Well played, I'm in jail.
LOL! Absolutely priceless!
This is why cats have 9 lives. Curiosity, ya know.
OP, I advise against picking up soap!
Poor Kayvan.
Rocksors: 80 Guardian, Althalus: 80 Thief, Birigitte: 80 Ranger, Roacsors: 80 Warrior
can someone explain =(
I found the right angle to slide down the entire side of Rata Sum. Once I landed and fell off the side I hit the ground for 250,000 damage. Dead and on the floor I used a Revive Orb. After wandering around the void for some time a loading screen popped up.
And I was in prison. Missing a kidney as well.
I wonder if it puts you in one of those empty cells and updates the cell’s console with your ’infraction’ That would be the icing on the cake.
I’m on a boat, Motherkitten, on a boat!
EDIT: No prisons here, but a surprising amount of rendered material back inside that island where you’re supposedly not supposed to be able to go.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Hm, whenever I jump off of rata sum I seem to take falling damage in mid air a few hundred feet above the ground. Managed to both jump from the lowest point on rata sum and jump so I land in the water, no matter where I aim, I get that midair fall damage before I hit the ground that kills me. Must be some trick I’m missing.