Was I right to report this person?
It’s basically saying “don’t report people just because you don’t like them”, or “don’t make a false report about people”, or stuff like that. Reporting a gold seller via the mail interface is not only acceptable, but highly encouraged.
Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye
Thanks for the quick reply :-)
I think that the in-game warning message could perhaps be made a little clearer. Regarding the subject at hand, suffice to say my money is quite safe ;-)
If someone breaks the rules, report them, always. Don’t hesitate.
Community Coordinator
Indeed, you did the right action by reporting this user. As Corian said, this message is just to prevent in case of someone abusing this system without reason, so you have nothing to fear.
Thank you for your help & support!