Now I find every so often, that I like to challenge myself, or can’t rely on fellow guildies to come help me in my times of need, so in those cases I just end up soloing something deadly. I thought I would ask the community, what they have solo’d and this seemed like the best place to post it. Anyways, how this thread works.
There are 2 types of Solo, Official and Unofficial Solo. Unofficial Solo’s are where you’ve done significant damage and are in a good position to keep soloing, however a player/players show up and kill it with you. To earn the Unofficial Solo, you must have dealt more than 50% health and have been in a good position to keep going.
So anyways, onto what I’ve Solo’d.
Unofficial Solo:
- Champion Oakheart; Queensdale. Solo’d with Level 80 Guardian, Gear was all Exotic excluding back as this was Rare. I can’t exactly remember what kind I was using, as I solo’d Champion Oak within the first 6 months of GW launching.
Official Solo’s:
- Champion Frainn; Timberline Falls. Solo’d with Level 80 Warrior. All Exotic, excluding back item as this was Rare. Armor, Knight’s and Berserker Shoulder Armor with Superior Rune of Melandru. Trinkets, Emerald With Exquisite Ruby Orbs. Weapons, Berserker, Axe/Warhorn and Greatsword With Superior Sigils of Force, Purity and Accuracy. Traits 30, 0, 20, 0, 20
- Champion Risen Drake Broodmother; Strait’s of Devastation. Solo’d with Level 80 Warrior. All Exotic, excluding back item as this was Rare. Armor, Knight’s and Berserker Shoulder Armor with Superior Rune of Melandru. Trinkets, Emerald With Exquisite Ruby Orbs. Weapons, Berserker, Axe/Warhorn and Longbow With Superior Sigils of Force, Purity and Generosity. Traits, 30, 0, 10, 0, 30.