What A GW2 Xpac Can Bring

What A GW2 Xpac Can Bring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


We all have expectations for any game we play and invest time and effort into. What I want to say is of course MY thoughts as to what you can expect from fw2 Xpac 2. Story, bosses, raids, maps, weapons, armor…..are all nice things, but this comes with every living story episode. Meaning, it’s nothing special. What else do we imagine? A new class?? Well they already gave us a new class last Xpac, there won’t be a new one this time around. A new race?? Possibly, and the rest of the content that comes with a new race was already previously mentioned (maps,armor,weapons, etc). Thats not enough though. What did the previous RUSHED Xpac give us? It gave us new major mechanics and a new way of playing the game. Meaning that if you want to expect something other than the common things that happen every major update, we can also expect a MAJOR addition to core gameplay. Some people are saying that mounts will be a thing for Xpac 2. While that can be wrong, it shouldn’t be misinterpreted. Gw2 won’t gave your basic mount. We will probably have mounts for certain mechanics that we are unable to perform. For example, like flying to the top of the flying wizards tower which so many of us have forgotten about. Or achiving other things that add to the experience.

Meaning, we can expect a brand new GW2 with each Xpac. What I mean by this is, unlike WOW which is wattered down and started copying other good game like cough gw2, whose Xpac consist of a bigger version of our regular quarterly updates. Gw2 doesn’t seem to focus too much on that. If all a GW2 Xpac would be is just a better version of a quarterly update then we would be disappointed. I believe that what we can expect from every Xpac is basically a brand new GW2, offering mechanics and experiences that were previously impossible.

What A GW2 Xpac Can Bring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Nice a disguised mounts/race thread

What A GW2 Xpac Can Bring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Nice a disguised mounts/race thread

Okay. It’s not disguised. Some new mechanic will without a doubt be implemented. Mounts are an option. Here’s a better idea, how about you provide your expectations instead.

What A GW2 Xpac Can Bring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knuckle Joe.7408

Knuckle Joe.7408

I’d really like them to bring out something like Urgoz’ warren, the deep, FoW or Domain of anguish from GW1. We have raids, but to be honest they ain’t kitten compared to those instances. I’d imagine it is near impossible to have something the scale of Urgoz for example, seeing that Devs can hardly pull out something like legendaries.

I’d rather have a looooong kitten dungeon with tons of very powerful and varied monsters and cool story/lore instead of raid wings where you enter-kill huge boss-do minor event-kill second huge boss. I admit raids have their little charm, but it pales in comparison tbh.

For example, freaking loved Domain of anguish because you actually had to go to different locations that when you finished them, culminated in going to destroy Mallyx.. Really gave you a sense of accomplishment to finally go and destroy the last boss, but first you had to destroy its little army/servants all over the place. Raids on the other hand, are overwhelmingly dull (at least for me), its all just a “memorize boss’ telegraphs and dps hard” fkfest with no substance.

Something like those elite GW1 dungeons with the mechanics of GW2 could be incredibly dope.


(edited by Knuckle Joe.7408)

What A GW2 Xpac Can Bring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Nice a disguised mounts/race thread

Okay. It’s not disguised. Some new mechanic will without a doubt be implemented. Mounts are an option. Here’s a better idea, how about you provide your expectations instead.

Legendary rifle that doesn’t stink. New elite specs. New maps. New monster types rather than reskins of old ones. New earn-able armor sets. New earn-able weapons skins. Longer epic story. To name a few.

What A GW2 Xpac Can Bring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Nice a disguised mounts/race thread

Okay. It’s not disguised. Some new mechanic will without a doubt be implemented. Mounts are an option. Here’s a better idea, how about you provide your expectations instead.

Legendary rifle that doesn’t stink. New elite specs. New maps. New monster types rather than reskins of old ones. New earn-able armor sets. New earn-able weapons skins. Longer epic story. To name a few.

You’re literally mentioning obvious things that are suppose to come with an Xpac….lol they even come with quarterly updates, but at a smaller scale. As for the rifle, yeaaaaaa I don’t like it, super basic, but that’s just lack of creative design.

What A GW2 Xpac Can Bring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Nice a disguised mounts/race thread

Okay. It’s not disguised. Some new mechanic will without a doubt be implemented. Mounts are an option. Here’s a better idea, how about you provide your expectations instead.

Legendary rifle that doesn’t stink. New elite specs. New maps. New monster types rather than reskins of old ones. New earn-able armor sets. New earn-able weapons skins. Longer epic story. To name a few.

You’re literally mentioning obvious things that are suppose to come with an Xpac….lol they even come with quarterly updates, but at a smaller scale. As for the rifle, yeaaaaaa I don’t like it, super basic, but that’s just lack of creative design.

You said “Here’s a better idea, how about you provide your expectations instead.”

So I did

What A GW2 Xpac Can Bring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


Nice a disguised mounts/race thread

Okay. It’s not disguised. Some new mechanic will without a doubt be implemented. Mounts are an option. Here’s a better idea, how about you provide your expectations instead.

Legendary rifle that doesn’t stink. New elite specs. New maps. New monster types rather than reskins of old ones. New earn-able armor sets. New earn-able weapons skins. Longer epic story. To name a few.

You’re literally mentioning obvious things that are suppose to come with an Xpac….lol they even come with quarterly updates, but at a smaller scale. As for the rifle, yeaaaaaa I don’t like it, super basic, but that’s just lack of creative design.

You said “Here’s a better idea, how about you provide your expectations instead.”

So I did


What A GW2 Xpac Can Bring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I have no expectations on GW2 anymore, just only hopes and concepts under which circumstances ANet would be able to make me become an active player again, because as long the game stays in certain points as it is right now, its sure, that even if I’d return, I’d be quickly annoyed of the game again and become inactive again, because there is nothing in this game currently, that flashes and amazes me so much, that I feel in myself the intention again to become an active player.
I currently even force myself to make a long break to say the truth, just so that I don’t am bored of the game again right after like 1-3 days,just because I#ve gone through all the new content to end up immidietely again standing in frotn of tons of fashion grind walls, tons of ridiculous RNG mechanis and annoying absurd time gated things that exist only to artificially slow me down and to annoy me, instead of beign there to let me have fun with the game – thats the paradox game design, that just * me off more and more with MMORPgs, that devs spent more and more time with dumb mechanics that exist only to annoy and slow down their players, than to create fun whats the sole reason for why I play a game – to have fun and not to waste time with idiotic time gates and absurd RNG mechanics and fashion grind, just becausethey seem not to know better methods n how they can make their players do something in the game entertaining, that just takes long enough time without feeling like a grind and without added needless time gates in which the player needs to do nothing, but just waiting a day, before they can continue on workign on something – thats just plain stupid game design and needs to get removed and should have never been implemented in the game at first place at all

Anet could truly amaze me only right now, if they show us for once, that they can deliver something truly epic and big – something that really nobody would ever expect from them and that would be basically right now the ultimate Balance Changes Update as part of the next expansion together with lots of massive quality of life improvements that are way too long overdue and features that would improve already existing things of the game and which people want from Anet to get delivered since day 1 and on which we wait now for 4 years

Balance Part:

- Rework of the Health System to a more Class individual based System instead of the 2012er outdated Class Type System that pidgeonholes all classes into just 3 types, from what all classes suffer alot , because game has already outgrown long time ago the base health values of the 2012er health system by far with the current game balance state!!!
- Complete rework of Condition and Boon System together with a reduction of both
- Complete Rebalance of the whole Upgrade System (Sigils, Runes, Gemstones)
- Removal from all Gear Stats, all Stats shouuld automatically increase from Character Leveling and should be freely distributable/resetable by the player any time out of combat just like the GW1 Attribute System was
- Merging Attributes and changing them to Dual Effects to equalize them all and make them all same as valuable for offensive, defensive as like supportive play styles, without that anythign of them overadvantages one play stayle over an other one, lik it is right now, where just only offensive play styles are worth it to be played, because the others are comparec to it underpowered, cause the defensive and supportive attributes just have no attribute synergies or simple seem to be bugged and don’t work, like Toughness, which feels even with very high numbers, like it reduces way too uneffectively at all any incoming damage and you still die in like 2 hits, if a high offensive build attacks, you, when in fact both builds should equalize each other to be balanced as you should have a much harder time to deal damage against a high defensive player, even with an offensive build, as like if you fight agaisnt a low defensive build which should take naturally significantly more damage from you.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

What A GW2 Xpac Can Bring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 2:

Feature Part
- Build Templates System implemented
- Legendary Accessoires added/Skill Skins for more Character Individuality
- Crafting System Redesign
- Jeweler/Chef finally equalized with all otherv Crafting Jobs
- Missing Content finally added like Bar Brawls and Polymok
- DirectX11 Support at least finally
- More better Graphic Shaders Support, like the ingame support of certain well known third party programs that make GW2 look better
- Official Game Controler Support (Make officially GW2 playable with Xbox360/1 Controlers for example, or bring GW2 officially out for PS4/X1 with free online access if you have a PC game account so that you can play the game also via current nextgen consoles if you want – god id love to play GW2 from my PS4 on my big TV cause I’m much more skilled with games with a controler in hands, than with keyboard and mouse)
- Implementation of Tengus/ redesigned Largos as playable new races
- Implementation of more Elite Specs with new Weapon Types (Polearms, Greataxe, Whip/Chainsickles, Claws/Gloves, Throwing Weapons (Big Boomerangs/Shurikens/Chakrams), Magic Orbs/Tomes and Crossbows to make the game more interesting and diversive
- Implementation of Fishing/Digging/Gardening
- Player Housing (from Guild Halls to Player Housing is really now no far fetch…)
- Return of more nostalgia from GW1 in form of new Elite Endcontent that is the return of – The Underworld with the Fissure of Woe for the beginning which is a 10-20 men Raid Zone, that truly works like a raid and that is not like what we have now just a silly 10 people dungeons 2.0, cause ANet has no plan of what raids are really and designes due to this practically dungeons 2.0 “raids” where you follow just a chain of bosses to be defeated… raids are more than only – defeat boss, defeat boss, defeat boss, get rewards, rinse and repeat…

Especially should be raids balanced for all classes, and not like it is right now, where all raids are only playable with very specific meta class build compositions if you want to do them efficiently, because hardcore players….
Raids need to be reowrked to provide different Modes
Beginner, Normal and Hard.

Beginner = people can test them out, mechanics and enemies are weaker than normal so that people can get used to the raid and do some trainign in that mode, until they think they are ready for higher difficulty modes – decreased rewards
Achievements only doable here, so that people that are doing content only for achievements don’t interfere with people that want to do raids for efficience and rewards that don’t care for achievements

Normal = Just like now, but without time ticking down so that there is no idotic DPS pressure in the whole thing. rewards like now

Hard = Time Pressure, enemies and mechanics strogner and more punishing than normal, so that positioning and constant high DPS ect. becomes more important, increased rewards compared to normal.

if anet would brign this kind of ultimate expansion, that amazes me by bringing us the absolute unexpected things, which would truly bring this game forward, I guess then i’d instantly be in again actively, because then I’d have again fun with this game, because the game would be again greatly better balanced, if all combat system mechanics would get their needed overworks to receive again better harmonization between each other, while providing finally the features, that people are waiting for ages on, like Build Templates, like Player Housing, like Direct X11 Support

I expect nothing about I’ve written here from Anet, just saying that these kinds of changes would lead to it, that I become again an active player, because I’m sick of the absurd fashion grind the game received in last years like that 10000 units of x for 1 item skin for a holiday…

I’m especially sick of the absurd game balance that this game has since the condition system change and the rushed in Elite specs that Anet added, before they made any needed corrections from the condition change patch – the specializations literally got thrown into the burning fire, like oil to make it burn “HoTer” and thats what made for me the final nail to the coffin to become inactive, because I see in Anet no intentions right now, that they have any plans on fixing the mess, that they self created with the rushed in E-Specs and the Condition changes anytime “soon”™

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside