We need black tags

We need black tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadyKitty.6120


So, we now got the catmander tags, which Kitty was very positively surprised ago as now she can be the lady Kittymander. But, Kitty happens to be a denizen of darkness and thus she likes color black and since she has a habit of dyeing her gears with midnight ice, she can’t really find a tag color that matches her gears well. Which saddens her greatly. Even red tag kinda clashes with the burgundy details with its brightness.

So, since we have nine of both tags already available, adding black to both tag sets would make it round ten, which would also look good GUI-wise (add extra column to the right). And it would fit Kitty’s cute little asura so well ^^


(edited by LadyKitty.6120)

We need black tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


Wtf is that creepy thing.

We need black tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


The issue with black tags is that they’re very difficult to see. Tags are not an accessory.

We need black tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Faaris.8013


The issue with black tags is that they’re very difficult to see. Tags are not an accessory.

The white tag in winter zones is also very hard to see, but it exists. A black tag should be quite visible on all backgrounds except dark ones.

Herleve – Ruins of Surmia

We need black tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


The issue with black tags is that they’re very difficult to see. Tags are not an accessory.

The white tag in winter zones is also very hard to see, but it exists. A black tag should be quite visible on all backgrounds except dark ones.

Yes, that white tag is an issue too. Just because it currently exists doesn’t mean that more difficult to see colors should be added.

We need black tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


Wtf is that creepy thing.

Its just an asura

We need black tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: akenoyuki.8210


What about… using white border?
The color is black but with addition white colored border around it.
vice versa for the white tag, give it black colored border around it.

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We need black tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wulfbane.4679


Wtf is that creepy thing.

it looks like the mini Gorseval the Multifarious from the Spirit Vale raid wing

after all these years this is my 1st post….do I get a cookie