Warrior Vs Guardian 'tank'

Warrior Vs Guardian 'tank'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fragment.2793


We all know Guildwars 2 has slightly alleviated the holy trinity, however, when I command (Engineer), players will ask me who the better tank is between Guardian and Warrior.
(In World Vs World Vs World)

So I have made this post to discuss the advantages and disadvantages between Guardian and Warrior tanks, particularly for new players looking to build ‘tank’.
It seems to be a common misconception that Warriors are all round ‘offensive fighters’ whereas the Guardian is a ‘tanky healer’, from my experience, this is not the case.

Here is a small list of what I have found (in my experience):

- Much higher health pool (1.8x as much/nearly double) providing much safer protection from conditions, almost 6x base hp of a guardian when using Rampage
- Better blocks (channeled blocks and defy pain can block unlimited number of attacks)
- More mobility
- More stuns/daze/interrupt/fear/knockback/weakness
- Easy access to stability
- Better self sustain
- Can be made godly with a ‘booner’
- Can’t strip the tankyness from the warrior
- Can heal and attack/control simultaneously
- Can have high hp and armour
- Can instant self resurrect even under focus (good for quickly getting back to tanking)
- Can instant AOE resurrect using an Elite
- Hard to instant kill
- Survivable against siege
- Better at damage mitigation once it hits

- Shouts give high condition removal combined with low cooldown high burst aoe heals
- Banner buffs apply on top of other class buffs/boons and provide good regen

- Still capable of one-shotting glass cannons with rifle offset when full tank

- No way to allow team mates to block attacks
- No area denial lines/circles
- No projectile deflectors
- Lack of sustainable boons for party

- Can apply boons to entire party (including Aegis)
- Can allow the team to block using shield 4 or aegis
- Several projectile deflectors
- Area denial lines/circles that knock down any enemies who cross
- Strong party wide burst heals
- Strong party wide regeneration
- Good condition cleanse
- Can self res quicker when not under focus (good for getting back to healing/supporting your team)
- Can fully restore hp of entire party in one go
- Lower cooldown (Albeit single target) ressurect in a utility
- Good passive support
- Weak against siege
- Better at damage prevention

- Poison greatly decreases the survivability
- Reliant on party for damage
- Cannot have high hp and armour
- Extremely vulnerable to boon stripping
- Can not be improved by bringing a ‘booner’
- Lack of stuns
- Lack of mobility
- Aegis only affects one attack
- Easily ambushed and instant kill (even the thief’s back stab is unaffected by aegis as it does not reveal them)
- Reliant on other players triggering symbols.

- Lack of range

Comparatively the warrior is a much better ‘selfish tank’ capable of taking infinitely larger amounts of damage than a similar Guardian due to the abundance of channelled blocks.
The Guardian is still a reasonable tank in <3v3 battles but will excel by massively improving your party’s efficiency.
Ultimately, warrior has better survivability, guardian is better at improving party survivability.

For those interested in group composition, a good setup would be to have a ‘booner’ off tank guardian with a ‘shouter’ main tank warrior.

As always, I would love to hear the communities thoughts on this matter.

(edited by Fragment.2793)

Warrior Vs Guardian 'tank'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Are you talking about tanking in PvE or playing a tanky build in PvP (i.e. bunker)?

Warrior Vs Guardian 'tank'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taygus.4571


Are you talking about tanking in PvE or playing a tanky build in PvP (i.e. bunker)?

Mostly WvW,
I’m guessing, as he mentioned. “when he’s commanding”.

Warrior Vs Guardian 'tank'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Warrior may be more selfish when building for it but my god can they tank when they set their mind to it. Seriously, a Guardian you at least try to interrupt. A regen Warrior tank is… ugh…

My PU Mesmers is the type of character that can burn down pretty much anything to half HP in seconds but full regen tank Warriors are impossible. All damage you apply to them is instantly recovered. 100% – 90% – 100% – 90% – 100% – 90% that’s how it goes and about as fast as you can say it. 1K+ regen per second or somewhere around there.

I’ve even been in situations where we where two Mesmers on TS fighting one of these Warriors and still it was like trying to punch through his armor with a wet noodle.

That said, I am still fairly certain that Guardian is the best group tank.

Warrior Vs Guardian 'tank'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: God Of Mustard.6354

God Of Mustard.6354

PvP – PVT warriors all the way
PvE – zerk or go home