What Else Is Coming?
Living World Season 4 is coming straight after PoF with most likely new raids, fractals, legendaries, maps, maybe new mounts, new outfits, new Aurene minis, gliders, story.
I am looking forward to new mini Aurene.
Living World Season 4 is coming straight after PoF with most likely new raids, fractals, legendaries, maps, maybe new mounts, new outfits, new Aurene minis, gliders, story.
I am looking forward to new mini Aurene.
Possibly even a legendary mount mini outfit glider Aurene? That’d be neat, would buy.
Epic Legendary Aurene Mount with Aurene outfit, new Aurene mini and Aurene glider?! I am up for that!!
Am I dreaming / making things up, or have we had it confirmed that there would be no new dungeons for PoF?
I thought this was a confirmed thing – but can now not find a reference to back myself up; so it’s possible I’m getting my wires crossed with a more generalised statement about dungeons for the base game / HoT.
There wont be “legendary” mounts. Just like gliding, mounts are a tool to get you from point A to point B. They do not provide (selectable) stats increase. So legendary is not it. Epic gemstore skins however will most likely come, since that is a golden opportunity for Anet to make some money from it.
Am I dreaming / making things up, or have we had it confirmed that there would be no new dungeons for PoF?
I thought this was a confirmed thing – but can now not find a reference to back myself up; so it’s possible I’m getting my wires crossed with a more generalised statement about dungeons for the base game / HoT.
There will indeed be no longer dungeons. Those are a thing in the past. Current dungeons are still there for those who like to play them. Or early endgame content for new players. But there wont be future updates and such in regards to dungeons. Fractals are the current endgame content if not raids for those who like the challenge
According to Mike Z
All features for the expansion have been revealed, so we shouldn’t expect any other surprising reveals.
Separate from the launch of PoF: LS4 (probably 4 months later, maybe sooner), new fractals, and new raids (the last two will be on their own release schedule, independent of LS4 and PoF). There might also be some new “side stories,” but unlikely that we’ll see them soon after launch.
Not that much stuff actually, but at least we know we get LS4 pretty soon after release. Anyway, I am still on that Aurora Trinket, so I don’t need that many features. Still wish we had some more accessible 5man content than fractals.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
Item Identification is coming up with POF as well, helping us massively of gettign rid with inventory management wars
Hopefully with season 4 adding also alot of new masteries to all of the game, not just only for new maps.
theres so much anet could improve for the whole game by expanding significantly just the mastery system to make more usage of its potential for quality of life features, while providign at the same tiem more character progression through more masteries and revitalizing also the older maps with the help of that.
Item Identification is coming up with POF as well, helping us massively of gettign rid with inventory management wars
Hopefully with season 4 adding also alot of new masteries to all of the game, not just only for new maps.
theres so much anet could improve for the whole game by expanding significantly just the mastery system to make more usage of its potential for quality of life features, while providign at the same tiem more character progression through more masteries and revitalizing also the older maps with the help of that.
Helping us massivly how,?
They could just keep droping bags of masterful gear that dont cost anything to open and have 3 pieces instead of 1 in it.
With them will get loot reduced from slot per piece to 250 units of loot per slot.
Means in regard of equipment loot will have now every inventory slot the worth of up to 250 loot items instead of just only 1 item.
For the moment – I repeat myself – for the moment it means having an additional money sink for this improvement of inventory management.
Money sinks aren’t a proble, – we all know that this game needs them…
With the reduction of lesser wps ,we will save on the other side also money, money you can use then instead to indentify your loot.
You have the improvement also as well, that you can salvage now masses of items with 1 double click, without gettign through the tons of salvages also tons of green sigils that cluster your inventory quickly full – no, with that method of mass salvaging you reveive only materials…
Its also an improvement, if you just want to sell tons of loot quickly, you don#t have to put anymore 250 items one by one into the TP, you can just put now the stack of 250 unidentified items into the tp, thus lettign you have doen the task in much lesser time, than to have to put every single item into the tp after another.
You can also farm now much much longer loot, before you are forced to salvage7sell something to clean up your inventory, when loot gets through the identification proces more generalized to a common standard, before you identify it to know, what the item individually is in fact before it takes up its own individual slot in your inventory.
It helps you nor sanybody else here to just seek out only for the negatives on somethiung, just so that you have a reason to rage over something..
See the positive things what this change will bring you in the game.
Everythign as advantages as like disadvantages, and when all the advantages that this mechanic brings to the game are for Anet outweighted by just adding only a tiny gold sink – then I find this very ok.
Nobody of us knows, if Naet might not eventually (like by myself proposed) add perhaps some kind of Identification Mastery i nthe future, to build up further onto this gameplay mechanic to add some kind of character progression also on to off this with that players get eventualyl also some kind of rewarding out of it when they identify alot of items, same as much as like LUCK ESSENCE and the improved accoundbased loot bonus % for EXP, Karma, Gold, MF are byproduct rewards from salvaging lots of items to get lots of luck essence to increase your total account MF.
its just a question of what Anet does make out of the identification system, once POF has been released.
Theres at least quite some potential there to expand upon the identification feature with a fitting mastery line for it, or through adding an other new byproduct reward mechanic to the identification of items, other than gettign just to know, what for an item you really received there.
We just know too less of anets plans what they are planning eventually to do with identification, once its there.
Don’t make out of this already a witch hunt, before you don’t know all the details and the full expansion has been released. Just have patience first and lets see, what the whole thing will turn out to be in the end when PoF is out and we know, what Anet will do with this game from that point on then.
Maybe not coming with PoF necessarily, but we do know that the other legendary trinkets are on their way.
I’d like a tool tip or mouse-over tip that tells me what stuff is destroyable in my bank/inv as it had a) no value on the trading post and/or b) is redundant stuff no longer of use. And less account bound clobber.
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