Was a failsafe added for some events?

Was a failsafe added for some events?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I apologize if this isn’t in the right forum. Not sure where the right place for this would be otherwise.

I had an experience last night where a broken event seemed to “fix itself” or “reset itself.”

There’s an escort mission in Malchors Leap where you’re bringing 10 troops from point A to point B. It got stuck and all the troops were just standing there in a huddle. I reported a bug for it, and moved on. I’d killed a few enemies in the area while I was there.

About a minute after walking away I got a bronze award for completing the escort event, but it had just been totally bugged out when I was there. AFAIK it was nowhere near its normal completion point either.

Have some events received a failsafe timer of sorts? I know there are a couple other broken events in the surrounding zones that are just broken with no resetting.

Was a failsafe added for some events?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


sometimes events that bug out can be fixed by players with a little effort.

During the grenth event the keeper dude decided he hated the NPC dog nearby and started to shoot it, preventing him from moving on. Unfortunately the dog was inside the shielding, and thus couldnt die from the keeper. And as a friendly NPC we couldnt kill it via traditional means.

Solution? Drag a bunch of monsters onto the edge of the shield. The dog rushes out to attack them, and then died. Event then proceeded as normal.

It’s possible that those NPC’s of yours got killed in some fashion, and then revived, fixing whatever was the issue. That would have been my first try at de-bugging the event.

Was a failsafe added for some events?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


I think there are some events that are programmed to never fail, and definitely most(all?) of the skill point challenges are basically impossible to fail.

I was doing the event for the Balthazar (? I think) karma vendor guy, and we players were not doing well at all, looked like it would fail. But then poof, he went from about 80% to dead instantly and we all got our gold stars (and access to the vendor).

So yeah, there’s things you can try, but I think some have a pre-determined ending, sorta like your story quests sometimes did.