Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkanthor.2307


The new blog is out wich explain what will happen about our current coins. It says, among other thing (like bandid crests will finally be on the wallet YAY) the way we will be getting the new mystic material coin, instead of skill poins now it´s spirit shard .

Seems like every infinite item that provides skill points (such as scrolls) will now grant spirit shard wich is great because there´s no change about the old system.

The thing that bothers me is that once we are 80, we won´t get a spirit shard everytime whe “level up”. " Leveling up after level 80 no longer grants skill points, but level 80 characters will be able to loot spirit shards off of monsters."

So instead of a safe way to get a coin we need for many items, we are getting a RGN chance of getting´em everytime we kill a mob.

I´m sorry, the other walle changes are great but this thing is, in my opinion, really wrong. RGN causes already many rage issues for many players and -at least I – don´t want more random drops to grind for.

Please express your point of view about this issue fellow players. What do you think about this new wallet? And on top of it the new RGN way to adquire the spirit shards?

Thanks to my illusions this combat is nothing but a stage scene.
You should prepare for your great finale.

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


the no spirit skitten level up after 80 aint exactly new info (except we didnt knew it was gonna be called spirit shards before today), since we gonna get mastery Progress when HoT comes out instead of levels after lvl 80

EDIT: stupid filter censoring half the new currency name…

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


But the experience after we level will count for mastery points, which I think is much much better. I don’t now about you, but I don’t think most players are sitting there at 80 counting their XP points. A few probably are, but not most.

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


Given the deluge of skill scrolls and leveling tomes we get, which will turn into this currency when used, and given ANet’s statement that they’ll be upping the drop rate of shard-giving items to compensate for not getting them from leveling … no, I’m not bothered. They don’t seem terribly hard to get via RNG as it is.

Plus I have two or three stacks of each built up from doing SW rounds, I don’t use the Forge, so I’m going to be swimming in this currency.

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palindrome.8904


All non level sources will still exist. Tomes give a shard and presumably champion bags will give them live they do scrolls today. With that alone I swim in points.

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

The OP is trying to point out that the Spirit Shards (aka djinngots) won’t be guaranteed drops; they will be RNG. This is already true for many currencies, including Bandit Crests. Coin, like djinngots will be, has some guaranteed sources and some RNG ones.

And, as others have stated, even if RNG, it will still be plentiful, much like Dragonite.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LaidGenie.3259


The new items included in the updated wallet will help many players out with items that take up either inventory space or bank space so i think it is a good idea.

As for the RNG Spirit Shards… well i can see this causing plenty of issues… some players, no matter how hard they try, just have bad luck with RNG and so the drop will be lower for them (even if they have a high luck %).

As it stands currently i am not in favour of this Skill Point to Spirit Shard exchange.

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

No one knows the drop rate. If a Spirit Shard should drop twice in an hour of play, will people rush to destroy them, I wonder? Were Skill Points really used that much as currency?

I’m sure many players used them in the MF, but everyone I know just lets them sit on each character. My main has around 700, I think. I really don’t think it is going to be as catastrophic as some imagine. More like all the concerns when Laurel acquisition was changed…or Daily APs….or when Ferocity was introduced…or LOL remember all the angst before launch over Boosters in the Gem Store? That was definitely going to ruin the game by making it Pay to Win! Haha.

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Not sure yet about the spirit shards, but I’m very glad geodes and bandit crests are being added to the wallet. That was a much requested change that I’m pleased to see is being implemented.

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’m glad geodes and any of the SW currencies will be moved to the wallet.

As long as I can still get these… spirit shards.. from champ bags then I’m happy.

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cormac.3871


Last I looked skill points were worth about 50 silver a pop, though I’d you were careful with how you traded items and were prepared to spend a little more time at the crafting table you could get a little over a gold.

Getting the balance on spirit shards right is going to be tricky. I doubt it will be an issue for older players unless they have been systematically converting skill points to gold and don’t have any in the bank. Get the drop rate too low and it is going to impact newer players trying to work towards a legendary, get it too high and it will be just another useless currency.

If I were designing it I would have made skill points a mastery path that starts unlocked. All level up scrolls would contribute to that path, whether you were working on it or not, and obviously you could complete it as many times as you liked. Mind you, if I was designing this game it would be a lot worse than it is now.

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


But the experience after we level will count for mastery points, which I think is much much better. I don’t now about you, but I don’t think most players are sitting there at 80 counting their XP points. A few probably are, but not most.

But what happens when your mastery is maxed though? You no longer get any advancement at all?

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


But the experience after we level will count for mastery points, which I think is much much better. I don’t now about you, but I don’t think most players are sitting there at 80 counting their XP points. A few probably are, but not most.

But what happens when your mastery is maxed though? You no longer get any advancement at all?

Which mastery? There are a lot of masteries. You can switch between the mastery tracks you’ve unlocked on the fly, any time you want, so you can work on whichever mastery you want. Each mastery has several tiers.

By the time you’ve maxed them all? I think you’ve got a while to worry about that.

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darimous.4351


So when is the new items (bandit crests, etc) being added. I see the new layout but still have bandit crests in inventory

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


So when is the new items (bandit crests, etc) being added. I see the new layout but still have bandit crests in inventory

There’s no date on the feature patch. Anet is telling us this now, because when they don’t tell us what’s coming up, people say they’re not working on anything. We assume it’ll be in one of the upcoming patches, possibly the next one.

Wallet change; Spirit Shard adquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

So when is the new items (bandit crests, etc) being added. I see the new layout but still have bandit crests in inventory

Really? My Wallet looks the same as always, and well as my Inventory window. Could you post a screenshot of the ‘new layout’? =)