We need a 2nd Unofficial RP Server
For what it’s worth, we have a guild started on Yak’s Bend that is RP. There really doesn’t seem to be a huge following, but we’re trying! I’m pretty sure most servers do have little pockets of rp’ers though. You may be able to find something by posting in the guild forums.
I agree 100%. Either we make a second server for a second population of rp players. Or that tarnished coast players need to migrate to a low population server so that more people can transfer to play with them.
Tarnish co’s population is being filled with many non RP players. If you look at tarnished coast’s world vs. world ranking, you’ll see that many players transfer to tarnish coast to be on a high ranked world vs. world server.
Just what we need. Our RP servers split even further to not have anyone to RP with. Keep trying to get on TC. A few days ago our server was ‘very heavy’ at around 5pm eastern time. Its not always full… keep trying.
i have to admit, the balancing act is a very strange one on TC. we’re the NA unofficial RP server, but we’re also pretty highly ranked in WvW. i’m one of the people who enjoy doing both, and to be honest, i wish there was more. those who just focus on one tend to do so at the expense of the other. having people transfer in who don’t RP (or, even worse, have the mindset that RPers suck at the combat portion of the game, and thus look down on them) make it quite a bit tougher on RPers. and conversely, RPers who avoid WvW entirely (or even worse, go in to RP in just the citadel, taking a spot in the queue away from someone who would actually be involved in the attacks/defenses) makes things quite a bit tougher on those in WvW. if the balance end up shifting too far in either direction, the other side will just end up moving to a different server. the way to keep that balance is to shift everything more toward the center. encourage people to do both. show them how enjoyable the other side of the coin can be, and the issues will work themselves out.
No I don’t want to keep trying to get in, instead I want to join a rp server and that isn’t full all the time.Let’s Migrate to a lower population server or start a new second server.
Right now the problem is pretty obvious that tarnish coast is full and people are having too much trouble getting in. Telling them they should wait until 4:00 AM in the morning is unreasonable because even at that time you’re not guaranteed a spot due to the server being always full. In addition, if we keep barely squeezing people in, it’s inevitable that the servers population situation will get worse and worse until no one can get in any more.
I think certain guilds on tarnish coast’s should consider moving to a new server and declare that server a alternative rp server to kick start the creation of a second RP server.
I know some people are hesitant to leave tarnish coast, but don’t you want some new blood in the rp scene? There are flocks of rp players for scattered outside of tarnish coast unable to get in, but would jump two A second RP server if one was declared and also organized such that there was a large enough starting population to sustain the growth of rp on that server.
Although I don’t expect everyone to be generous enough to move off of tarnish coast to this second rp server, I do hope that at least a large enough proportion of players migrate in order to successfully kick start this new RP server.
Let’s just take a moment to stop thinking about how great tarnished coast is and how happy we are to be on it, and think about all the great RP players and potential interests who aren’t on tarnish coast. These guys are scattered among the servers, but they could be organized in rallied to a even bigger rp server if we all migrate to A low population server with enough room to accommodate all these new players.
And finally think of this.: If you migrates to a lower population server, that means the proportion of rp players to non RP players will be even higher than that on tarnished coast. Because tarnish coast is filled with many non rp players. This new server could be more of a RP paradise., Where you don’t get strange looks from non RP players or are rudely interrupted during the middle of a RP session.
What I’d like is to not have my guild’s influence wasted on a full-guild server transfer.
I’m sorry you can’t get in, but we RP guilds are fairly entrenched here on TC. It’s no more reasonable for us to move than it is to tell you to simply be patient and keep trying.
Besides, “unofficial” is the key word here. There is nothing official slating TC as an RP server. So, if you can round up enough people behind you, you can just as easily start an RP population on a different server, just as the OP is trying to do.
I’m probably going to catch flack for saying this, but I certainly wouldn’t mind TC’s population splitting into two servers: one for players who just enjoy role-playing as if their character is part of the game’s world, and one for players who would probably be more happy being actors on Broadway.
Really not trying to be offensive.. just (as a long-time MMO fan) very sad that the former type has become such a rarity on RP servers. It’s so rare to find people who don’t care about rolling without a preconceived script. And if that describes you, OP, take comfort in the fact that you’re not missing much.
Was fortunate enough to have an absolute blast with a fellow Asura and a broken keep door a couple months back, though.
I’m more of lacking a preconceived script lately. My main portion of the back-stories of my toons just finally run their course.
Yet I just left the game for a long time because of non rpers taking over TC and trashing role players in all chat channels including /map and attempting to ruin our reputation as players overall (saying we are not good players PvE or pvp or wvw wise. and only people that play “house”, or worse things). I just got attacked in map chat earlier today for something that occurred one month ago that is now perceived as more erotic role play when it was just a revenge plot attempted on another player by my Yumiko character with crude humor involved because she lost a drinking game and embarrassed herself (by getting drunk first and losing). It was a simple planned laxative/diuretic put in beer (or another alcoholic drink) prank TO ANOTHER CHARACTER NOT HERSELF.
So now everyone is thinking I’m some erotic freak that has problems containing himself on his female characters because of how things played out or were perceived. They do not know me nor my RP style and their Role Played personalities.
If I do do that sort of thing that was suggested, its no one business and its kept in private rps (parties and instances with select people that do want to roleplay that way) even so. Furthermore, I do not force anything on anyone for them to RP a certain way. Yet nonetheless I can’t go back and I may seek a new server when I come back to GW 2 on a new rig.
If a new RP server does form I’ll gladly transfer and ask my closest RP friends to join with.
(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)
I’m more of lacking a preconceived script lately. My main portion of the back-stories of my toons just finally run their course.
Yet I just left the game for a long time because of non rpers taking over TC and trashing role players in all chat channels including /map and attempting to ruin our reputation as players overall. I just got attacked in map chat earlier today for something that occurred one month ago that is now perceived as more erotic role play when it was just a revenge plot attempted on another player by my Yumiko character with crude humor involved because she lost a drinking game and embarrassed herself. It was simple planned laxative/diuretic in beer (or another alcoholic drink) prank.
So now everyone is thinking I’m some erotic freak that has problems containing himself on his female characters because of how things played out or were. They do not know me nor my RP style and their Role Played personalities.
If I do do that sort of thing, its no one business and its kept in private rps (parties and instances) even so. Furthermore, I do not force anything on anyone for them to RP a certain way. Yet nonetheless I can’t go back and I may seek a new server when I come back to GW 2 on a new rig.
If a new RP server does form I’ll gladly transfer and ask my closest RP friends to join with.
um……. you do realize that there’s such a thing as too much information, right? your character getting diarrhea has absolutely zero relevance to the conversation at hand. you complain about someone else ruining your reputation, but you’re here publicly doing it to yourself. and you’re embarrassing roleplayers as a whole by extension. if you had left out pretty much everything after the word “overall” it would have been fine. but you didn’t. cause and effect are very real things. now, you can expect your reputation to suffer even further damage, far more than may have already been done already, and people to treat you accordingly. if you have sharks swimming around you, only an absolute moron would pour barbeque sauce on their head and say “come and get it!” which you have effectively done.
if you stop publicly humiliating yourself, you will find that you have far fewer problems overall. memories tend to fade, focus shifts, life goes on. if you keep making a fool of yourself, through OOC means no less, then people will have to focus on you, and will point and laugh accordingly.
seriously. give it a try.
On the other hand I think certain players are elitists when it comes to RP on tarnished coast. It’s like a abide by some unofficial rules of rp, if there is such a thing, and turn their nose at anyone who is simply trying to have some casual fun with rp.
That’s the main reason I transferred off of tarnish coast, after seeing that I really wasn’t missing a much. I tried to rp a few times, but the response I got was along the lines of " why are you here taking up space if you arent serious about rp?" Or " this guy is a RP newb and we don’t need him around here."
For example one time in divinity reach, I was rp as a human telling the Char to go back to their homes because there are too violent. But another RP guy preceded to tell me that he was putting me on ignore. This gave me the impression that rp players take themselves away too seriously. Either that or maybe they are just too shy and are defensive socially.
This type of atmosphere suppresses spontaneous rp with strangers and new players. The only rp that happens happens in guild and party chat and are not inclusive to outsiders. I’m sure the spontaneous RP that I refer to still happens, but it is a rare occasion that I would like to see more of. During my time on tarnished coast, my impression of the happy go lucky rp player who is nice to everyone wkittentered. Instead I met a lot of players who came off as antisocial basement dwellers who sought refuge in a online world.
What you have left is a very stagnant rp community without any new blood to expand upon, because they are intimidated.
Maybe the best thing that could happen is a second rp server with the reputation of being more casual friendly and inclusive of people who are just starting out to RP. On this server there are no elitist rp guild’s who would frown upon you if you don’t use perfect grammar and spelling. On the server the rp players have a more encompassing attitude when it comes to humor.
(edited by gwawer.9805)
In my PoV every single world is a RP place, you have to remember in the map the only thing you can do is kill NPCs aka PvE.
I’m more of lacking a preconceived script lately. My main portion of the back-stories of my toons just finally run their course.
Yet I just left the game for a long time because of non rpers taking over TC and trashing role players in all chat channels including /map and attempting to ruin our reputation as players overall (saying we are not good players PvE or pvp or wvw wise. and only people that play “house”.) I just got attacked in map chat earlier today for something that occurred one month ago that is now perceived as more erotic role play when it was just a revenge plot attempted on another player by my Yumiko character with crude humor involved because she lost a drinking game and embarrassed herself ((by getting drunk first)). It was a simple planned laxative/diuretic in beer (or another alcoholic drink) prank TO ANOTHER CHARACTER NOT HERSELF.
So now everyone is thinking I’m some erotic freak that has problems containing himself on his female characters because of how things played out or were. They do not know me nor my RP style and their Role Played personalities.
If I do do that sort of thing, its no one business and its kept in private rps (parties and instances) even so. Furthermore, I do not force anything on anyone for them to RP a certain way. Yet nonetheless I can’t go back and I may seek a new server when I come back to GW 2 on a new rig.
If a new RP server does form I’ll gladly transfer and ask my closest RP friends to join with.
um……. you do realize that there’s such a thing as too much information, right? your character getting diarrhea has absolutely zero relevance to the conversation at hand. you complain about someone else ruining your reputation, but you’re here publicly doing it to yourself. and you’re embarrassing roleplayers as a whole by extension. if you had left out pretty much everything after the word “overall” it would have been fine. but you didn’t. cause and effect are very real things. now, you can expect your reputation to suffer even further damage, far more than may have already been done already, and people to treat you accordingly. if you have sharks swimming around you, only an absolute moron would pour barbeque sauce on their head and say “come and get it!” which you have effectively done.
if you stop publicly humiliating yourself, you will find that you have far fewer problems overall. memories tend to fade, focus shifts, life goes on. if you keep making a fool of yourself, through OOC means no less, then people will have to focus on you, and will point and laugh accordingly.
seriously. give it a try.
You misread me you fool. I never said myself was getting “runs”. My character at that time wanted to force another character to do so out of revenge . So you need to learn basic English comprehension not me!
(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)
So now everyone is thinking I’m some erotic freak that has problems containing himself on his female characters because of how things played out or were perceived. They do not know me nor my RP style and their Role Played personalities.
If I do do that sort of thing that was suggested, its no one business and its kept in private rps (parties and instances with select people that do want to roleplay that way) even so. Furthermore, I do not force anything on anyone for them to RP a certain way. Yet nonetheless I can’t go back and I may seek a new server when I come back to GW 2 on a new rig.
If a new RP server does form I’ll gladly transfer and ask my closest RP friends to join with.
This reminds me of those people who like to stand in the middle of a very populated area and roleplay extremely embarrassing events. I really don’t understand it. At that point I figure that since they’re in public, I can sit there and watch them for amusement…
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!
What I’d like is to not have my guild’s influence wasted on a full-guild server transfer.
I’m sorry you can’t get in, but we RP guilds are fairly entrenched here on TC. It’s no more reasonable for us to move than it is to tell you to simply be patient and keep trying.
Besides, “unofficial” is the key word here. There is nothing official slating TC as an RP server. So, if you can round up enough people behind you, you can just as easily start an RP population on a different server, just as the OP is trying to do.
My intention was not to demand that Tarnished Coast people move to another server, or anything like that.
but rather, for those of us who cannot get on Tarnished Coast and are spread out on other servers, to band together on a secondary server, rather than banging our heads on the “Server Is Full” wall repeatedly.
how about Dragonband as the second…….. cuz i live there
I’m probably going to catch flack for saying this, but I certainly wouldn’t mind TC’s population splitting into two servers: one for players who just enjoy role-playing as if their character is part of the game’s world, and one for players who would probably be more happy being actors on Broadway.
Really not trying to be offensive.. just (as a long-time MMO fan) very sad that the former type has become such a rarity on RP servers. It’s so rare to find people who don’t care about rolling without a preconceived script. And if that describes you, OP, take comfort in the fact that you’re not missing much.
Was fortunate enough to have an absolute blast with a fellow Asura and a broken keep door a couple months back, though.
I’m a more casual RPer I’d say. I don’t just sit in a tavern and “RP”. thats not my thing. but if you approach me while I am out doing quests and such in a game, and you approach me In-Character, I’ll respond in kind.
Just what we need. Our RP servers split even further to not have anyone to RP with. Keep trying to get on TC. A few days ago our server was ‘very heavy’ at around 5pm eastern time. Its not always full… keep trying.
We can’t get on Tarnished Coast. So we don’t affect whether you have people to RP with or not. If those of us not on TC get together on another server, it won’t “split” your RP Population that we do not have access to.
That said, is there even enough non TC RPers to gather on another server, to begin with?
What I’d like is to not have my guild’s influence wasted on a full-guild server transfer.
I’m sorry you can’t get in, but we RP guilds are fairly entrenched here on TC. It’s no more reasonable for us to move than it is to tell you to simply be patient and keep trying.
Besides, “unofficial” is the key word here. There is nothing official slating TC as an RP server. So, if you can round up enough people behind you, you can just as easily start an RP population on a different server, just as the OP is trying to do.
At this point, its highly illogical to ask RP guilds to move lock, stock & barrel when they have a good thing going on TC. I see RP all over the place now. Especially in DR . If the game ever initiates player housing and guild halls…the neighborhoods of DR will come to life.
Might as well start the 2nd un-official NA RP Server and start filling it if you can’t /won’t keep trying to get into TC.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
It pretty much comes down to this: There are clearly a lot of people that want to RP that aren’t on TC and want to be. So we must start a second RP server. All we really need to do is point to one, and people will come.
I for one would be willing to go to any NA server that had roleplayers, no matter what its standing in WvW. All we must do is agree on an open server, and the rest will come naturally, right?
Or just ask ANet to raise the limits, since we’re NOT all flooding into LA and are spread out; also keep an eye on the 2RP thread for when the server is open; possibly jump to Piken Square in the meantime so you are around roleplayers, and then jump in to TC when it opens.
A lot of roleplayers on TC are competitive in WvW and PvE as well, so it’s not like it’s an either/or thing. We’re just active in a lot of aspects of the game, and it shows.
Tarnished Coast
If I’m not mistaken, sometime around the BWEs Stormbluff Isle was declared the unofficial “overflow server” for RPers if TC filled up, but it seems to have been forgotten about. Maybe we should just go back to that plan.
Tarnished Coast
Stormbluff Isle is top-tier for WvW, if I’m not mistaken. So the main goal of many on SBI is WvW, not RP. Not to mention, for the same reason, SBI is as full as TC, and probably is even less likely to open up.
Refresh the server on WvW reset, I transfered off TC first to Yak’s Bend, then Fort Aspenwood for world map completion. After refreshing for 10 mins on Fri night after reset, TC was available again. Did this last friday.
Patience young padawan,
ps, the grass is greener on the TC side
I honestly don’t see why people can’t just create a new unofficial US RP server. It’s not like ANet mandated from on high that TC was going to be the US RP server, after all. All you need is a RP-friendly guild or two, and some publicity. I believe there’s a website (“www.guildwars2roleplay.com” or something like that) which is kind of the hub for roleplayers. Maybe go there and see if there’s any RP guilds operating on other servers, and try to consolidate them onto a single server. Mind you, if the guild is already a long-established one, they probably won’t want to move as it would mean losing out on all of the upgrades they’ve already researched on that server.
I honestly don’t see why people can’t just create a new unofficial US RP server. It’s not like ANet mandated from on high that TC was going to be the US RP server, after all.
All you need is a RP-friendly guild or two, and some publicity. I believe there’s a website (“www.guildwars2roleplay.com” or something like that) which is kind of the hub for roleplayers. Maybe go there and see if there’s any RP guilds operating on other servers, and try to consolidate them onto a single server. Mind you, if the guild is already a long-established one, they probably won’t want to move as it would mean losing out on all of the upgrades they’ve already researched on that server.
Ive tried all the top wvw servers and a few of the not so popular servers. T1 servers community wasnt for me, felt like I was in a counterstrike chat room. The low population servers… well nobody to talk too. I waited a few weeks to get on TC and loving it.
It would be great if Anet showed some leadership, and just put an RP tag on a few servers to help facilitate this a bit. Really, how hard would that be, and the players will do the rest of the work.