Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


For some reason none of the posts are showing up. I’m heading to bed, I look forward to discussing this more tomorrow.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JSmooth.7654


I agree with much, perhaps even most, of what the OP has to say, but I do wonder why the account bound ticket aspect is an issue if the OP, as he says, is interested in, “something to WORK towards.” The ticket system fits that desire.

Are you really looking for the opportunity , “to work towards,” a cool new weapon skin that you want, or are you looking for a new means of income in game via selling low drop rate desirable weapon skins (as was popular in GW1) ?

Not at all. Glad you brought that up. That’s not even something I thought about. Now that you mention it, I’m glad they’re account bound. Only exception to this I can see is a guildy of mine bought 1000 RNG boxes this event to test out the chances (from the TP – no the gem store) and got 3 weapon skins. He used 1 for his Bow then the other two he would have loved to give to guildies who wanted them rather then using them for weapons for alts.

I have 4g on my account, I had a precursor that I got from the mystic toilet and I gave it to a guildy of mine who’s been with me for years who actually planned on making that legendary (the axe). I am not interested in playing this game to monetize on it, I just want to have fun.

Between hours of farming and spending what little gold I have, I’ve probably opened close to 1000 of the lesser boxes. No tickets yet… think i could have one of your guildy’s extra tickets? /sarcasm

I am a tank at heart.
Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here…

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maro.2170


I agree with most of the points both of you are trying to make. The entire RNG system as it is currently is lacking greatly. I have no problem with any cash shop, with the exception of when game reward content is largely cosmetic, being forced to spend RL money in said cash shop to gain said rewards (example being Fused Weapon Skins only being avail from a blc and no longer obtainable) vs, recent weapon tickets for Jade items will be around for as long as coffers are on the tp. Now to get a key for a locked blc has to be done thru the cash shop, and everyone is aware of the crap that comes from those chests. Hence the gamblebox and RNG system failure. With the release of DB and the high drop rate of the coffers ingame plus rich coffers avail thru cash shop is different. If someone wants to spen RL money for increased chances over another that chooses to spen time farming is different. (not that I agree, but is fair imo even with their lousy RNG chances) But any new skins being introduced via any of these methods and only thru these methods is not a good practice on Anet/NCsofts behalf. This combined with rushing of new content without fully QA’ing the content and consistantly being buggy, to the point of annoying the player base is also a bad practice. I understand F2P and the need of supplemental income, but not to the extent of disregard to it’s loyal and prospective player base by having them play a poorly managed, non-comunicative, too often beta feeling (constant new content bugs) MMO. There are enough of those already and with Anets/NCsofts original boasts of what GW2 was to be and not quite living up to it’s claims completely, they are developing a trend is several aspects that need to be addressed. This game has only bee out just under a year, do they want people still playing it 2, 3, 5 or more years from now like most other successful mmo’s? Then they need to find a little better balance and thought into future content/events or they may have some problems. I played GW1 for 6+ years, I have played GW2 from NDA beta, open beta, and since release, I enjoy the community and the game, but also feel things are “trending” the wrong way. I continue to play with the hope that things will be smoothed out, but they are not giving the player base much confidence that it will.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


It just hit me when reading this thread.

Sclerite weapons and Dragon weapons are more exotic than Legendary…
I mean, doing a group event or atleast meta event’s you see tons of players with Legendary weapons, you see Unicorns/Rainbow, color on the floor, hear wierd plopping and so on… And when I think about it, I don’t ever see any Sclerite weapons… Not a single one… Could be that they are so ugly or that so few have actually got them and you can’t trade them.

Then someone says but Legandary has been since start of the game and alot of players have had alot of time to get them. Well yea sure, but to get the rng weapons you have to try to get them during a month a year (Hopefully)… Well I guess Dragon weapons can be accuired as long as there are still coffers in TP but that isn’t realy right way to get your ticket is it, you wanna (Atleast) I wanna get it from hard work.

About hard work, I bought Holo wings today and when I got them in my inventory my character says something like ’That’s worth the hard work’ or something hehe, realy hard work… Well it was hard work for me to get 14g but… owell.

I am a GW2 fanboy but realy RNG is making the weapondesigners work go to waste, and I hope A-net stops having super-ultra-mega-rare drops in these rng boxes if they must keep them and also it makes GW2 population to start farming even though they don’t wan’t to play a grind/farm game, even I have started farming these stupid Holos and I hate grinding and farming.
What was that about a game where you shouldn’t have to farm or grind?
I don’t have to? Realy? Well thanks, but I would realy like that neat skin, how do I get it without farming? By buying 3.000 coffers from TP? I wan’t a challange, I wan’t my skills to be a reason to why I achieve what I wan’t! Not luck, I have rotten luck my luck is within love and not gamlbing!

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community – http://www.alphas.se/
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

Complaining about RNG of new skins? Try playing an Engineer and you will soon care less because skins are pretty much useless.

You only have access to 3 weapons, rifle, pistol, shield, and these are hidden a vast majority of the time due to kits.

All these new backpiece skins are nice, but then you realize they are utterly useless because, once again, of kits and the ‘hobo sacks’ that accompany kits.

So what do you get to look forward to as an Engineer when new content comes out? New back skin? New weapon skins? Or, just the next inevitable nerf.

And to be told by staff months ago that these issues can’t be fixed because resources were being directed to ‘higher priority’ and ‘wider reaching’ issues only to watch these resources design more new greatsword skins. It is getting exhausting at this point.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


Complaining about RNG of new skins? Try playing an Engineer and you will soon care less because skins are pretty much useless.

You only have access to 3 weapons, rifle, pistol, shield, and these are hidden a vast majority of the time due to kits.

All these new backpiece skins are nice, but then you realize they are utterly useless because, once again, of kits and the ‘hobo sacks’ that accompany kits.

So what do you get to look forward to as an Engineer when new content comes out? New back skin? New weapon skins? Or, just the next inevitable nerf.

And to be told by staff months ago that these issues can’t be fixed because resources were being directed to ‘higher priority’ and ‘wider reaching’ issues only to watch these resources design more new greatsword skins. It is getting exhausting at this point.

Umm… My main is an Engineer and I just would love to have two dragon guns, they are awesome!

Don’t remember if it was from your thread I wrote in but hopefully someday they will fix so we engineers can choose to se or not to see gadget/tools backpacks or not.
But I do agree that it is annoying but don’t you have alt’s too? I myself have an Engineer build (that works wonders both sPvP, WvW and PvE (Havnet tried tPvP at all)) using no kit’s but Elixirs and Dual Pistols.
But still I feel your anger and it feels as if A-net doesn’t care for Engineers at all but thats another topc.

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community – http://www.alphas.se/
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


Easy answer to the original question -

- Fractal Weapons

- Guild Mission Vendor Weapons

- Technically, you could also add the Halloween (chainsaw, etc), Wintersday (slingshot, etc) and SAB weapon skins to the list, since they aren’t account bound and can be bought from the trading post now (and are still available there).

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


Anet has a gambling problem. Threads like this are the intervention.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PSX.9250


The whole game is a serious problem..

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


I don’t like any of the ‘new’ Skins I’ve seen to be Honest :p

I don’t want to insult their Artists either (b/c … Most Artists are by nature, already going to be harder on themselves than anyone else and it doesn’t take much to set that off). It’s just… really hard to come up with REALLY “iconic” designs. Most of my favorite skins so far are basically all the Retros that found their way here from GW1. (and we STILL don’t have Silverwing yet! …. or the BDS & FrogScep I’m sure lots of others want back)

But yeah … YOU try designing some new ones. I tried and it’s HARD bro

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I’ve been seeing weapon skins on the TP in the last several months that I had not seen around launch (e.g., the Greatsword Ebonblade). I’ve no idea whether they’re drops (like the wand Coldsnap) or something made in the MF. I also have no idea whether they’re additions or were in at launch, but were rare and it’s taken time for enough of them to show up.

With a rewards pass due later this year, perhaps we will see more different weapons available through different means. Same for armor skins. I think it’s a given that ANet will continue to monetize some skins, and that unless there is a massive revolt against salable RNG boxes, we’ll see more of them as well. However, I agree that adding ways to get new skins in different ways would be good for the game.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


I agree with most of the points both of you are trying to make. The entire RNG system as it is currently is lacking greatly. I have no problem with any cash shop, with the exception of when game reward content is largely cosmetic, being forced to spend RL money in said cash shop to gain said rewards (example being Fused Weapon Skins only being avail from a blc and no longer obtainable) vs, recent weapon tickets for Jade items will be around for as long as coffers are on the tp. Now to get a key for a locked blc has to be done thru the cash shop, and everyone is aware of the crap that comes from those chests. Hence the gamblebox and RNG system failure. With the release of DB and the high drop rate of the coffers ingame plus rich coffers avail thru cash shop is different. If someone wants to spen RL money for increased chances over another that chooses to spen time farming is different. (not that I agree, but is fair imo even with their lousy RNG chances) But any new skins being introduced via any of these methods and only thru these methods is not a good practice on Anet/NCsofts behalf. This combined with rushing of new content without fully QA’ing the content and consistantly being buggy, to the point of annoying the player base is also a bad practice. I understand F2P and the need of supplemental income, but not to the extent of disregard to it’s loyal and prospective player base by having them play a poorly managed, non-comunicative, too often beta feeling (constant new content bugs) MMO. There are enough of those already and with Anets/NCsofts original boasts of what GW2 was to be and not quite living up to it’s claims completely, they are developing a trend is several aspects that need to be addressed. This game has only bee out just under a year, do they want people still playing it 2, 3, 5 or more years from now like most other successful mmo’s? Then they need to find a little better balance and thought into future content/events or they may have some problems. I played GW1 for 6+ years, I have played GW2 from NDA beta, open beta, and since release, I enjoy the community and the game, but also feel things are “trending” the wrong way. I continue to play with the hope that things will be smoothed out, but they are not giving the player base much confidence that it will.

I couldn’t agree with you more. It saddens me as a GW1 player for over 7 years to see GW2 turn out this way. Unfortunately because of the popularity of the RNG boxes in NCSofts primary target audience, I don’t see this practice changing any time soon.

It really is a shame to see awesome weapon skins like Fused Weapons go to complete waste. Being available to an extremely small percentage of players for only a month is not an effective use of developer time or resources.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


It just hit me when reading this thread.

Sclerite weapons and Dragon weapons are more exotic than Legendary…
I mean, doing a group event or atleast meta event’s you see tons of players with Legendary weapons, you see Unicorns/Rainbow, color on the floor, hear wierd plopping and so on… And when I think about it, I don’t ever see any Sclerite weapons… Not a single one… Could be that they are so ugly or that so few have actually got them and you can’t trade them.

Then someone says but Legandary has been since start of the game and alot of players have had alot of time to get them. Well yea sure, but to get the rng weapons you have to try to get them during a month a year (Hopefully)… Well I guess Dragon weapons can be accuired as long as there are still coffers in TP but that isn’t realy right way to get your ticket is it, you wanna (Atleast) I wanna get it from hard work.

About hard work, I bought Holo wings today and when I got them in my inventory my character says something like ’That’s worth the hard work’ or something hehe, realy hard work… Well it was hard work for me to get 14g but… owell.

I am a GW2 fanboy but realy RNG is making the weapondesigners work go to waste, and I hope A-net stops having super-ultra-mega-rare drops in these rng boxes if they must keep them and also it makes GW2 population to start farming even though they don’t wan’t to play a grind/farm game, even I have started farming these stupid Holos and I hate grinding and farming.
What was that about a game where you shouldn’t have to farm or grind?
I don’t have to? Realy? Well thanks, but I would realy like that neat skin, how do I get it without farming? By buying 3.000 coffers from TP? I wan’t a challange, I wan’t my skills to be a reason to why I achieve what I wan’t! Not luck, I have rotten luck my luck is within love and not gamlbing!

You’d expect all that to be true, but this also raises points against yet another problem in game. Farming. They want you to farm for items. Coffers, legendary precursors, and just about anything else you’ll need, (Crystalline dust for example) all needs to be farmed.

The problem is, they put diminishing returns on farming after only less than an hour (funny that they sell you magic find boosters in the TP that last an hour yet you will hit DR if you attempt to farm that long). So they expect you to farm farm farm for these things you want, but then they have systems in place that prevent you from doing so effectively.

I understand it’s to combat bots, but all it does is affect the legit players because I still see the same characters botting on my server every day and nothing being done about it despite constant reports from myself and others.

Also refer to my previous comment about developer time and resources going to waste with these awesome new weapon skins every month – because that is true. I don’t think that you see less Fused or Sclerite weapons because they look bad, but more because nobody has them.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Complaining about RNG of new skins? Try playing an Engineer and you will soon care less because skins are pretty much useless.

You only have access to 3 weapons, rifle, pistol, shield, and these are hidden a vast majority of the time due to kits.

All these new backpiece skins are nice, but then you realize they are utterly useless because, once again, of kits and the ‘hobo sacks’ that accompany kits.

So what do you get to look forward to as an Engineer when new content comes out? New back skin? New weapon skins? Or, just the next inevitable nerf.

And to be told by staff months ago that these issues can’t be fixed because resources were being directed to ‘higher priority’ and ‘wider reaching’ issues only to watch these resources design more new greatsword skins. It is getting exhausting at this point.

Umm… My main is an Engineer and I just would love to have two dragon guns, they are awesome!

Don’t remember if it was from your thread I wrote in but hopefully someday they will fix so we engineers can choose to se or not to see gadget/tools backpacks or not.
But I do agree that it is annoying but don’t you have alt’s too? I myself have an Engineer build (that works wonders both sPvP, WvW and PvE (Havnet tried tPvP at all)) using no kit’s but Elixirs and Dual Pistols.
But still I feel your anger and it feels as if A-net doesn’t care for Engineers at all but thats another topc.

Yeah I think that’s a copy paste from him because I’ve definitely seen that post somewhere else. Devs already said a fix is coming for that, but once again that falls into the realm of something that Devs said they’re doing with no time frame as to when.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Easy answer to the original question -

- Fractal Weapons

- Guild Mission Vendor Weapons

- Technically, you could also add the Halloween (chainsaw, etc), Wintersday (slingshot, etc) and SAB weapon skins to the list, since they aren’t account bound and can be bought from the trading post now (and are still available there).

You obviously didn’t read the OP or posts made after. I mentioned SAB, fractal, and guild weapons as exceptions to my post.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


I don’t like any of the ‘new’ Skins I’ve seen to be Honest :p

I don’t want to insult their Artists either (b/c … Most Artists are by nature, already going to be harder on themselves than anyone else and it doesn’t take much to set that off). It’s just… really hard to come up with REALLY “iconic” designs. Most of my favorite skins so far are basically all the Retros that found their way here from GW1. (and we STILL don’t have Silverwing yet! …. or the BDS & FrogScep I’m sure lots of others want back)

But yeah … YOU try designing some new ones. I tried and it’s HARD bro

Real quick off topic, they do have Frog Scepter in the game – it’s just not called that. They have a lot of returning weapon skins from GW1 as named exotics in this game (just do a search for level 80 exotic scepters and preview them).

I agree the game could use more skins from GW1 both in terms of armor and weapons to make things more interesting and allow for more diverse weapon skins being seen aside from just Twilight and Sunrise everywhere.

I think a problem with the weapons not feeling “iconic” enough and people that don’t care about the skins much (as I’m sure it’s more than just you who doesn’t care for them) is that every month we get a brand new, out of nowhere, random storyline that has accompanying themed weapons to those stories.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


I’ve been seeing weapon skins on the TP in the last several months that I had not seen around launch (e.g., the Greatsword Ebonblade). I’ve no idea whether they’re drops (like the wand Coldsnap) or something made in the MF. I also have no idea whether they’re additions or were in at launch, but were rare and it’s taken time for enough of them to show up.

With a rewards pass due later this year, perhaps we will see more different weapons available through different means. Same for armor skins. I think it’s a given that ANet will continue to monetize some skins, and that unless there is a massive revolt against salable RNG boxes, we’ll see more of them as well. However, I agree that adding ways to get new skins in different ways would be good for the game.

I’m glad you agree. Also yeah we’re on the same page with RNG boxes and cool weapon skins being frequently added specifically to them because that revolt you spoke of will never happen.

The target market of this game (Not NA, EU, or AU) goes crazy for in-game gambling and since NCSoft markets this game towards a country that loves these boxes, I doubt they’ll say “No we hate free money, we’re stopping RNG boxes.”

Because for some reason, as annoying as they are for all of us, we’re literally less than 1/4 of the population that “matters” to NCSoft – the majority of the population they market this game to loves em for some reason. They aren’t going anywhere.

It’s free money for them – provided you don’t count non-monetary costs like wasted developer time and money and wasted art assets.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Had some good discussions with some of you in-game about this. Would love to hear more forum-goers opinions now.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wyre.7458


Does the majority of people world wide like these one time events and hate content? Do they like grinding with their F key? I’m in favor of all the gemstone items like weapons, but the weapons are themed for events that are boring. Why have a themed weapon that represents a boring event? Good luck making money selling those.
“I opened 2,000 dragon coffers, lit 50 effigies, killed some see through monsters, and now I have this weapon. I hate myself.” -Average person’s event response

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Does the majority of people world wide like these one time events and hate content? Do they like grinding with their F key? I’m in favor of all the gemstone items like weapons, but the weapons are themed for events that are boring. Why have a themed weapon that represents a boring event? Good luck making money selling those.
“I opened 2,000 dragon coffers, lit 50 effigies, killed some see through monsters, and now I have this weapon. I hate myself.” -Average person’s event response

Not really. Also in case you weren’t aware, Anet has the next year planned out this way. One event per month, no real content additions to speak of. This is how it’s going to be for the foreseeable future. I’d much rather have updates be a bit more scarce if that meant we’d get long lasting changes and additions to the game.

(edited by TehPwnerer.7215)

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wyre.7458


Does the majority of people world wide like these one time events and hate content? Do they like grinding with their F key? I’m in favor of all the gemstone items like weapons, but the weapons are themed for events that are boring. Why have a themed weapon that represents a boring event? Good luck making money selling those.
“I opened 2,000 dragon coffers, lit 50 effigies, killed some see through monsters, and now I have this weapon. I hate myself.” -Average person’s event response

Not really. Also in case you weren’t aware, Anet has the next year planned out this way. One event per month, no real content additions to speak of. This is how it’s going to be for the foreseeable future. I’d much rather have updates be a bit more scarce if that meant we’d get long lasting changes and additions to the game.

Are you sure they have it planned into the next year already? Flame and frost, for example, was soooo slow it seemed like more of a test run than anything. And the precursor one-time karka event was a nightmare. It’s wishful thinking to assume they have it planned that far ahead haha. I wonder if they have tommorows content ready.

(I don’t mean to offend anyone who disagrees with me I’m exaggerating to make my point.)

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Does the majority of people world wide like these one time events and hate content? Do they like grinding with their F key? I’m in favor of all the gemstone items like weapons, but the weapons are themed for events that are boring. Why have a themed weapon that represents a boring event? Good luck making money selling those.
“I opened 2,000 dragon coffers, lit 50 effigies, killed some see through monsters, and now I have this weapon. I hate myself.” -Average person’s event response

Not really. Also in case you weren’t aware, Anet has the next year planned out this way. One event per month, no real content additions to speak of. This is how it’s going to be for the foreseeable future. I’d much rather have updates be a bit more scarce if that meant we’d get long lasting changes and additions to the game.

Are you sure they have it planned into the next year already? Flame and frost, for example, was soooo slow it seemed like more of a test run than anything. And the precursor one-time karka event was a nightmare. It’s wishful thinking to assume they have it planned that far ahead haha. I wonder if they have tommorows content ready.

(I don’t mean to offend anyone who disagrees with me I’m exaggerating to make my point.)

There’s a video back before the Secrets of Southsun was released. The two people in charge of the personal story sat down for 3 days and came up with the entire next year of content and it’s going to be released in this manner. Tiny updates every month. I’m sure no expense will be spared on limited, one time acquirable skins and tons of RNG locked weapon skins.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Camaro Charr.2805

Camaro Charr.2805

Its WvW that keeps this game alive, when something comes along to replace my WvW addiction, I will be gone.

RE- Red Essence

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


Easy answer to the original question -

- Fractal Weapons

- Guild Mission Vendor Weapons

- Technically, you could also add the Halloween (chainsaw, etc), Wintersday (slingshot, etc) and SAB weapon skins to the list, since they aren’t account bound and can be bought from the trading post now (and are still available there).

You obviously didn’t read the OP or posts made after. I mentioned SAB, fractal, and guild weapons as exceptions to my post.

I read – but when you start saying “except A, except B, except C …” It kinda invalidates the whole point. Any time someone pokes holes in your logic all you have to say is “except for all those XYZs.”

(edited by Blaeys.3102)

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deadcell.9052


Does the majority of people world wide like these one time events and hate content? Do they like grinding with their F key? I’m in favor of all the gemstone items like weapons, but the weapons are themed for events that are boring. Why have a themed weapon that represents a boring event? Good luck making money selling those.
“I opened 2,000 dragon coffers, lit 50 effigies, killed some see through monsters, and now I have this weapon. I hate myself.” -Average person’s event response

Not really. Also in case you weren’t aware, Anet has the next year planned out this way. One event per month, no real content additions to speak of. This is how it’s going to be for the foreseeable future. I’d much rather have updates be a bit more scarce if that meant we’d get long lasting changes and additions to the game.

OMG you serious? A year full of this stuff??? UGH!!! The few remaining members of the guild I am a part of and myself were talking about these issues just a few hours ago.

We were all under the impression when we all bought the game almost a year ago that the game was designed around horizontal progression, that we would go out into the world earning great looking unique skins through skillful feats, achievements, over coming great challenges etc.

Now almost a year later, and it feels like a much different product, nothing is earned in a skillful manner, or by over coming great challenges, its all based on RNG, dumb luck is the difference between “earning” a unique skin or not! Not much of a progression system IMO.

So we came to the conclusion that Anets plan for endgame progression in Gw2 is players standing in Lions Arch with a credit card buying gems to use on boxes/coffers/crates or what ever they are going to call them in hopes the rng will be kind enough to maybe allow a few of them to “earn” flashy new skins. Now seeing hearing they have at least a year of this planned it makes sense!

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Easy answer to the original question -

- Fractal Weapons

- Guild Mission Vendor Weapons

- Technically, you could also add the Halloween (chainsaw, etc), Wintersday (slingshot, etc) and SAB weapon skins to the list, since they aren’t account bound and can be bought from the trading post now (and are still available there).

You obviously didn’t read the OP or posts made after. I mentioned SAB, fractal, and guild weapons as exceptions to my post.

I read – but when you start saying “except A, except B, except C …” It kinda invalidates the whole point. Any time someone pokes holes in your logic all you have to say is “except for all those XYZs.”

So because there are 2 exceptions in the last ~10 months to what my post is about, my entire post is suddenly invalid?

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Does the majority of people world wide like these one time events and hate content? Do they like grinding with their F key? I’m in favor of all the gemstone items like weapons, but the weapons are themed for events that are boring. Why have a themed weapon that represents a boring event? Good luck making money selling those.
“I opened 2,000 dragon coffers, lit 50 effigies, killed some see through monsters, and now I have this weapon. I hate myself.” -Average person’s event response

Not really. Also in case you weren’t aware, Anet has the next year planned out this way. One event per month, no real content additions to speak of. This is how it’s going to be for the foreseeable future. I’d much rather have updates be a bit more scarce if that meant we’d get long lasting changes and additions to the game.

OMG you serious? A year full of this stuff??? UGH!!! The few remaining members of the guild I am a part of and myself were talking about these issues just a few hours ago.

We were all under the impression when we all bought the game almost a year ago that the game was designed around horizontal progression, that we would go out into the world earning great looking unique skins through skillful feats, achievements, over coming great challenges etc.

Now almost a year later, and it feels like a much different product, nothing is earned in a skillful manner, or by over coming great challenges, its all based on RNG, dumb luck is the difference between “earning” a unique skin or not! Not much of a progression system IMO.

So we came to the conclusion that Anets plan for endgame progression in Gw2 is players standing in Lions Arch with a credit card buying gems to use on boxes/coffers/crates or what ever they are going to call them in hopes the rng will be kind enough to maybe allow a few of them to “earn” flashy new skins. Now seeing hearing they have at least a year of this planned it makes sense!

Pretty much. Though all we can hope for is that the people doing that will eventually get bored that they have nothing else to do but sit in LA buying RNG boxes and maybe we’ll see some actual content added when they stop buying it.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


The current RNG system is from 1999, the problems we’re seeing are at least a decade old in mmo terms and these very same problems are the key reason why other mmo’s got rid of these systems a long long time ago so players could actually fulfill goals.

The guild system doesn’t work well in this game either, the currency for guild items should come from every activity not just those done with guildies unless Anet is going to start paying players to be online and available for guild events 24/7. It’s why guild currencies in other games comes from activities one can jump on do in a LFG setting and then jump off.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


The current RNG system is from 1999, the problems we’re seeing are at least a decade old in mmo terms and these very same problems are the key reason why other mmo’s got rid of these systems a long long time ago so players could actually fulfill goals.

The guild system doesn’t work well in this game either, the currency for guild items should come from every activity not just those done with guildies unless Anet is going to start paying players to be online and available for guild events 24/7. It’s why guild currencies in other games comes from activities one can jump on do in a LFG setting and then jump off.

That’s actually a good point. It’s been a while since I’ve made or seen a thread about the glaring lack of content available to guilds. More importantly, there are no guild halls, the guild management tools are nowhere CLOSE to what they need to be (All or nothing guild bank access? What?), and there’s still been no update to arguably the most important social aspect (guilds) since launch almost a year ago.

Just another problem to add to the list that apparently is in the works with no apparent timeline or date as to when it’ll be ready.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


Lack of guild tools hasn’t helped this game one bit. Even well known vocal supporters of the game have pulled their guild out because of it.

45 seconds in he gives his reason why.


(edited by Araziel.7201)

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


My main concern:

How does it follow the idea of “fun first” for all the good rewards to be purchasable rather than earnable?