Well you lost me

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


- Personally I don’t mind the plush toy backpacks. Women DO play this game you know, not to sound sexist.

You do sound incredibly sexist though. I, frankly hate the backpacks. I think they are tacky and would never wear one.

I like them, my guardian runs with a quaggan one, its so cute!
oh and I’m a bloke btw.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


oh and I’m a bloke btw.

Sorry to hear that. You should see a doctor, I heard they can fix than now.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


oh and I’m a bloke btw.

Sorry to hear that. You should see a doctor, I heard they can fix than now.

this comment is both sexist and insulting.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


oh and I’m a bloke btw.

Sorry to hear that. You should see a doctor, I heard they can fix than now.

this comment is both sexist and insulting.

You defended that insane guild name that was posted a few weeks ago but this offends you? Um ok lol.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I’m a bloke too :P

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hildegain.2106


oh and I’m a bloke btw.

Sorry to hear that. You should see a doctor, I heard they can fix than now.

this comment is both sexist and insulting.

You defended that insane guild name that was posted a few weeks ago but this offends you? Um ok lol.

I don’t seem to recall that guild coming to the forums and openly insulting people based on their racial origins, do you? Oh but it’s okay if someone openly insults a person and tells him to get a sex change but if someone has a name that even people of a certain skin colour probably wouldn’t find offensive (and that name isn’t even recognizable unless you re-arrange some letters) that’s the time to be up in arms.

You’re like a person viewing a murder and saying that it’s silly to be offended about it but complaining that murder depicted in a video game is offensive. Seriously, get your priorities straight.

Edit: To be on topic, I’m a male, I have a quaggan backpack and I’m happily engaged to be married. Yeah, I’m a total woman for liking things like this -.-

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I’m a bloke too :P

so it should be alright for you to offer someone a sex change because they like certain things you wouldn’t consider macho? Sorry, what you said is still both sexist and offensive.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I’m a bloke too :P

so it should be alright for you to offer someone a sex change because they like certain things you wouldn’t consider macho? Sorry, what you said is still both sexist and offensive.

Nope, it’s a joke.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


oh and I’m a bloke btw.

Sorry to hear that. You should see a doctor, I heard they can fix than now.

this comment is both sexist and insulting.

You defended that insane guild name that was posted a few weeks ago but this offends you? Um ok lol.

I don’t seem to recall that guild coming to the forums and openly insulting people based on their racial origins, do you? Oh but it’s okay if someone openly insults a person and tells him to get a sex change but if someone has a name that even people of a certain skin colour probably wouldn’t find offensive (and that name isn’t even recognizable unless you re-arrange some letters) that’s the time to be up in arms.

You’re like a person viewing a murder and saying that it’s silly to be offended about it but complaining that murder depicted in a video game is offensive. Seriously, get your priorities straight.

Edit: To be on topic, I’m a male, I have a quaggan backpack and I’m happily engaged to be married. Yeah, I’m a total woman for liking things like this -.-

It’s a joke about a quaggan backpack. I have one on my asura and if someone made a joke about it I would laugh because the backpacks are funny.

Making a joke about a pink backpack is not the same as making a guild name like that. I grew up with someone transgender and trust me he could care less about a quaggan backpack joke.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I believe everyone should learn to laugh at themselves now and then. If you can’t, I’ll be happy to laugh at you for you. So go ahead and be insulted, it doesn’t bother me at all.

And I absolutely, positively don’t take anyone or anything on these forums seriously. If I did my face would have a permanent palm-mark on it.

Ok for serious: my wife’s mother passed away last night. This is not a very good weekend. So I’m going to not be serious whether you approve or not.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

There’s nothing wrong with liking the game-why should you say people are fanboys just because they like it more than you do?

It’s fair to not like some stuff in the game-even hate the game if you wish. What is not fair is to expect that everybody must share your views.

Things I don’t like about GW2:

-I wish there was no better stats on ascended gear, and that all progression that was required were stat-less infusions. I can see, though, why they were implemented, for better or worse, and just don’t mind them (I even have some pieces, but do not mean to go “full Fractals mode” any time soon.)

-Some Orr dynamic events need rebalancing/developer attention pronto. They may not be bugged, but they are much worse now than they used to be (Warmaster Chan’s Anchorage Waypoint Quest, some temple quests should be revised, once more-the whole Arah gate entrance needs to be fixed/redone, IMHO, so gates can be properly closed, but also opened with a reasonable level of difficulty.)

-Southsun Cove still has that beta feel it always had, unfortunately.

-Professions should be rebalanced, but this is a never-ending process, and I am sure they are working on it as I type.

-Dungeons should be rebalanced so that, even though some would remain easier than others, the rewards are proportionate to the risk involved, and so that CoF 1 never happens again (yes, farm, but do not exploit-not the farmer’s fault in this case.)

-Some extremely rare drops should have more forgiving drop rates. Lodestones and some other Legendary mats come to mind (Silver Doubloons-level 20 items-are more expensive than Vials of Powerful Blood/Ecto… though I know the easier way to acquire them-mystic forge-it’s such a really weird thing to happen in the first place.)

-Jumping Puzzles should be more forgiving. One thing I wish the game had was a NO ZOOM feature, as if there’s something that makes them harder than they really are is the camera angles when you are close to a wall (insta-zoom).

And despite all of that, I absolutely love this game, while I understand it has flaws. I am a fan of the game, yet no “fanboi.” It’s a really good game, which is why the players that love it sometimes react against the criticism, because it’s made to be way worse than it really is due to all the complaining (some of the complaining-though certainly not all- isn’t rational or fair.)

You should voice your legitimate concerns and honest opinions, of course, but I would advise to do so respecting everybody else’s point of view and in a calm, rational manner. It’s more probably for the developers to pay better attention to what you say when it’s expressed rationally and with an open-mind. an angry outburst will most likely get ignored-just put yourselves in their place, if that helps.

(And to be honest, they most likely won’t be able to please everybody, so players should learn to understand that the game won’t be all they wish it was, being able to take the good with the bad, relative to them.)

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

Ok for serious: my wife’s mother passed away last night. This is not a very good weekend. So I’m going to not be serious whether you approve or not.

I am sorry for her loss, and wish you and your wife well during this difficult time. Take care, and best wishes.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I believe everyone should learn to laugh at themselves now and then. If you can’t, I’ll be happy to laugh at you for you. So go ahead and be insulted, it doesn’t bother me at all.

And I absolutely, positively don’t take anyone or anything on these forums seriously. If I did my face would have a permanent palm-mark on it.

Ok for serious: my wife’s mother passed away last night. This is not a very good weekend. So I’m going to not be serious whether you approve or not.

I’m sorry to hear about your mother in law tolunart. Hugs to you and your wife! You can make fun of me anytime. I’ll laugh too unless it’s endless defense of GW2 postings in every thread. I find those boring.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Thanx, we’ll get through it. Just remember that GW2 is a GAME and not a matter of life and death. Don’t take this stuff so seriously.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I believe everyone should learn to laugh at themselves now and then. If you can’t, I’ll be happy to laugh at you for you. So go ahead and be insulted, it doesn’t bother me at all.

And I absolutely, positively don’t take anyone or anything on these forums seriously. If I did my face would have a permanent palm-mark on it.

Ok for serious: my wife’s mother passed away last night. This is not a very good weekend. So I’m going to not be serious whether you approve or not.

I’m really sorry to hear this. My sympathy to you and yours.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

To be honest Vayne I actually wonder if you really play this game. You do write guides about it correct?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

To be honest Vayne I actually wonder if you really play this game. You do write guides about it correct?

I did when it first came out…then I started playing, and didn’t have time.

Edit: Actually it’s a fair point. I doubt very much that you and I are playing the same game. Because what I am interested in is different to what you’re interested in.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

To be honest Vayne I actually wonder if you really play this game. You do write guides about it correct?

I did when it first came out…then I started playing, and didn’t have time.

Oh but you have time for the forums ah makes sense now.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

Ps using words like tripe is just a way for people who aren’t as intelligent as they think they are to make themselves feel confident when speaking down to others. You obviously aren’t old enough to know that :-)

Yes I suffer from a deficiency in intelligence. That must be it. Feel free to ignore everything I say in my vast and uncharted ignorance.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

Ps using words like tripe is just a way for people who aren’t as intelligent as they think they are to make themselves feel confident when speaking down to others. You obviously aren’t old enough to know that :-)

Yes I suffer from a deficiency in intelligence. That must be it. Feel free to ignore everything I say in my vast and uncharted ignorance.

It’s hard to ignore you when you’re in every thread but trust me I usually do ignore you. I also find your deficiency in manners to be more noticeably than using the vocabulary you choose but please continue.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: korelg.7862


OP doesn’t like this game, thats what i got from reading his post.

as for me, this game’s world feels pretty alive, i’ve played a couple of MMORPGs before and this is probably the best so far in regards to that, also lately i’ve been loking a bit into the lore behind tyria and i noticed that we are seeing a really small part of the whole map right now, which is promising when thinking about expansions and whatnot.

if there is something i think is lacking quite a bit is the “living story” it goes way too slow considering the setup they presented us, in a month we should have seen more development, the bad guys are attacking for god’s sake! xD

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ricky Da Man.5064

Ricky Da Man.5064

Agree on some of the story points you picked up on,.

Tbh the dragons rising and shattering tyria should of been a part of the single player story, much like we witnessed the searing in prothercies.

Maybe then we would have a better feelfor everything that is happening.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

Basically this. I probably would have had more respect for the OP if he admit that it was his personal dislike of the game rather then trying to blame anet for not making a game to HIS liking and that he is either too young or closed off to enjoy the 8 bit games of his time.

I enjoyed the 8 bit games of my time. SAB not so much.

P.S. I would love to see Bioshock Infinite: SAB DLC. Not a grumpy old man after all. Hell I would put up $10 for a standalone BS Infinite: Blood Songbird. It would be a righteous stomp of post apocalyptic Columbia, and flipping the bird at the Man. Rendered in stunning 16 bit graphics of course.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

Ps using words like tripe is just a way for people who aren’t as intelligent as they think they are to make themselves feel confident when speaking down to others. You obviously aren’t old enough to know that :-)

Yes I suffer from a deficiency in intelligence. That must be it. Feel free to ignore everything I say in my vast and uncharted ignorance.

It’s hard to ignore you when you’re in every thread but trust me I usually do ignore you. I also find your deficiency in manners to be more noticeably than using the vocabulary you choose but please continue.

I’m not in every thread. Only the ones were people make stuff up because they don’t like the game. By all means, say you don’t like the game, but saying the game isn’t doing well because you don’t like it is just wrong.

At best, you don’t know how well the game is doing.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flamenco.3894


The game is practically doomed unless ANet surprises us which I hope they will do.

Prince Rurik and Lady Althea. Anyone else see the incompatibilty here?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

Ps using words like tripe is just a way for people who aren’t as intelligent as they think they are to make themselves feel confident when speaking down to others. You obviously aren’t old enough to know that :-)

Yes I suffer from a deficiency in intelligence. That must be it. Feel free to ignore everything I say in my vast and uncharted ignorance.

It’s hard to ignore you when you’re in every thread but trust me I usually do ignore you. I also find your deficiency in manners to be more noticeably than using the vocabulary you choose but please continue.

I’m not in every thread. Only the ones were people make stuff up because they don’t like the game. By all means, say you don’t like the game, but saying the game isn’t doing well because you don’t like it is just wrong.

At best, you don’t know how well the game is doing.

You might be correct an Anet employee would have the best knowledge on how well the game is doing. I wonder if they always have the Anet logo under thier names? It would make good business sense for them to have posters defending the game. Who knows?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

To be honest Vayne I actually wonder if you really play this game. You do write guides about it correct?

He has around 5-6k achievement points, so yea, he plays the game… alot! :p

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

To be honest Vayne I actually wonder if you really play this game. You do write guides about it correct?

He has around 5-6k achievement points, so yea, he plays the game… alot! :p

I had close to 5k when I quit :-) I doubt that qualifies me to write guides but it definitely qualifies my right to have an opinion.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhinala.1739


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

First, I was under the impression that there would no be gated grind, grind that you have to do to access other content. Which, I guess, is true. Also, I do hope that the game does improve. But surely there must be a line where not everything critical posters will materialize (in the same manner that nothing the community says reach the devs). On one hand, I felt the devs caved in to the people who cried that there’s nothing left to do in forums. On the other hand, I felt they really did plan for ascended gear but just couldn’t ship it out at the start.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

First, I was under the impression that there would no be gated grind, grind that you have to do to access other content. Which, I guess, is true. Also, I do hope that the game does improve. But surely there must be a line where not everything critical posters will materialize (in the same manner that nothing the community says reach the devs). On one hand, I felt the devs caved in to the people who cried that there’s nothing left to do in forums. On the other hand, I felt they really did plan for ascended gear but just couldn’t ship it out at the start.

I was talking to a friend who was in the guild with me tonight who also quit and we both think Anet thought they were going to have a huge casual turnout that would buy tons of stuff in the gem shop but they learned that casuals don’t generate the gem purchases.

We both also feel like the drops are horrible and the combat system is bad. We love the passion put into the beauty of the game but are disappointed in how scattered the focus on the game is.

I think the final straw was when our gms girlfriend hadn’t logged into her account for over a week and when she did log in all the gear was gone from her toon and her precursor was gone and Anet did nothing to help her or explain what happened.

Our whole guild except one person stopped playing after that.

Also the way the guild missions were handled didn’t help.

I find the whole RNG gambling chest thing sketchy as well.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

It really doesn’t make sense why someone hates a game so much spends time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being enthousiastic has the opinion that that particular part of the game is just fine as it is, instead of spending that time playing some other (part of the) game he likes.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed by competing companies and are trying to lure people away from this one to “their” company.

See? I can make conspiracy theories too.

It’s pretty arrogant to say “I am so right about this, that everyone who disagrees with me has to be a paid employee, because nobody in their right minds would disagree with me”, but that is in fact exactly what you are saying. Your opinion does not have to be my opinion, or even the opinion of most of the playerbase. Don’t advertise it as such.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

It really doesn’t make sense why someone hates a game so much spends time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being enthousiastic has the opinion that that particular part of the game is just fine as it is, instead of spending that time playing some other (part of the) game he likes.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed by competing companies and are trying to lure people away from this one to “their” company.

See? I can make conspiracy theories too.

It’s pretty arrogant to say “I am so right about this, that everyone who disagrees with me has to be a paid employee, because nobody in their right minds would disagree with me”, but that is in fact exactly what you are saying. Your opinion does not have to be my opinion, or even the opinion of most of the playerbase. Don’t advertise it as such.

I’m not employed by a gaming company and I could care less about your opinion and I never said everyone who disagrees with me is an employee. 1/10

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

It really doesn’t make sense why someone hates a game so much spends time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being enthousiastic has the opinion that that particular part of the game is just fine as it is, instead of spending that time playing some other (part of the) game he likes.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed by competing companies and are trying to lure people away from this one to “their” company.

See? I can make conspiracy theories too.

It’s pretty arrogant to say “I am so right about this, that everyone who disagrees with me has to be a paid employee, because nobody in their right minds would disagree with me”, but that is in fact exactly what you are saying. Your opinion does not have to be my opinion, or even the opinion of most of the playerbase. Don’t advertise it as such.

I’m not employed by a gaming company and I could care less about your opinion and I never said everyone who disagrees with me is an employee. 1/10

Me neither, then why come to a discussion forum where you will read my opinion whether you care about it or not and yes you did.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

It really doesn’t make sense why someone hates a game so much spends time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being enthousiastic has the opinion that that particular part of the game is just fine as it is, instead of spending that time playing some other (part of the) game he likes.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed by competing companies and are trying to lure people away from this one to “their” company.

See? I can make conspiracy theories too.

It’s pretty arrogant to say “I am so right about this, that everyone who disagrees with me has to be a paid employee, because nobody in their right minds would disagree with me”, but that is in fact exactly what you are saying. Your opinion does not have to be my opinion, or even the opinion of most of the playerbase. Don’t advertise it as such.

I’m not employed by a gaming company and I could care less about your opinion and I never said everyone who disagrees with me is an employee. 1/10

Me neither, then why come to a discussion forum where you will read my opinion whether you care about it or not and yes you did.

Because I think the game can be improved upon and has a lot of potential and good things about it but the bad things at the moment outweighs the good. The same reason many critics critique something. They critique it because they are passionate about it.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vorch.2985


Sometimes I wonder if I am playing the same game as some of you guys.

As much as I dislike ascended gear; you don’t need it outside of FotM 20+. I play dungeons for fun (not CoF p1), do dailies when I can, and explore/WvW in between.

OP, you say that dungeons need a lot more attention, but don’t list your specific criticisms. You do the same with WvW. Imo, dungeons need more interesting encounters a la the AC update, but WvW post-culling seems to be very lively, and I’m on a tier 5 server.

It seems like you want the game to take itself more seriously as you are enraged by the SAB and quaggan backpacks. I assume the candycorn people, grenches, rollerbeetles, candy cane weapons, and April fools day pranks of GW1 also disappointed you as well.

People used to have fun with sticks and rubber balls. I find this game to be more engaging than GW1. I think the issue for some people is that they prefer CORPGs of MMOs, which is not a bad thing.

The game is worked on month by month. They have improved A LOT since launch. I hope one day that whatever personal issues you have work out for you and you come back to community.

Also, try role-playing.

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out: http://tinyurl.com/bntcvyc
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

(edited by Vorch.2985)

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

Ps using words like tripe is just a way for people who aren’t as intelligent as they think they are to make themselves feel confident when speaking down to others. You obviously aren’t old enough to know that :-)

Yes I suffer from a deficiency in intelligence. That must be it. Feel free to ignore everything I say in my vast and uncharted ignorance.

It’s hard to ignore you when you’re in every thread but trust me I usually do ignore you. I also find your deficiency in manners to be more noticeably than using the vocabulary you choose but please continue.

I’m not in every thread. Only the ones were people make stuff up because they don’t like the game. By all means, say you don’t like the game, but saying the game isn’t doing well because you don’t like it is just wrong.

At best, you don’t know how well the game is doing.

You might be correct an Anet employee would have the best knowledge on how well the game is doing. I wonder if they always have the Anet logo under thier names? It would make good business sense for them to have posters defending the game. Who knows?

Probably not as much sense as you think. I’m not even sure Anet is happy with how I defend the game. I’m actually an instant target. I probably cause more problems on the forums than I solve.

I’d love it if Anet did pay me. But they don’t.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

It makes about as much sense as football fans fighting over their favorite teams. You really don’t know much about human nature I guess.

I really like a game. I see people bad-mouth the game. The game is my hobby. I defend the game. Pure, simple, human nature. It’s about territory.

There are certain things that trigger reactions in people. All people. If the only reason you can see for me defending a game is that Anet is paying me to do it, you really need to get out more.

Life is a bit more complicated than that. Hell, I’ve seen people defend their soft drink when someone says it sucks.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clay.7849


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

Ps using words like tripe is just a way for people who aren’t as intelligent as they think they are to make themselves feel confident when speaking down to others. You obviously aren’t old enough to know that :-)

Yes I suffer from a deficiency in intelligence. That must be it. Feel free to ignore everything I say in my vast and uncharted ignorance.

It’s hard to ignore you when you’re in every thread but trust me I usually do ignore you. I also find your deficiency in manners to be more noticeably than using the vocabulary you choose but please continue.

I’m not in every thread. Only the ones were people make stuff up because they don’t like the game. By all means, say you don’t like the game, but saying the game isn’t doing well because you don’t like it is just wrong.

At best, you don’t know how well the game is doing.

You might be correct an Anet employee would have the best knowledge on how well the game is doing. I wonder if they always have the Anet logo under thier names? It would make good business sense for them to have posters defending the game. Who knows?

Probably not as much sense as you think. I’m not even sure Anet is happy with how I defend the game. I’m actually an instant target. I probably cause more problems on the forums than I solve.

I’d love it if Anet did pay me. But they don’t.

I’m letting you know that no matter how much you think of yourself, none of us are solving any problems by posting on the forums.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.

I like the dynamic event system. It was cool and innovative, though they could have gone a lot further with how they designed the events. The no sub fee is a huge feature this game has going for it.

They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

Ps using words like tripe is just a way for people who aren’t as intelligent as they think they are to make themselves feel confident when speaking down to others. You obviously aren’t old enough to know that :-)

Yes I suffer from a deficiency in intelligence. That must be it. Feel free to ignore everything I say in my vast and uncharted ignorance.

It’s hard to ignore you when you’re in every thread but trust me I usually do ignore you. I also find your deficiency in manners to be more noticeably than using the vocabulary you choose but please continue.

I’m not in every thread. Only the ones were people make stuff up because they don’t like the game. By all means, say you don’t like the game, but saying the game isn’t doing well because you don’t like it is just wrong.

At best, you don’t know how well the game is doing.

You might be correct an Anet employee would have the best knowledge on how well the game is doing. I wonder if they always have the Anet logo under thier names? It would make good business sense for them to have posters defending the game. Who knows?

Probably not as much sense as you think. I’m not even sure Anet is happy with how I defend the game. I’m actually an instant target. I probably cause more problems on the forums than I solve.

I’d love it if Anet did pay me. But they don’t.

I’m letting you know that no matter how much you think of yourself, none of us are solving any problems by posting on the forums.

It’s more interesting than the game is in it’s current state imo.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhinala.1739


@Tosha Daydreamer.9251: I said

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

to show that this is not a fact only my perspective. on the other hand you said

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed by competing companies and are trying to lure people away from this one to “their” company.

So i guess that you jumped to conclusion.

back to topic:

I don’t hate GW2 i like it a lot, I brought a lot of friends from DDO and LoTRO to this game, convinced players to buy GW2 in the elder scrolls forums. i guess you can say that i did a bit for the game and i feel like i can allow myself to point spots that i feel as mistakes, spots that in my opinion take GW2 from an innovative game to another WoW clone with GW lore.
You can disagree with me but i guess that it will be hard to be polite.

(edited by Rhinala.1739)

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think the reason that many Gw1 players were upset was because the way Anet advertised this game was kind of…misleading. Sure we have dynamic events, but its still kill x enemy, or find x amount of item.

And then there is this little clip…


I don’t believe anything that made Gw1 an amazing success (besides the lore) made it into the game. They are two different games entirely.


They can make this the best mmo of all time if they keep developing it and play the game as it’s developed while listening to ALL of the community.

They really need a pts server or in game surveys to find out what the players think and want. They can do these because they did it in beta.

This is utter tripe. They can NOT make the best MMO of all time if they listen to ALL of the community, because the community is divided. One group says make the open world harder, one group says keep it the same. Which group do you listen to? Some guys say they want more complexity in the skills and builds, some guys don’t want that. They want to run around and kill stuff. Who do you listen to?

And there have been times when Anet has listened to the people, and made the big world events “more rewarding”. All that’s led to is really boring and bad world events. That’s what Anet gets for listening to the people.

Most people didn’t complain about the difficult of the world events before they were camped so hard they made overflow servers.

Listening to the players assumes most players would know what makes a good game. And it would also presuppose all players want the same things.

If Anet hadn’t listened to the players, we wouldn’t have ascended gear in the form it is today.

Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Oh and if I was Anet I would probably listen to anyone except for people who defend the game in every thread. See if the game was as wonderful as the fanboys suggest they’d be playing it and not browsing the forums.

PS please keep posting Vayne your insults and comments are a lot more interesting than the game is atm.

I intend to keep posting. Tripe is just a word that isn’t used very much any more. Problem with being old. Sorry about that.

If Anet listened to everyone but fan boys, you guys STILL disagree on stuff. It’s not like those who don’t like the game as it is would all end up agreeing on what it should be. If you think that’s the case…you’d very likely be wrong.

But that’s irrelevant because you use the word fan boy to dismiss other people’s opinions as if they’re not entitled to them. Which is okay, I suppose.

I guess only the opinions of people who dislike stuff matter. The opinions of people who like stuff is just wrong.

Good thinking on your part.

Ps using words like tripe is just a way for people who aren’t as intelligent as they think they are to make themselves feel confident when speaking down to others. You obviously aren’t old enough to know that :-)

Yes I suffer from a deficiency in intelligence. That must be it. Feel free to ignore everything I say in my vast and uncharted ignorance.

It’s hard to ignore you when you’re in every thread but trust me I usually do ignore you. I also find your deficiency in manners to be more noticeably than using the vocabulary you choose but please continue.

I’m not in every thread. Only the ones were people make stuff up because they don’t like the game. By all means, say you don’t like the game, but saying the game isn’t doing well because you don’t like it is just wrong.

At best, you don’t know how well the game is doing.

You might be correct an Anet employee would have the best knowledge on how well the game is doing. I wonder if they always have the Anet logo under thier names? It would make good business sense for them to have posters defending the game. Who knows?

Probably not as much sense as you think. I’m not even sure Anet is happy with how I defend the game. I’m actually an instant target. I probably cause more problems on the forums than I solve.

I’d love it if Anet did pay me. But they don’t.

I’m letting you know that no matter how much you think of yourself, none of us are solving any problems by posting on the forums.

I think you should read my post again, because your response makes no sense.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

It makes about as much sense as football fans fighting over their favorite teams. You really don’t know much about human nature I guess.

I really like a game. I see people bad-mouth the game. The game is my hobby. I defend the game. Pure, simple, human nature. It’s about territory.

There are certain things that trigger reactions in people. All people. If the only reason you can see for me defending a game is that Anet is paying me to do it, you really need to get out more.

Life is a bit more complicated than that. Hell, I’ve seen people defend their soft drink when someone says it sucks.

I’ve never argued with anyone over the Starbucks drink I prefer. I have watched lots of Scientology documentaries on how they bull bait people into arguments though.

I also don’t know where you got the idea I thought Anet was paying you. Maybe you’re projecting I dunno?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Is tripe a word you use in the outback?

Did Drew seriously just mock someone for having an extended vocabulary? I mean, I knew this guy wasn’t to be taken seriously, but I didn’t think he’d make that obvious.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

It makes about as much sense as football fans fighting over their favorite teams. You really don’t know much about human nature I guess.

I really like a game. I see people bad-mouth the game. The game is my hobby. I defend the game. Pure, simple, human nature. It’s about territory.

There are certain things that trigger reactions in people. All people. If the only reason you can see for me defending a game is that Anet is paying me to do it, you really need to get out more.

Life is a bit more complicated than that. Hell, I’ve seen people defend their soft drink when someone says it sucks.

I’ve never argued with anyone over the Starbucks drink I prefer. I have watched lots of Scientology documentaries on how they bull bait people into arguments though.

I also don’t know where you got the idea I thought Anet was paying you. Maybe you’re projecting I dunno?

Someone else accused me of being on Anet’s payroll and after that you said

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

I think it’s perfectly clear what you’re saying here. If you were responding to a post about me being paid by Anet, then I have to assume (and it’s an obvious assumption to make) that this refers to me as well.

Particularly after how often you respond to me for defending Anet.

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

It makes about as much sense as football fans fighting over their favorite teams. You really don’t know much about human nature I guess.

I really like a game. I see people bad-mouth the game. The game is my hobby. I defend the game. Pure, simple, human nature. It’s about territory.

There are certain things that trigger reactions in people. All people. If the only reason you can see for me defending a game is that Anet is paying me to do it, you really need to get out more.

Life is a bit more complicated than that. Hell, I’ve seen people defend their soft drink when someone says it sucks.

I’ve never argued with anyone over the Starbucks drink I prefer. I have watched lots of Scientology documentaries on how they bull bait people into arguments though.

I also don’t know where you got the idea I thought Anet was paying you. Maybe you’re projecting I dunno?

Someone else accused me of being on Anet’s payroll and after that you said

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

I think it’s perfectly clear what you’re saying here. If you were responding to a post about me being paid by Anet, then I have to assume (and it’s an obvious assumption to make) that this refers to me as well.

Particularly after how often you respond to me for defending Anet.

I think you’re paranoid and I never said that so not sure where you got that from. Are you trying to say you’re the only person that defends this game on the forum?

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Well you lost me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


In my opinion GW2 early days ware as it was advertised the game was a blast, it had erorrs some of the events ware broken but it didnt detracted from the fun.
and then came the lost shores update and the ascended gear that created a huge rift in the player base a rift that hadn’t been mended till today. I thought that fractals will be a wonderful dungeon but in reality it wasn’t better then vexa’s lab, this dungeon is a grind fiesta. here the real grind started, Anet promised different ways to get the ascended gear ways that doesn’t involve the fractals, we got the laurels that requires the daily grind and the monthly grind, wait didn’t Anet advertised that this game will not have grind? so why do i need to kill all of those enemies without any reason?
the dailys and monthlies stopped my event search, thy became a part of the grind not something i do for fun. the spawning rate in this game is insane in the manifesto thy said that the player actions will count but the enemies i kill respawn 90-230 sec later sometimes instantly, events i finish reset 5 min later yup my deeds count (for nothing).
i dont mind the cursed shores art but i mind the amount of enemies and cc few days ago i tried to reach arah waypoint i tried to avoid combat and tossed back and forth, later i tried to fight but couldn’t fight the respawn speed, fun times maybe i need to change my perception of fun. The lower level areas feels a lot more polished then the higher level areas, even the sylvari land feels better then arah.

In my opinion some of the game greatest defenders are Anet employees without the Anet tag.

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

The only logical reason I can come up with is some are employed and defending the company they work for. Any good employee would do that but the only thing the critical posters have to gain is having their opinions and frustrations heard in hopes they can improve the game for themselves and like minded players.

It makes about as much sense as football fans fighting over their favorite teams. You really don’t know much about human nature I guess.

I really like a game. I see people bad-mouth the game. The game is my hobby. I defend the game. Pure, simple, human nature. It’s about territory.

There are certain things that trigger reactions in people. All people. If the only reason you can see for me defending a game is that Anet is paying me to do it, you really need to get out more.

Life is a bit more complicated than that. Hell, I’ve seen people defend their soft drink when someone says it sucks.

I’ve never argued with anyone over the Starbucks drink I prefer. I have watched lots of Scientology documentaries on how they bull bait people into arguments though.

I also don’t know where you got the idea I thought Anet was paying you. Maybe you’re projecting I dunno?

Someone else accused me of being on Anet’s payroll and after that you said

Yep I tend to agree with you about the employee defender part. I’ve seen it in forums on other mmos and it really doesn’t make sense why someone who loves a game so much they would spend time arguing with people on the forums just because the person being critical has the opinion the game could be better instead of spending that time playing.

I think it’s perfectly clear what you’re saying here. If you were responding to a post about me being paid by Anet, then I have to assume (and it’s an obvious assumption to make) that this refers to me as well.

Particularly after how often you respond to me for defending Anet.

I think you’re paranoid and I never said that so not sure where you got that from.

The quote that I said you said, I copied and past from your post. The employee defender thing is pretty obvious. I’m not paranoid. This is a seriously easy logical leap to make.