Well here i am again, maybe for sure?
How long have you been away? Lots of new stuff and even more new features coming in a massive patch landing April 15th – check out the home page news feed to read up on it.
The bobble head thing was just a joke for April Fool’s Day. It’s not permanent and no real harm done. To judge GW2 entirely on a joke for a nationally recognised pranking day is hasty.
How long have you been away? Lots of new stuff and even more new features coming in a massive patch landing April 15th – check out the home page news feed to read up on it.
The bobble head thing was just a joke for April Fool’s Day. It’s not permanent and no real harm done. To judge GW2 entirely on a joke for a nationally recognised pranking day is hasty.
I left when the tower was in the fields of w/e and the new patch was about to come out.
Hey, welcome. I just came back recently too. Are you the Kalastraer from wowhead?
Updated every Monday
Hey, welcome. I just came back recently too. Are you the Kalastraer from wowhead?
Uhh yea i was just about to say are you lankybrit from wowhead 0.o this is weird.
Hey, welcome. I just came back recently too. Are you the Kalastraer from wowhead?
Uhh yea i was just about to say are you lankybrit from wowhead 0.o this is weird.
Yes I am. Giving GW2 a go for a while.
Updated every Monday
Hey, welcome. I just came back recently too. Are you the Kalastraer from wowhead?
Uhh yea i was just about to say are you lankybrit from wowhead 0.o this is weird.
Yes I am. Giving GW2 a go for a while.
Nice, only thing i don’t like is i get like 7 fps constantly
Guild Wars series is like the Elder Scrolls series, you play it until you get bored, try other games, come back for a while, and repeat for years. The trick is to NOT UNINSTALL the game cause you’re just going to waste time downloading it again in a couple months.
As has been said, big things coming soon and living story season 2 starting up as well.
Guild Wars series is like the Elder Scrolls series, you play it until you get bored, try other games, come back for a while, and repeat for years. The trick is to NOT UNINSTALL the game cause you’re just going to waste time downloading it again in a couple months.
As has been said, big things coming soon and living story season 2 starting up as well.
The only reason i left gw2 is all my friends still play wow and i got bored without friends. I hope i get my friend to come back asura 4 leif
also lanky add me in game maybe we can do some stuff together, what server do you play on? i’m on Sanctum of Rall
(edited by Kalastraer.8264)
So what has happened…
I just came back after an 8ish month hiatus.
Haven’t had this much fun with an MMO in a long time.
Of course, my main is only level 31, so I haven’t really experienced much of the game. lol
Feature Packs coming up on April 15th.
Season 2 Living World is upcoming soon. I’m not sure when it is though. Lion’s Arch is in ruins now.
So what has happened…
Nothing, the game is at a complete standstill. Lions Arch is gone, that is about it.
So what has happened…. well basically not much. They made Lions Arch a useless zone. They failed to realize that destroying a zone is only fun if you get to help rebuild it. You missed out on some skins, and a chance to get cheap silk, thats the sum of what you missed. There are some quality of life things coming on the 15th but nothing that will make the game more fun to play.
There is hope though. I think that by creating this megaserver thing they will no longer be afraid to create new zones for us to explore. I believe in the past they were scared that if they added new zones everyone would flock to them leaving the old zones empty. Now there will atleast be 15 people in those old zones when and if they make new ones.
And I believe the next arc of the living story will do just that since it has been hinted that the new dragon will be over in the maguma waste. So if you liked the game before (basically grownup barbies) get ready for that to be better than ever.