What frustrates me so often when ‘end game’ in guild wars 2 is discovered is the number of people who moan about its lack but fail to say what they actually want to see implemented. When the topic then turns to raising they shout “I need said raid, your putting words in my mouth!!!”. I think if your not satisfied with what gw2 offers at lvl 80 and wish to complain about it then at least tell us all what you want instead! Please don’t use terms like ‘competitive pve’ though please, that’s stupid, if you want to be competitive at something then why not do wvw or spvp? Pve shouldn’t be about being better than others it should be about working with others.
A few people have come out and straight up said they want raiding and would be happy just to have raiding without gear tiers. I wouldn’t have an issue with this really. When they first started talking about the world events before release I envisioned something like dragon raids and master levels from dark age of Camelot, requiring a large number of people to work together with a decent level of coordination. This unfortunately didn’t happen and we ended up with no pve content that required coordination out side of dungeons. Guild missions have now been added and I personally enjoy them but many don’t so still feel the game needs raiding to fill that large scale pve void.
Adding some form of raiding, whether instanced or open world, without any reward that can’t be obtained without raiding would in theory appease everyone. However; how long do we actually think that would last? It would be mere minutes before people started saying raiding should give rewards that can’t be obtained elsewhere because its harder content etc. Yet this goes against what arenanet are trying to achieve. The next issue would then be how long would that content last without gear gating? Hopefully we all realise the real reason for raiding games excessive gear grind is to drag content out. They could potentially use infusions and an agony resistance style mechanic to work around this but I’m sure that would cause up roar as well.
Ultimately anet are kitten ed if they do and kitten ed if they don’t. We aren’t likely to see any form of raiding in gw2 before an expansion if even then so why keep calling for it? This game offers dungeons, crafting, exploration, jumping puzzles, guild missions, living story, world event farming, world vs world, spvp/tpvp, mini games and a system that makes it incredibly easy to lvl and gear alts. If that currently isn’t offering you something to keep you entertained then, and I really hate to use this phrase, go play something else. Thanks to the gw2 business model your not tied here by a subscription, you can play a different game and keep an eye out to see if gw2 adds what your looking for. Even better you can play another game as well as gw2 if you have the time for that.
I am entertained enough by gw2 that I don’t miss raiding but if I really did I think id just go play something that offered me that. I wouldn’t waste my time complaining about the fact it’s not available in a game where the developers have shown no inclination of adding it.