Warrior Wars 2.
Engineers dont have a speed boost unless traited for using multiple skills in a row, surely not a passive one like that.
I see way more guardians in wvw than warriors. Here lately, I’ve seen way more guardians everywhere I go (leveling 5 characters between 35-75 currently, none of them a guardian, lowest level a warrior)
Lol, with as many buffs as the warriors got, and the constant nerfing of every other class, I was once going to make a thread with this very same title.
+1 to you sir.
However, if you think of it like this. Once A.Net gets warriors to the place THEY want them, they will have a completely balanced class in which to balance every otehr class around. shrug just wait it out, and see what becomes of it.
Engineers dont have a speed boost unless traited for using multiple skills in a row, surely not a passive one like that.
Engineers have 1 passive speed trait (Leg mods), 2 swiftness (Elixir B, Stimulant) and 2 combat speed traits (Infused precision, power boots)..
Engineers are NOT a class lacking in speed buffs.
Contrast to mesmer, which has 1 swiftness (Temporal Curtain)
Garnished Toast
Buy rune of centaur..each time you use your heal…you get10sec of swiftness.
That’s what my mesmer did.
I sometimes play with a party, that is centered around on ewarrior. And whole party is built to buff the damage of that warrior to the max.
No trinity here. Just the holy Warrior and his lowliest servants.
Warrior is going to continue to be buffed guy. They really aren’t that good outside of PvE but it seems like a lot of people don’t understand that because they don’t play it and complain. Likely the same people who complain warriors roll their faces on the keys they’re so easy probably play ranger and practically afk at 1200 range because their best dps is an autoattack
Ok , so all classes get a signet with 25 percent speedboost cept
Mesmer and Guardian??
Warrior has perma swift, fury, might.
Guardian stability shouts last 5 secs and they are supposed to be the boon class.
Should I just make a warrior or will Anet ever balance the classes or will this just continue to be a Warrior, GS Centered Game? Let me know, so I can make the appropriate Main character class choice.
Actually all classes accept Engineer…you should have put that one in there. You see our trait for the run speed only occurs in battle which offsets the slow down affect all classes get when attacked but it doesn’t do a single thing for us when we are moving out of combat, we have to nerf ourselves further by traiting into the line that gives us temp boost to speed for 4 seconds when we equip a kit and spam medkit.
You’ve got it good on guardians you can truck thru things and teleport.
Mesmers can disappear.
Engis are just plain screwed with our “we never know what kind of potion it will be this time” abilities.
Actually all classes accept Engineer…you should have put that one in there. You see our trait for the run speed only occurs in battle
Leg mods? speedy kits?
See my earlier post, the amount of speed buffs engy’s have access to dwarves the number mesmer have. Even guardian do pretty well compared to them
Garnished Toast
Actually all classes accept Engineer…you should have put that one in there. You see our trait for the run speed only occurs in battle
Leg mods? speedy kits?
See my earlier post, the amount of speed buffs engy’s have access to dwarves the number mesmer have. Even guardian do pretty well compared to them
All of ours are bugged right now. I guess I should have put that in there. Leg mods doesn’t really give us a boost. tried it before the last few patches and we really don’t have a noticable run speed difference. The leg mods and power shoes thing really doesn’t do anything for us. I even tried using it in conjunction with one another and doesn’t do anything so no we’re in the same boat. Having an interface with some text that says it does something isn’t a guarantee that it does something. Right now for engis it just looks pretty on paper.
We also have the problem of nerfing ourselves to death by choosing anything but glass cannon traits right now because we are so nerfed we can’t do anything but….and now we have to use the pots to move around with speed boosts like mesmers do. So really we’re in the same boat. (unless you’re talking pvp and someone is a tanky support build which then gives engis the freedom to do that) but in pve soloing, might as well suck it up. I personally have the build for flame thrower so i can kill things as quickly as possible right now i’m stuck using a pot to move around.
I can understand the frustration tho. We shouldn’t have to trait for faster speed. The classes that have faster run speed all do it with magical elf signets that make them suddenly move faster somehow. So yeah it’s amazingly annoying to engis too that they can do this and we can’t even tho we have the technology.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
Warrior is widely considered one of the weakest classes in sPvP.
Also, dodging War’s HB combo is basically part of the tutorial of GW2 pvp, as it’s the easiest to avoid and most basic form of spike there is.
Sorry to be that guy OP but it’s a L2P issue, GS Warriors are easy to beat.
Ok , so all classes get a signet with 25 percent speedboost cept
Mesmer and Guardian??
Warrior has perma swift, fury, might.
Guardian stability shouts last 5 secs and they are supposed to be the boon class.
Should I just make a warrior or will Anet ever balance the classes or will this just continue to be a Warrior, GS Centered Game? Let me know, so I can make the appropriate Main character class choice.
true that warriors have perma swift fury and might but….
I also have a guardian with perma protection vigor and retaliation so there is your balance.
The only difference is the guardian has to be in combat to get perma boons the warrior does not.
Also guardians do have access to perma swiftness if you build for extra boon duration. (staff)
Warrior is going to continue to be buffed guy. They really aren’t that good outside of PvE but it seems like a lot of people don’t understand that because they don’t play it and complain. Likely the same people who complain warriors roll their faces on the keys they’re so easy probably play ranger and practically afk at 1200 range because their best dps is an autoattack
This is pretty accurate I feel.
Almost always the big complaint about warriors is the hundred blades trick. Really hundred blades works best on two groups, newbs/noobs and those not paying attention. Otherwise its a simple combo to get out of, stun break then dodge. Before people start complaining “I shouldn’t have to have a stun break on to pvp”, the answer is yes you do unless you want combos such as this to be effective and warriors aren’t the only class that stun breaks help against.
For PvE, yes warriors are pretty good, and they do shine a lot while in a party that supports it but so does any damage dealing build. That is kind of the point of being a support role, help give those that are dealing damage function better. The only big difference is warriors have more room for error due to the high toughness and hp. Yes warriors are an easy class to start with, no deep mechanics are used, but this also means they are kind of bland at higher skill levels.
Finally I’m sick of this x class is op bs that keeps appearing over and over. So far my list includes mesmers, thieves, warriors, and guardians regularly, and occasionally elementalists, and rangers. Sounds like most the game is kind of balanced and that its mostly petty people who get beat by one class constantly or haven’t learned theirs enough yet. Yes some tweaks need to be made for balance, but give it all up already.