Watchwork Pick vs. Other Endless Tools
Other tools do not have an unlisted effect. The Watchwork Miningpick is the only one, and yes the proc is significant.
From my last couple of farm runs I’d have to estimate the chance in the regions of 30% per swing. Doing an Orr run this thing is easily an extra 50-60s in my pocket.
This gather tool was believed to be an attempt to introduce some pay to win, as it clearly is the single best mining tool and only available for gems. It is believed more such tools were planned, but this one was simply put out to test the waters.
The result was a big backlash at the time and the tools that followed did not have a special bonus proc. However so many people probably already bought one that nerfing it would result in, understandably, quite a backlash of it’s own as well. After all it’s clearly advertised how it works, and people would have a good argument to get a refund.
So arenanet left it, and to this day it’s still an anomaly and let’s hope it stays that way. Of course this means that it’s very unfavorable to buy any of the other pickaxe’s. And arenanet on several occasions put up the permanent gathering tools, but not at the same time.
So Tuesday you could buy the Bone pick, and people did. And then Wednesday the infinitely better watchwork pick was up for the same price.
I remember when the watchwork pick was first released, people were quite upset at the marginal “pay to win” of the item. There hasn’t been any other mining tool released that copied the watchwork. Why it’s the same price, I have no idea.
My guess is this was Anet testing to see the community’s reaction on releasing event-related crafting materials via gemstore items. After it got bad rep, they didn’t do it again. -shrug-
But that’s just a theory. Meh.
It has been discussed many times before , but where the thread(s) are now—-who knows.
And don’t forget to add the sprocket node to your home instance as well. Mine a sprocket node with a watchwork pick—nice.
Going to get some for my alts too.
Already has been mentioned several times:
Watchwork Pick is superior fo all other tools, theres no reason to buy another one, except you want one skin really bad and are willing to sacrifice a nice bunch of extra gold.
Splitt the gathering tools into three parts:
- Standard endless tool (standard pick-skin)
- Skin (Molten Alliance, Bone, ..)
- Effect (watchwork Sprockets, Azurite, ..)
The Skin and effect should be selectable like a finisher.
Then sell the single parts and some bundles as well.
In this way ppl who already have a tool could still buy skins and effects instead of nothing, because they would have an unused tool.
And now ANet gief me already my Hobo-Sprocket-Tron-Tool!
Alright, thanks.
Would it be worthwhile to save up and buy a Watchwork Pick, when I already have the Molten? Having trouble deciding
Alright, thanks.
Would it be worthwhile to save up and buy a Watchwork Pick, when I already have the Molten? Having trouble deciding
Well that depends on how you play. I plan to eventually have a full set of endless tools on every character so it would definitely be yes for me but if you play just one character then it’s a tougher decision. Also depends on how often you go out and mine all the time. It’s a nice bonus but not anything amazing. I just sold a stack of sprockets yesterday. That was around 7g. There are plenty of other things I could have done in the same time period to get around the same amount of gold.