We need more Aura-Accessories.
Ive not even heard of this bee item. What does it do?
from wiki:
Grants an aura of bees and a golden honeycomb trail when equipped.
It also displays a honey-like splash when the character dies from falling damage.
small picture here
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
I’ve also seen very few people running around with it… To be honest I have to this day not seen a single person running around with it, except for myself, and seeing how there were only ten available from the TP last time I checked, I don’t think it is very well known.
It is by the way a very rare loot from the Vinewrath end chest.
I think I already said that in my original post… shrug
How sad knowing a lot of these pieces the first few times they were looted just got vendored or sold on the tp for a couple of gold… and then people noticed, lol.
I think more of these would be neat, but hopefully just a light touch. PartIcles are aalready nuts here!
Screenshot request: someone in lumi gear, ambrite weapons, queen bee and orange poly jewels please! That sounds interesting!
“Walk with the pack. In the eyes of Wolf, we are all brothers and sisters.”
Screenshot request: someone in lumi gear, ambrite weapons, queen bee and orange poly jewels please! That sounds interesting!
Give me a few days, I think I can do this. Just need to finish my lumi coat.
So, after I finally got lucky with my Coat Boxes yesterday, got two in two runs
First two are with the Orange Refractor, plus 2x Ambrite axe (I only got axes and shield, and sadly, my poor little ranger girl cannot use shields…), complete luminescent armor with flame-dye (which looks a lot darker in the preview window sadly) and of course the preserved bee queen.
In order to compare the two, another screenshot with the same armor, just without the Refractor.
I like the idea of the aura items, but I’d prefer them to be infusions, so that they arent bound to stats and exotic trinkets.
So, after I finally got lucky with my Coat Boxes yesterday, got two in two runs
First two are with the Orange Refractor, plus 2x Ambrite axe (I only got axes and shield, and sadly, my poor little ranger girl cannot use shields…), complete luminescent armor with flame-dye (which looks a lot darker in the preview window sadly) and of course the preserved bee queen.
In order to compare the two, another screenshot with the same armor, just without the Refractor.
haha very awesome!!!
“Walk with the pack. In the eyes of Wolf, we are all brothers and sisters.”
We need more Aura-Accessories
Awesome! I’m glad you like flashy effects! But they aren’t for everyone. I would love it if they made some Legendaries without all the Las Vegas glitter and lights. It would finally give me something to shoot for post level 80.
Auras and other Particle Effects cause screen clutter, making opponents hard to see (therefore hard to dodge/react to). The more screen clutter, the more lag. They take away my mini pet when it gets crowded… now take away the real frame-rate eaters! And let’s face it; not everybody likes auras and footprints and swooshes on their gear due to simple aesthetic preferences.
We need check-boxes in our OPTIONS to be able to turn off auras and other particle effects for ourselves.
Checkboxes to hide:
- Auras
- Footprints
- Swooshes
- Spell Effects from:
- All Other Players
- All Players Outside Your Party
- All Players Outside Your Guild
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
The argument with the checkboxes is indeed very true. I don’t have a problem with most legendary weapon effects (I would prefer not to see everyones Twilight and Sunrise make gigantic swirls of… sky… in front of my eyes) or all the weird stuff that is going on when using Moot, but the more “easy on the eyes”-effects, like the Juggernaut, the Flameseeker, Rodgort, or Howler, I’m really fond of. Footprints aren’t a problem either.
But I can see these things annoying other players, especially if your PC is not the greatest. A very deep level of costumization, as stated by hamfast, where you can toggle certain effects, like footprints, “on body effects” like the Juggernauts or Rodgorts, Projectile Effects as seen with the legendary pistol and the Dreamer, Auras, Swooshes, etc. etc. what is still to come would be very much appreciated.
The argument about the Aura Items being Infusions: I am not sure. Of course, it would be great, as a) the items would be account bound (I’m glad I realised I could put the refractor on my Karka Shell Accessoire, which is an Acc Bound exotic). My concern was that not every player would be able to get ascended gear, but seeing how easily laurels are obtained now, and how getting ascended trinkets from the LS Achievements is relatively easy, that actually wouldn’t be too much of a problem. Just make us able to choose whether we want the Aura-Item to be Offensive or Defensive.
I say yes to more Aura-Items, will all kinds of effects and colours, so everybody can be happy. Swarms of bees are awesome, fire is awesome, colours are awesome, smoke is awesome, a Mist Form Effect would be awesome, and for those who like comic relief (to be honest, I hate the designs of the legendary pistol and the Dreamer…) even confetti or something.
Just don’t make them drop all over the place, have them bound to certain areas and bosses and make them as rare as they are now.
These things need to be more common, the current drop rates are stupidly low.
We’ve got enough stuff only the robber barons can afford, thank you.
…I wouldn’t agree to have them drop more. Sure, now the bee queen is at around 1000g on the tp, but all new items are expensive shortly after they are introduced, just think about Eternal Sands. The first ones were very expensive, 500+g, and now, they are at, what, 15-20g? Same with the refractors. The first ones were also at 1000g, now the black one is at 650 (of course that one is more expensive, as black is way more loved by the playerbase than orange and green), while green and orange are at around 300. Now 300 isn’t that much of a sum. Just do some farming, sell ectos, do your arbitrary ascended material every day and 300g is not out of reach, and 600 isn’t either. It just needs dedication.
Ascended and Legendary weapons need dedication. Ambrite weapons need dedication. Doing the Luminescent Armor Collection needs dedication.
These things are long term goals. Maybe you get lucky once in a while and get one of them, so you don’t need to farm, i.e. a precursor drop, but most of the time you’ll have to invest a lot of time in order to get the item you want.
We need more Aura-Accessories
Awesome! I’m glad you like flashy effects! But they aren’t for everyone. I would love it if they made some Legendaries without all the Las Vegas glitter and lights. It would finally give me something to shoot for post level 80.
Auras and other Particle Effects cause screen clutter, making opponents hard to see (therefore hard to dodge/react to). The more screen clutter, the more lag. They take away my mini pet when it gets crowded… now take away the real frame-rate eaters! And let’s face it; not everybody likes auras and footprints and swooshes on their gear due to simple aesthetic preferences.
We need check-boxes in our OPTIONS to be able to turn off auras and other particle effects for ourselves.
Checkboxes to hide:
- Auras
- Footprints
- Swooshes
- Spell Effects from:
- All Other Players
- All Players Outside Your Party
- All Players Outside Your Guild
In PvP and WvW you only see those effects on ally players not enemies for that very reason. Imagine a thief trying to stealth only to leave a footprint trail behind :p