Warhorn Audio Feedback [merged]
I can confirm this, also on warrior. A ranger in camp resolve said they were hearing the same from their horn too.
Yep I am hearing it from all horns (other players as well) so its not just on my warrior/necro. There appear to be other sounds that are “corrupt” as well but I cant really specify them… hear them now and then while running with the zerg, think some are coming from ele swiftness or something.
Edit: I noticed that it no longer crackle when launching on Win10… something changed with sounds?
They said, they wanted to change the warhorn’s sound. I believe this is the new one.
It’s anoying as hell in WvW, since the new one is much deeper.
Confirming this. The noise of warhorn has changed in the 25th August patch.
Oh no! I thought this was a bug too. I rather liked my necro’s warhorn sounds and like it a little less so now.
Gosh a new weapon, the Farthorn
Not sure where this goes, didn’t see a dedicated feedback forum, and as far as I know, this applies to all Warhorns since it was the same on my Necro and Warrior both.
Pros: The echo effect is cool. It’s nice to feel like your warhorn is echoing across the hills and valleys of the area you’re in.
Cons: Everything else. The main effect sounds like someone messing their pants in some cases and in others like an asthmatic gasping. Not cool, to me. Not pleasant. Not very fun. It feels like my characters are trying to blow the horn and getting their tongue stuck in it or something.
I did think the old blaring warhorn sound was kind of annoying, especially if you heard it repeatedly for minutes at a time, but this seems like too far towards background noise you’re never going to hear in a big fight. I’d rather it be somewhere in between and keep the distant echo effect. I feel like it should still sound like a horn, even if it’s not as shrill as it once was.
But again, the echo is awesome.
(edited by Moderator)
as topic say, just did a check on ranger and necro and it is the same
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Call of the Wild wolf howl does not even play over the fart noise anymore. I can’t believe this is the new “improved” sound. I don’t want to instill fear in the hearts of my enemies with a Fart Horn. Bad call on this one.
Same,don’t like it.Sounds like a fart ;/
I like it. It’s still not very call-to-arms horn-sounding but it’s no longer a child’s toy.
What… the hell… is THAT? I’m parking some Warriors with Warhorn set to auto near banks and busy area’s to get this reverted fast. Especially if we find Dev’s in game, we should surround them with Warhorns.
(edited by DeWolfe.2174)
I particularly dislike the new sound >< The old one was way better, more soft, and not annoying at all.
“It feels like my characters are trying to blow the horn and getting their tongue stuck in it or something.”
Exactly this !
for the love of charrs fix it its hell in wvw with the fartblob
A flatulist lives in my warhorn and it’s NOT funny.
I never knew there was a warhorn sound. All i ever hear is the whoosh of my dagger.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Same here, after last patch warhorn sound is broken.
I don’t hink is working as intended, seems odd.
Please revert Warhorn sounds. I use Warhorn a ton in sPvP ( Shoutbow ), and I can’t stand the fart noise it makes. Seriously, it sounded good normally. Now it sounds like those Tuba and Trombone players in Band that really sucked.
Please dear God, revert this change. I don’t want to be a “Fartbow” in sPvP.
This needs to be fixed! Poor Howler just got broken even more :/ Maybe this bug is a good thing and they will end up fixing Howler in the process…
Howler is supposed to be a legendary warhorn, but with the recent change its sound effects are barely audible. I personally do not like this change. Hopefully it is just a bug.
I’m really not a fan of the new sound effects. They sound more like a really bad tuba player than any sort of a warhorn. The weapon really needs to have clear, carrying notes to sound good, and that’s not really something the old sounds had, but the new ones are even worse. I really hope these get reverted.
Just had a bug fix for a few things, but Warhorn wasn’t one of them. Looks like we’re stuck with this God-forsaken fart noise some dev thought was cool.
Ugh this new sound is horrible. Please change it back.
Gives me a serious headache
I don’t like it. I have nothing else useful to add but at least wanted to put my opinion out there so the devs know.
Farting warhorns. Seriously. Farting warhorns.
And I didn’t think it was possible to make Howler worse, but Anet, you proved me wrong. applause
I appreciate that they attempted to make it sound correct but they did it poorly.
Thanks for trying to make warhorns sound like they’re supposed to finally.
Unfortunately it wasn’t well executed and sounds comical. lol
It shouldn’t be difficult. Here are some examples I searched up on youtube real quick.
See, what you want is a majestic echoing sound that seems to carry for miles. It doesn’t actually have to be heard for farther away than normal sound effects, but that’s the effect you should have.
Also, it would be cool if commanders using a warhorn skill would sound around the whole map.
I haven’t noticed the echo. It needs to last a lot longer.
The sound isn’t clean enough which results in the flatulent sound people are noticing.
Also, it would be cool if commanders using a warhorn skill would sound around the whole map.
Oh please god no
You think this is a great idea until 30 people pop a commander tag in a single map and all blow their warhorns. I’m glad you’re not a designer.
What is up with the new warhorn sounds? it’s awful!
It has to be a trolling thing right?
Pffffffffffrrrttttt *fart noises
or when you stick your hand under your armpit and makes pretend farts- that’s what it sounds like.
Cmon anet what in the world??
When people told me about the new warhorn sound effects I laughed it off and thought nothing of it, until I gave Howler a toot and boy was I repulsed so much I swapped out my warhorn for a shield just so I didn’t have to listen to that farm animal mayhem.
Do you know what’s worse than passing gas farm animal sounds? Passing gas farm animal sounds overriding or being irritatingly louder than Howler’s unique audio sound in the first place.
Either tone up Howler’s wolf sound effect or tone down those grotesque “new” warhorn sounds… better yet, bring back the old ones or try again.
- New warhorn sounds are ugly as hell
- Ugly as hell warhorn sounds are louder than Howler’s unique wolf howl audio
Just voicing my opinion but also related thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Warhorn-Audio-Feedback/first#post5416732
Agreed, most atrocious sounds ever. have you ran in a zerg yet? My ears are bleeding.
The wet fart warhorn is either going to make me reroll my main…or just quit entirely. I dont even want to venture into wvw…dear god. I also am using a shield on my warrior now….a useless SHIELD!!!
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
actual warhorns sound better:
The new warhorn sound reminds me of this.
I honestly thought there was something new in-game that made a farting sound when I heard it in LA.
I am absolutely astonished at the ridiculous sound that has been put into the game for this weapon, and I pity those with Howler because of it.
I’ve been working towards warhorn master, but you can be sure I’ll be putting it off for even longer now that these fart noises are going on.
The “echo” effect is horrible. It sounds more like its a corrupt/broken file than an echo. Ugh I cant describe it in english… But you know when you have some really crappy speakers and the bass start to distort? That’s the new warhorn (except its on the high end). Its atrocious. One of the worst game sounds I have heard. Having a decent quality headset probably doesnt make it any better. There are no pros with this. The old sound was fine. The dev that thought this was a good idea must be completely tone deaf.
They haven’t done anything about Howler’s broken night effects, so I doubt they’ll care about it being further broken by the new warhorn sounds.
Oh for kitten sake. More howler problems?
When I next log in if my howler sounds nearly as bad as it’s made out to be in this thread, someone’s gettin’ a beatin.’
I didn’t make this legendary to sound like a farm animal passing gas.
After using my warhorn through out the day, I can say this sound is definitely annoying. It’s wearing on me.
I wonder if this soundchange is intentional.
Thinking of Human Female idle animation stretching her arms up and sometimes kicking the ground – removed with the explanation ‘it didn’t look right’.
Breaking wind is right?
Seems like players who put the effort in crafting Howler really got the short end of the stick…
I’m afraid I have to add my discontent to the mix. The new warhorn sound is... not pleasant. It’s like a whoopee cushion got stuck in the neck of the weapon. Please, revert it at the next available opportunity. If the old sound has issues (which I’ve clearly missed reading or hearing about, so would love to know the why of the change), it has nothing on the disturbing lack of presence and major flatulence of the new sound.
actual warhorns sound better:
Those were great! Thanks for sharing. I have a feeling we’d get very annoyed by some of these sounds if they were integrated into our game, but it’s a base to work from. You can hear a definite presence in the sounds - you know who’s coming, and there’s business to get down to. They give a real sense of fear to be instilled within respective enemies - something which a fart noise doesn’t really do.
(edited by Ceridwen.6703)
Now when I use my howler, all I can think of is http://usercontent2.hubimg.com/5942725_f520.jpg
It really does sound like a fart rather than a warhorn; please fix it. I too loved the youtube examples, but rather than taking the risk of improving it worse, I believe it would be preferable to just return it to the original sound.
My necro warhorn sounds horrible now. Please, please, please undo this change!
A proud altaholic and cartographer.