No bro, that ain’t me. I ain’t about that life.
Wedding Dress Rework on Human Female Models
No bro, that ain’t me. I ain’t about that life.
I can’t see them changing it now. To do so would be to risk the wrath of those who bought it, since presumably they like how it looks right now.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
My 2 copper: I agree with the OP. I don’t care for the drape of the Human WD.
IMO, they could take the bottom of the starter Light Armor, and stick a train on it and get a better effect with just a few texturing and shading changes.
The Sylvari version = <3, also, the Asura (my personal favorite)
The Charr one..I dunno yet. I’m thinking they could just do away with the tail cover, and it’d be fine.
The Norn one is simply lovely, with emphasis on the simple. It’s quite elegant
I have to say that I absolutely L-O-V-E the way they made the effort to make the outfit a unique style for each race. I’d really like to see that in all of the future Outfits from the gem store.
I agree with the OP, which is why I did not BUY the dress. I think it looks fantastic on all other races, but since 99% of my toons are human female, it’s simply not worth 1000 gems to me, so I just won’t buy it.
Agree’d with Ozman. I think all of the other races it looks stunning on.. I just think the Human Female it just looks so wonky.
No bro, that ain’t me. I ain’t about that life.
I agree with the OP on the human females (I like the other races’ dresses though, which is one reason why I bought it). When standing on a flat surface the train of the dress clips through the ground. That’s another thing that needs to be reworked.
Like the lace work is very nice, but the dress front for the human female sticks out from the side view. It is very stiff looking and makes her look pregnant. LOL
Like the lace work is very nice, but the dress front for the human female sticks out from the side view. It is very stiff looking and makes her look pregnant. LOL
Why do you think she’s getting married in the first place?
I agree with OP about Human female wedding dress, but the Norn version also shares the cutout front giving it the awful stick figure leg effect.
Having said that, the Sylvari & Asura versions are perfect!
Human female players are so selfish.
Not really being selfish. I just think ArenaNet could do a better job on the models dress to be how the others are with the fluid motion of the dress and not being so stuck out and weird looking on the human model.
No bro, that ain’t me. I ain’t about that life.
I think they made it like that to avoid clipping.
Like the Monk outfit, which was also made bigger.
and I too dont like it =.=
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]
Someone on ANet’s team should have known that if you introduce wedding stuff people were going to want to modify it. Weddings are highly personal things and so it stands to reason that modifications would want to be made.
They should have made it a crafting thing vs a gem store thing. Then again I’ve been asking for them to include outfits as something that can be tailored so yeah…
Yeah, I just notice that the dress is clipping into the ground, when you run it kicks WAY too high up.. it just looks ridiculous.
No bro, that ain’t me. I ain’t about that life.
ArenaNet Communications Manager
We have a thread for these very issues. Could you please post here?
Thank you.
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