What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


What (major) region would you most like to see opened up in-game?

I would love to see the entire ‘Magus Falls’ region open up for play.

Maybe if we get enough support, the dev’s will have to consider developing an entire region for play.

Which region would you like?

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


The Crystal Desert would be a good start. I know it’s a very hazardous place, but it’s a good start.


What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Ring of Fire \o/

I ? Karkas.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Far Shiverpeaks.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


Far Shiverpeaks.

That would be my second choice – I really want to explore the Kodan and their culture in more depth – and of course, I’d love to face off against Jormag, and some of his stronger minions (the Sons of Svanir are total kittens).

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


Hmm, touch choice…. I think I’ll go for filling in the holes in th map, like the area between Lion’s Arch and Kessex.
Otherwise, the area above Divinity Reach into the Shiverpeaks.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Honestly, I’m torn but Far Shiverpeaks seems the one which could be executed the best and have the closest feel of nostalgia. Plus, we could have the norn take center stage on the whole thing. About time someone other than the asura and sylvari got a chance to actually do things.

But then I really want to go into the Crystal Desert after Kralkatorrik because that seems like it could be entertaining to watch humanity push that frontier with the intent of reclaiming the path of Ascension. Or maybe just giving Logan a chance to actually do it right this time.

(Plus, if they go to the Desert, that gets closer to the Desolation and Elona . . . which is more my favorite other region than Cantha.)

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I would love to revisit the Crystal Desert. One of my favorite places in Guild Wars. =)

(I, too, would much prefer Elona to Cantha.)

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


Honestly, I’m torn but Far Shiverpeaks seems the one which could be executed the best and have the closest feel of nostalgia. Plus, we could have the norn take center stage on the whole thing. About time someone other than the asura and sylvari got a chance to actually do things.

But then I really want to go into the Crystal Desert after Kralkatorrik because that seems like it could be entertaining to watch humanity push that frontier with the intent of reclaiming the path of Ascension. Or maybe just giving Logan a chance to actually do it right this time.

(Plus, if they go to the Desert, that gets closer to the Desolation and Elona . . . which is more my favorite other region than Cantha.)

I’m pretty much with you on these regions. I want more snow, and that gate at Ebonhawke has been teasing me for over a year now.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Far Shiverpeaks.


I loved the shiverpeaks (southern especially) in GW1.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Far Shiverpeaks.


I loved the shiverpeaks (southern especially) in GW1.

Mineral Springs? Mineral Springs.

Spent way way too much time there trying for an Icy Dragon Sword.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Far Shiverpeaks.


I loved the shiverpeaks (southern especially) in GW1.

Mineral Springs? Mineral Springs.

Spent way way too much time there trying for an Icy Dragon Sword.


I got a run to Droks on my main (didnt even know what a run to droks was at the time but my Guild Leader insisted it was necessary) at level 9(ish). Loved the scenery so much that I stayed…Me against Mursaat, level 9, no armor infusion, only henchies. Finished leveling to 20 exploring southern shiverpeaks that way before going back to finish the story line.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leodious.5671


I would strongly prefer to return to Cantha.

But honestly, I’m not that picky. I just want some expansion of the playable land mass. We get some in dribs and drabs, and maybe that is how it is intended to be. As long as the end result is we get to go to the Ring of Fire, the Far Shiverpeaks, Cantha, Elona, the Desolation, somewhere. I want more land. I will always want more land. Give me all the content I can stomach.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sazberryftw.3809


Far Shiverpeaks for me! I am very eager to revisit it and encounter Jormag!

However if we’re going further out, Elona and the Desolation are hugely interesting to me. I wanna see what Palawa Joko is upto!

| Lithia |

(edited by sazberryftw.3809)

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bolbo Baggins.8594

Bolbo Baggins.8594

I really miss Elona, land of the golden sun. What a beautifull scenery, culture and storyline it had. I remember scouting Fahranur for the first time i played Nightfall, loved the ancient structures. And paragons, those beautifull teambuilders with all their shouts, chants, and echos (hope they bring the landspear back as a ranged option for the guardian)

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kibazuka.1390


Woodland cascades or blood legion homelands.
Seriously, there is not a single kitten forest in Guild wars 2

Ranger – Drakkar Lake[DE]
Full melee Ranger since August 2012

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wouw.5837



Elona is Love, Elona is life.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rym.1469


Blazeridge Mountains/Blood Legion homelands/Desolation/Woodland Cascades

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What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arctinus.7824


I would like to see Magus Falls, Woodland Cascades, Crystal Desert, Tarnished Coast and Blood Legion Homelands. ^^

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flipyap.5789


The rest of Maguuma,The Battledepths, Sea of Sorrows, Far Shiverpeaks, Woodland Cascades, Charr Homelands, Ring of Fire, Crystal Desert, Sanctum Cay, Desolation, Vabbi/Kourna, Elona, Shing Jea Island, Cantha, Jade Sea, Echovald Forest, Kaineng City.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ipan.4356


I think if it proves anything, this thread proves what players really want out of this game.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neurochazm.5370


I’d like the Asuran to start work on a time travel device, so that I can go back to Pre Searing Ascalon & it’s neighbouring areas that we didn’t get to see.

I believe in a long, prolonged, derangement of the senses in order to obtain the unknown.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrauls.6519


The Crystal Desert would be a good start. I know it’s a very hazardous place, but it’s a good start.

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hannelore.8153


I would prefer that the finish Tyria (the continent) first. Its mostly finsihed, but there’s a few big holes in it- specifically the two missing Tengu maps, and the area around Timberline Falls on the left side (next to Sparkfly Fen).

But if I had a second choise I would chose a woodland area such as Woodland Cascades (the Centaur homeland I think) or Magus Falls.

Daisuki [SUKI] LGBT-Friendly Guild Leader | NA – Jade Quarry
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/

(edited by Hannelore.8153)

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


All of them!!!!

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineRequiem.2710


Magus Falls (if it has waterfalls xD), otherwise Crystal Desert ^^

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arghore.8340


Funny how I’m to tired to know the regions name atm. But the map north of Brisbane wildland. Actually those 3 Flesh Reavers and that broken bridge with the portal behind it have been lurking in my mind ever since I first saw them… and that’s been nearly 2y ago… I just wanna know what’s behind that gate !

We are peace, we are war. We are how we treat each other and nothing more…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


I’d like to see some clean-up and exploration into Orr. The Risen should be dwindling by now, but new threats may yet emerge.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419



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What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Hmm, did like the Ring of Fire as well.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Syosha.5917


Either Ring of Fire Islands, or The Desert, either one will suffice.

What Region of Tyria Would You Like Most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Finish opening up Maguma Jungle then proceed to Crystal Desert or the Far Shiverpeeks and Jormag confrontation