We want to play together and in a correct way
I am posting not only in my name but in name of my guild members.
We are sad to see our long time mmo’s friends leaving to other games with good reasons and from time to time we bring them back to play together only to see others leaving again.
What makes even sadder is, they like this game and more than that they like and want to play with us, but sometimes we can’t give them reason to keep playing with us and we agree why they choose to leave.
History of us
We are a guild with over 9 years mixed with casual and hardcore players that the most important of everything is to play together.
We have been playing almost every MMO some longer than other but as long as we had fun we stayed and had fun.
Even with a mixture of casual and hardcore we was able to clear most contents in every game we played, we trade the easy and faster way for harder challenges but with our friends and people we enjoy to play with.
In Guild Wars everybody done all content, some didn’t achieved all PVP titles.
In WoW we cleared content from Vanilla to Cataclysm including a 25mans Lich King in HM.
In Rift we did 90% of the raid bosses …
We did this slowly with HUGE challenges but without putting any friends in the bench, we teached, helped and had the patient enough to play together, and if we had to gear them better we did, LOOT have been always only a bonus never a reason to play.
Guild Wars 2
In did the best game we played in all aspects of the game.
Puzzles are incredible, Dungeons well design, WvWvW so mutch fun and even SPVP is fair and fun, but….. People are leaving, why?Are they not good enough? Is the game not good enough?
We all think the reasons bellow are things that most people agree , we are not presenting the solutions(we will in another post), but ANET must do something about it.
Dungeons and Fractals(lvl20+)
Too frustrating and difficult to do it in the right way.
We don’t want to go straight to the last boss because other bosses and “trash” are too hard or undoable.
Kill bosses using exploits because they are not possible to do otherwise, or having a party in top of a boss is not a tactic.
Using certain classes to make it easy to do (using exploits) thiefs or mesmers are the most commons, we understand that a balance of classes is important but having the need of ONE class to kill a boss?
We also don’t want to do speed clears, we respect who want to, but we want to be able to kill everything.
We also want to be able to do them with at least 1 casual player to show them the instance and have fun with us.
I can’t believe that ANET Agree with any of this but in the end that what most people do.
Guild Missions
This is supposed to be for all guilds not for 100 hundred active members’ guilds.
Once again you penalized small guilds that usually have stronger communities, and gave a bonus to BIG guilds.
We understand that being a small guild things will be harder we will die more we will take longer to achiev what other can achiev in one day and we are ok with that, but we can’t agree that because of that we will not be able to do them at all.
You want guild to make alliances? But the Allies will not earn anything?
We will have to play with people that don’t play like we want? (HAVE TO)?
Aren’t people supposed to have fun? Why we have to do things in 15mins??
You really think that is fun to have 15 players tracking all the bosses before activating the guild mission?? Is not a lot fun to have one hour and go and track them and die and go again????
We still believe in ANET and we can still bring all of our friends back , but please ANET stop giving bonus to the players that don’t play this game as it is supposed to be played and give penalty’s to the ones that only want to have fun and play the game.
You could easily had 10times more players of all types playing this game, but you keep sending people away, and you forget that 90% of them don’t even bother to make a post, they just quit.
To the people that keep telling in game or in the forums to leave the game if they don’t agree, keep in mind the more players ANET will have playing and spending money in this game , more content will be available, more servers, more bugs fixed and in the end the game will be even better and better.
We also think that what we wrote before will not harm the game in any way to any kind of players, casual or hardcore.
Sorry for the long post and for some English mistakes.
Thank you for reading and please give a constructive feedback.
Paulo Almeida