Looks at Capcom

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andred.1087


Inb4 people do vote with their wallets and when things don’t work out the company blames the fans for not blindly supporting the changes. Looks at Capcom

Inb4 people do vote with their wallets and nothing happens because the forums are a minuscule portion of the player-base.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


I haven’t made a Purchase on the cash shop since May. After the April QOL patch, I wanted to try out the new trait system. A first I wanted to give Anet the benefit of the doubt.

Then I decided to take a wait and see attitude. And stopped.

Now I saw this:

Why I love the September Feature Pack

I am thinking to myself the that the devs are dumbing content down to attact the pre-school crowd.

I have been trying out Path of Exile. I Like the “Diablo” style gameplay, and the Trait system…. it has 1,350 different passive traits.

yes it’s a dungeon crawler but from what i have experienced, pretty interesting one.

I was hoping to at some point spend money On a Gw2 expansion, unfortunately Anet is so in love with Living Story….so there is that. Instead I bought Archeage Founders.

Don’t believe the " it’s pay2win" hype… some of it is Archeage Hate… some is Fanbois from other games, some is entitled whining from cheap, lazy players that don’t want any benefits to patrons, because…they do not wish to pay for Patrons but want the benefits anyway… etc etc…

This is about Gw2. Anet could have had my money, but it went to Trion.

As Archeage will be my new home, I won’t be playing here much, I’ll Log in, get thre free living story updates just to reserve the right to try them out someday.

But except for that… I think I gave gw2 time, and it just couldn’t muddle through and fulfill it’s potential.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


These changes according to Colin, were meant to keep players like a few of my WoW friends that bought the game, played for 25 minutes and quit. That’s not an exaggeration one of my friends quit the game forever after hitting level 7.

But… Its a BTP game and those people already paid so what’s the problem with them quitting? GEMS! Only active players buy gems so I’ll assume this is a gem store driven change to what was my favorite part of GW2 the glorious leveling and open exploration.

My last gem purchase was this month, I’ve spent more on GW2 than a sub game and I’m unhappy with the direction, so I won’t buy any more.

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunar Sunset.8742

Lunar Sunset.8742

Asof tomorrow, my input to GW2 will be minimal Archeage is being released and those devs listen to the player base, Perhaps ANET should take a look at their forum and see how customer relations work.

Such a shame seeing as this was the best MMO i’ve played.

I’m pretty excited for AA too. I’m not sure about buying the founders pack.

50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sokia.3710


Instead I bought Archeage Founders.

Don’t believe the " it’s pay2win" hype…

Actually, ArcheAge is completely pay2win. Sorry to burst your bubble. Not only do you have to subscribe to own land (which is pretty important for crafting) but crafting itself is total Korean RNG. So, yeah, if you want max equipment you’re going to be praying to RNG gods and either spending a ridiculous amount of time farming for materials, or spending real world cash.

Of course, the PvP in ArcheAge is more about teamwork and guilds and stuff like that. So, I have no idea what kind of a difference that having max gear will actually make. But, it’s going to be pretty hard to get max gear without spending real world money unless you get really lucky with the RNG.

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MikaHR.1978


Asof tomorrow, my input to GW2 will be minimal Archeage is being released and those devs listen to the player base, Perhaps ANET should take a look at their forum and see how customer relations work.

Such a shame seeing as this was the best MMO i’ve played.

Yeah, im sure everyone just love P2W.

Colin Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vectorfox.6894


The worst that could happen from us not buying more gems is that a few Anet staff might have to be let go.

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


These changes according to Colin, were meant to keep players like a few of my WoW friends that bought the game, played for 25 minutes and quit. That’s not an exaggeration one of my friends quit the game forever after hitting level 7.

But… Its a BTP game and those people already paid so what’s the problem with them quitting? GEMS! Only active players buy gems so I’ll assume this is a gem store driven change to what was my favorite part of GW2 the glorious leveling and open exploration.

My last gem purchase was this month, I’ve spent more on GW2 than a sub game and I’m unhappy with the direction, so I won’t buy any more.

While I don’t really see the gem-corolation here (if they would want to sell expansion they also need to keep players with them) overall the move towards the gems has been there from the start and by spending gems (especially on things like skins and so on) people help to push the game more in that direction since launch.

So basically you helped to create that mess. I never spend a any money on the cash-shop. But that does not mean I’m not willing to spend money on the game. I expected an expansion once a year (thinking this would be a true B2P game with regular expansion and nearly no cash-shop). We are two years in so I would have bought 2 expansions by now but didn’t and I also did not buy any gems.

If you don’t like the cash-shop focus things you should have never bought any gems. Stopping now is all fine but they are now already in that direction.

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


Asof tomorrow, my input to GW2 will be minimal Archeage is being released and those devs listen to the player base, Perhaps ANET should take a look at their forum and see how customer relations work.

Such a shame seeing as this was the best MMO i’ve played.

Yeah, im sure everyone just love P2W.

I did play in the alpha and it was a nice game and also playable without paying but I’m not sure how that works out in the live game. That said it will effect the game for sure and it’s just one of the examples how cash-shops are bad for the game.

That not different in GW2. Here it’s almost impossible to get many of the skins without paying and this game is heavily focused on skins.

AA is heavily focused on housing so they lock that behind a a pay-wall but both will say “you can also get it without.”

Now I don’t mind pay-walls as long as they come in the from a true expansions.

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dpcnh.3798


I don’t get it. I level alts in the game, it’s basically all I do. All of this fuss over the these changes? You can basically do everything you could before except for missing a couple of skills early on. To me the time saved in not having to level individual weapons skills any more, coupled with how fast the first 10 levels go now, is a plus, not a negative. So I’m missing a couple of utilities for a bit. Oh my, the world is ending! Really?

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MikaHR.1978


I don’t get it. I level alts in the game, it’s basically all I do. All of this fuss over the these changes? You can basically do everything you could before except for missing a couple of skills early on. To me the time saved in not having to level individual weapons skills any more, coupled with how fast the first 10 levels go now, is a plus, not a negative. So I’m missing a couple of utilities for a bit. Oh my, the world is ending! Really?

Yeah, few response even went far as “from 30 on game is balanced around having elite skill”

In effect its all so insignificant, that even insignificance laughs at it lol

Colin Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”