Weapon's size scales by character.

Weapon's size scales by character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arccai.4870



Im not sure if theres anyone caring about such thing but i was one that did,
If the weapon’s size changes depending on which options you pick when creating your character.
There were a few threads back in 12/13 about this subject, and no one couldnt really confirm.

My question was if there was any size differences, depending on your character, and everyone said different, but its confirmed now, the weapons scales by 3 options.

1. Race, which is obvious.
And the 2 first Body Features, when creating your character.

The Height & Physique.

Physique was quite tricky but its more than noticeable.

These two Norns has the same height, but one using the slim physique, and the other using the strongest physique.

Notice the length of the sword.

So if theres anyone else wondering about such thing, heres your answer.
Are you planning on wearing the biggest greatsword in the game?

Well, Norn>Max Height>Strongest Phy, it is!



Weapon's size scales by character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Judge Banks.9018

Judge Banks.9018

There are very few games that bothered to take this into consideration, ultimately it creates imbalance in pvp, as there is no feasible way to restrict ranged damage based on a characters height.

Weapon's size scales by character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FluffyFox.2756


“restrict ranged damage based on character’s height”? what do you even mean by that? o.O

Weapon's size scales by character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fror.2163


There are very few games that bothered to take this into consideration, ultimately it creates imbalance in pvp, as there is no feasible way to restrict ranged damage based on a characters height.

Your character is a big fat norn in your client only. On the server, it’s a box of the same size as your most tiny thinest asura. I know it ’cause I tested the distances with both my asura and my norn.

Frór (yes, with the accent!)

Weapon's size scales by character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Well, I can only guess that weapon size is optimized for an average height. My female Norn Thief is kinda small (not smallest, though) for a Norn, and her sword reaches into the floor.

Weapon's size scales by character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arccai.4870


Your character is a big fat norn in your client only. On the server, it’s a box of the same size as your most tiny thinest asura. I know it ’cause I tested the distances with both my asura and my norn.

I might have misunderstood this, but are you saying that what i see on my screen, is differently from what other people sees?
I highly doubt that, how come ive seen skinny, muscle, fat Norns before then?
If its only a view you can see yourself, then every class would be the same, only differences in height, which aint true, the physique is also visible for all, and not just a client feature.

And the weapon scales by those 3 options, i never mentioned anything about range.

Weapon's size scales by character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


What he means is that your character’s appearance and size are visual only, every single character takes up the same amount of space in game.

ie: everyone uses the same hitbox, your model’s race/size has no impact on it.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Weapon's size scales by character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


I might have misunderstood this, but are you saying that what i see on my screen, is differently from what other people sees?

No, what you see is different than what the SERVER sees, but other players see the way you also see.
The smallest asura and the biggest norn have the exactly same hit box for the server, so make an asura doesn’t make you harder to hit, maybe just harder to see.
Weapons are the same thing, it scales with size but the reach of the weapons are the same no matter or what.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Weapon's size scales by character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arccai.4870


Ohh yea then i understand ya, yes thats all correct.

Weapon's size scales by character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


I might have misunderstood this, but are you saying that what i see on my screen, is differently from what other people sees?

No, what you see is different than what the SERVER sees, but other players see the way you also see.
The smallest asura and the biggest norn have the exactly same hit box for the server, so make an asura doesn’t make you harder to hit, maybe just harder to see.
Weapons are the same thing, it scales with size but the reach of the weapons are the same no matter or what.

This is true, and important part of balance in any game. TERA PvP was quite broken because Elins have a hit box so small that it makes them the OP race choice.

All character models have the same size hit box regardless of size in GW2, thankfully.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

Weapon's size scales by character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mochann.5298


Which is simplistic game design. For me, a really good game will allow you to play a tiny character, and such character is harder to hit. But this will be balanced out by other racial characteristics.

That’s why halflings have strength penalties but have dexterity bonuses in Dungeons and Dragons. And the like.

GW2 is a very simplistic game, so these simplistic game mechanics suit it, but I always like to see a game with more in-depth design and options. A smaller character should be harder to hit, but have other things as drawbacks. That’s my philosophy, anyhow.

#ELEtism on Eredon Terrace

Weapon's size scales by character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


It is not about being simplistic, it is about not “forcing” a certain race to certain class.
If charr/norn had bigger hit boxes but bonus to power, then all warrior would probably need to be one of those races.
Race in GW2 is just a flavor and not a game changing mechanic.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Weapon's size scales by character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anonynja.3172


Necromancing this from the dead because the OP’s first post is actually super useful.

The comments seem irrelevant but the point to note is that not only race and height, but PHYSIQUE can determine the size of your weapons.

I am preparing to create a monstrous charr character with the largest hammer I can find and was wondering if I could make him tall with a slimmer physique to avoid the clipping issues that come with bulky charr. The answer is no- if I want the biggest hammer, I need the biggest physique!

Weapon's size scales by character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geneaux.9547


My ONLY problem with weapon “scaling” in the game is how weapons stowed away are smaller than their unsheathed stances. This I find this incredibly, and aesthetically, jarring as hell.

“Man this jungle in the expansion better look so good it gives me flashbacks to Nam.”
Server: Dragonbrand
Guild: Knights of Ares [ARES]