Ok so i’ve been thinking about people complaining about the lack of skills wich is true and it’s not true at the same time. And also i’ve been thinking about how developers could include this new content to the game without changing the whole mecanics.
Yeah we know we have a brand new healing skill… yeiiiii!! Thank you but it would have been better just to add also a few bar skills xD
Ok, i’ll go straight to the point, Gw2 has his own way of playing, you pick one weapon, or two and just combine their habilities, the problem is… they are in PACKS, so including new skills means customize wich one do you want, and maybe this is what we want, but is not what they want their game to be.
So we want more skills, but we can’t just put more skills randomly, ok, maybe including new weapons? Polearms? 2H Axes? mmm ok short term would be good, now what about weapon Styles?
Think about the numerous ways of handling a sword, or a broadsword, you can pick a more agressive stance holding it over your heado a more defensive holding it low… Or you can’t handle it kendo style, whatever… diference styles mean different movements, in our case different skills
What i propose is include different styles or stance for each weapon or creating different families of each weapon if you prefer. Like this:
TWO HANDED WEAPONS: 3 stances or styles for example
Broadsword——> Normal style our 5 well known skills
—--> Cantha style (xD) more aggresive, another completely different 5 skills
—--> tactic or deffensive style another completely different 5 skills
1H WEAPONS: just 2 stances or styles, for example.
Shield:——> Berserk style, a new aggresive style for shield, 2 different skills
—--> Normal style, our 2 well known skills.
Each style could change the weapon stats to adapt it to the metagameplay, so it wouldn’t get OP or something like that.
So a win-win situation IMO, the game can keep his playstyle based on packs of skills and we get a lot of possible combinations and gamestyles.
So, any ideas? Would you enjoy something like this? (sorry for my bad english xDDDD)