RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
So much for Wooden Potatoes not thinking revealing a hot market in Hard and Seasoned wouldn’t destroy it in a matter of hours. Both markets took a major dive in sell prices around the time his video was published discussing a “quick way for 10 g in 20 minutes”.
Dude, come on now. It’s obvious now that your vids have a bigger impact than a reddit thread.
Rule One of TP fight club, don’t reveal your niche unless it’s already tapped out.
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
This is pretty funny.
Unfortunate from a gold making perspective though.
I don’t really know what you’re talking about, but I assume someone intentionally crashed the price of wood because a kitten ton of people want wood for legendaries. The community at large benefits from this, as we all get cheaper crafting prices and the 30 people farming wood suffer.
Farming mats is not enjoyable for anyone, and I can’t imagine many people want gold badly enough to keep things like this secret.
Farming mats is not enjoyable for anyone, and I can’t imagine many people want gold badly enough to keep things like this secret.
I enjoy it. It is a nice change of pace when I don’t feel like putting in much effort into what I am doing. There is a map I run a loop around mining and harvesting wood that nets me about 5-8 gold and takes less than 20 minutes. Unlike the WP video no WPing and loading screens. I just run around the outside of the map and harvest until I get back where I started. Go to TP, profit.
I didn’t know it was from silly dude (sorry, I can’t take him seriously at all), but it’s basically a nice little chat thing you can add to your guild message, and it will show all of the waypoints for really decent farming spots.
I highly doubt he comes to the forums, so if you are really kittened at him, you should write the comment on his video. And the only thing this is hurting is the people who want to make money off of people not having hours upon hours to farm for these.
I enjoy it. It is a nice change of pace when I don’t feel like putting in much effort into what I am doing.
Fair enough. It’s a Zen thing; I don’t think you literally enjoy pressing F . I still think any material price crashing is a good thing.
I enjoy it. It is a nice change of pace when I don’t feel like putting in much effort into what I am doing.
Fair enough. It’s a Zen thing; I don’t think you literally enjoy pressing F
. I still think any material price crashing is a good thing.
As opposed to the majority of the PvE game pressing 1?
As opposed to the majority of the PvE game pressing 1?
I’m a WvW/PvPer.
Never would have known about this without your posting, thanks Behellagh.
Just watching the video in question. Seriously im rofling atm. The feature with the chatcodes in guildmessages is old. Been using the method more than half a year ago. I’ve been mocked and laughed about mentioning that feature to other people.
Now to the “film at 11”, seriously? I use that method for flax/quartz farming, quite a long time now. Also we have mentioned the guildbuff, banners and other things do stack. Most people literally ignored that fact and we got laughed at for mentioning it. Waste of time, useless, not worth to move the farmchars to the guildhall for aquiring, … etc. xD
A thing I noticed by now, knowledge may be power. But if you don’t have a big name, noone will ever beleive you. I’m quite sure there are tons of methods out there to make gold even quicker than that, but the community ignores them. Because it is not WP who advertises them. This is a great motivation to keep exploring.
Who cares its a friggin game..
This is pretty funny.
Unfortunate from a gold making perspective though.
It was great for me from a saving gold perspective. I had really low buy offers for a lot of stuff and didn’t expect to see them fulfilled until June or July. (Turns out, I could have saved even more.)
The funny thing is even “tanked”, while it’s no longer the “10 gold in 20 minutes” it’s still 6-7 gold which is nothing to sneeze at. And while the waypoint codes in guild announcements may be old, it’s a reason to make a personal guild post HoT.
It’s just funny that he, a YT with 100K subscribers who focuses a fair amount of videos on GW2 didn’t think the video would impact the price.
Never would have known about this without your posting, thanks Behellagh.
Never would have known about this without your posting, thanks Behellagh.
It’s posted in the vast majority of “How to make gold?” threads, you would have found out sooner or later.
Never would have known about this without your posting, thanks Behellagh.
It’s posted in the vast majority of “How to make gold?” threads, you would have found out sooner or later.
So…then…they’re the real ones to blame? I mean, WP could’ve seen those guides and just spread the information further!
I enjoy it. It is a nice change of pace when I don’t feel like putting in much effort into what I am doing.
Fair enough. It’s a Zen thing; I don’t think you literally enjoy pressing F
. I still think any material price crashing is a good thing.
Couple things. First the act is relaxing especialy when you pop on a video on a second monitor or something. Secondly you probably wouldn’t be thinking price crashes are a good thing if every mat in the game was worthless cause then you wouldn’t make any money.
And also it was hardly a crash, more of a decline.
I enjoy it. It is a nice change of pace when I don’t feel like putting in much effort into what I am doing.
Fair enough. It’s a Zen thing; I don’t think you literally enjoy pressing F
. I still think any material price crashing is a good thing.
Couple things. First the act is relaxing especialy when you pop on a video on a second monitor or something. Secondly you probably wouldn’t be thinking price crashes are a good thing if every mat in the game was worthless cause then you wouldn’t make any money.
And also it was hardly a crash, more of a decline.
In all seriousness, most likely the people who watched the video will do it for a bit, then move on and not care anymore, because its boring, and they’ll see they aren’t making as much gold as the video says because….more people are doing it too. Thus further driving them away to keep doing it.
So think of it as a fad. People are jumping on the bus now, but its most likely not going to last and the market will balance out again
I enjoy it. It is a nice change of pace when I don’t feel like putting in much effort into what I am doing.
Fair enough. It’s a Zen thing; I don’t think you literally enjoy pressing F
. I still think any material price crashing is a good thing.
Couple things. First the act is relaxing especialy when you pop on a video on a second monitor or something. Secondly you probably wouldn’t be thinking price crashes are a good thing if every mat in the game was worthless cause then you wouldn’t make any money.
And also it was hardly a crash, more of a decline.
In all seriousness, most likely the people who watched the video will do it for a bit, then move on and not care anymore, because its boring, and they’ll see they aren’t making as much gold as the video says because….more people are doing it too. Thus further driving them away to keep doing it.
So think of it as a fad. People are jumping on the bus now, but its most likely not going to last and the market will balance out again
I will use it to fill out my own needs since I have other ways to make the gold I want for the rest of the game. It is like when I need iron and platinum, I know exactly where I need to go to get it and when I don’t need them I don’t go there.
So . . . he runs in a big circle on the map to farm wood? This is groundbreaking news?
So . . . he runs in a big circle on the map to farm wood? This is groundbreaking news?
The amount of players that pay little attention to the tp, and prices of mats is suprising.
I often watch the streams of newish/casual gw2 players, and a large number of them have no regard for the tp. Meaning they fail to make the connection when they casually chop some tree, and each log is worth 5s.
Until someone like WP spells it out for them.
Sounds more like somebody tried to flip the wood market and it backfired
Wouldn’t notice it without your thread, thanks Behhelag And stop crying, he has a viewer base, and if he feels like it, he can do vids like this to manipulate the market, can’t see anything illegal with it.
And WOW, you will only make 8g/h instead of 10 by pressing F…. big deal
He hardly killed the wood farm with the video, there have been posts, and videos before about this, even recent ones, only difference is he maybe has more followers.
As for the crash in price, it was probably people who had stock pilled a lot of it dumping it really fast in fear the market would crash,
All in all the market is self sustaining on this, its supply and demand, demand has been dropping as people get the gift of wood for legendary back piece,
You watch what happens to the market when Anet release Legendary Armor, you want the price of mats then.
Tier 3 and 4 mat runs (plus iron) will always be profitable due to the ascended/legendary crafting. 6 to 7 gold in 20 minutes isn’t anything to poo-poo either which is where it was before the April 19th patch, but post patch the spike made them even more attractive to those who never considered a wood farm before.
And as to his impact, this is the Hard Wood price chart for the last month.
Ohh no! Mats become cheaper!
Never reveal your gold profit methods. How you think the rich stays rich.
Well, I tried it last night. I only put a Gathering Booster on, and had 1 minute left once I had run through those maps. Still, I made 9 Gold instantly by selling (with sell orders) what I didn’t put in storage.
So, 9G/hour worked for me, even after the market ‘crashed’. =)
lol @ people overreacting. I think it’s almost always +EV to post something to cause people to react.
I love the buy high and sell low mentality that happens in a panic. In a few weeks I’ll be selling the wood at its typical bloated prices, though I guess in any case I was fortunate to just sell the wood as it came in as long as the prices were good.
Well, I guess my wealth went down by 10g total. Oh well.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
Ohh no! Mats become cheaper!
It’s horrible! Super John Smith better come save the market manipulators from this horrible fate!
How awful.
I felt a great disturbance in the Black Lion Trading Company, as if a thousand voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.
Aww, TP flippers are losing money… how bad. What would this game be without those fairy-like creatures hoarding tons of gold…
I’d rather say that some of those “whales” that had hoarded wood logs did panic after WP released his video and sold all of his wood.
I hope WP releases videos on other “niche markets” aswell.
Personally, I don’t see the problem with what he did except for those that relied on those materials for income. He took his fan base at targeted them at specific materials that he, and others, felt were overpriced. Just imagine if it were possible to target materials such as T6 leather.
I saw it. watch many of his vids. he even said that he had no concerns that it would destabilize the market because he does not have a huge impact. lol guess he was wrong.
on another note, as someone who needs the wood, glad to see some reduction in the prices.
I hope WP releases videos on other “niche markets” aswell.
He did a similar video about the VB flax farm, which helped bring down flax seed prices.
Hmm, so why is silk dying anyways?
I don’t really know what you’re talking about, but I assume someone intentionally crashed the price of wood because a kitten ton of people want wood for legendaries. The community at large benefits from this, as we all get cheaper crafting prices and the 30 people farming wood suffer.
Farming mats is not enjoyable for anyone, and I can’t imagine many people want gold badly enough to keep things like this secret.
Not secret per se but we kinda assume everyone knows. Oh well it’s no big, I was logging all that before it was cool.
Hmm, so why is silk dying anyways?
Higher supply relative to demand. As more people achieve level 80 and discover HoT zones and Silverwaste they open bags and salvage gear, resulting in more silk on the market.
Aww, TP flippers are losing money… how bad. What would this game be without those fairy-like creatures hoarding tons of gold…
I’d rather say that some of those “whales” that had hoarded wood logs did panic after WP released his video and sold all of his wood.
I hope WP releases videos on other “niche markets” aswell.
First it isn’t flippers, it’s farmers. Or really it’s speculators because someone sucked up the majority of the supply hours before the Apr 19th patch in hopes to make a killing on spirit wood required T3 & T4 mats.
Second in the big picture his video helped restore the price of those mats near where they were before someone(s) tried to corner the market.
Third, it highlights that not only T6 mat runs are a viable mat farm. Even before the Apr 19th patch you could earn a fair amount of gold for a little bit of work without the hassle of finding a good SW map or SR dungeon group and a method oft forgotten when the question of “easy gold” comes up.
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
Are we playing different games?
Before HOT elder wood = 15c each
After HOT elder wood = 2s 21c
I’m not sure how its taken a dive as you put it. The market for wood is massive and prices are still at all time highs. And will continue to be that way for another year or so until most have gotten their guilds/legendary done.
There has been no secret that wood and leather prices are at all time high since hot and other mats like potent venoms etc took a dive since hot. So I’m not sure your post was justified.
I have a certain threshold I won’t sell mats under. I keep them. If mithril falls below a certain price, for example, I just make a gated component with it, and give the rest to one of the guild I belong to, or I sit on it. I don’t give mats away, I’d rather use them. I enjoy farming for them because it is relaxing, and generally I don’t care what happens at the trading post because I use my mats to make things. Just sit on your logs until the price rebounds, because someday it will. Or make some spiritwood with it, I guarantee you will still make some profit there! Or does that sound a bit more like work?
Or people were probably paying whatever price for the wood to make the new shortbow (that was when I noticed the price jump), in the race to be the first one with it. Now that either they have it or they have gone broke, the price drops. Now granted someone could have (and probably did) manipulated the market in anticipation of the bow race. The video really isn’t much to blame, it was apparent more people were figuring out a while back just by seeing how many people were running those areas and the way the price especially were going on the Tp, before the video was put out.
Good Job WP. Show us more!
It would be a community favour to crash a market every day.
Are we playing different games?
Before HOT elder wood = 15c each
After HOT elder wood = 2s 21cI’m not sure how its taken a dive as you put it. The market for wood is massive and prices are still at all time highs. And will continue to be that way for another year or so until most have gotten their guilds/legendary done.
There has been no secret that wood and leather prices are at all time high since hot and other mats like potent venoms etc took a dive since hot. So I’m not sure your post was justified.
The video wasn’t about elder wood, it was about farming Hard and Seasoned wood quickly, so was the reddit thread the video was based on. And it’s not about HoT but the patch the 19th of April.
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
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