What about Skill Points account bound?

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flash.6912


We would love to have skill points to be account bound! When can we get them?

R.I.P Kumu <3

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vitus Dance.4509

Vitus Dance.4509

We would?
Personally, i’d prefer them to stay as they are.

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


What? Why? They’re fine as is.

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Scrolls of knowledge, which are account bound, already drop like crazy.

The Burninator

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DDCarvalho.2071


I can cite a lot of advantages of account-bound skill points:

- Be able to use the skill points awarded to a level 80 who has all the skills to try out the skills in a new character.
- Skill points could be awarded as currency, negating the need for scrolls of knowledge and inventory space for them. They are already used as currency for the Mystic Forge.
- Be able to pool all skill points distributed between characters to buy items which are sold for skill points.

vitus, Khani, Trogdor… What advantage do you see in character-bound skill points?

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stephen McBeaven.5640

Stephen McBeaven.5640

What advantage do you see in character-bound skill points?

I think the idea is that people like to retain some progression on a character-by-character basis. Each time something is made account-bound, it chips away at the distinction between characters and at the replay value of the game. Account-bound dyes and account-bound WXP do the same thing, though they’re pretty popular. Perhaps people think account-bound skill points just go to far. To give you an extreme example, how about account-bound level? Or automatically generated copies of your gear for all your characters?

Does that make sense? On the one hand, yes it’s more convenient. But on the other hand, the game gradually disappears.

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


We would love to have skill points to be account bound! When can we get them?

Worst idea ever!!!!

So your idea is your level 50 or 60 goes and unlocks all the skill points, and your new level 5…. gets 50 skill points day one?

Let’s just serve the whole game On a silver platter. The Six forbid the game have a challenge if you can avoid it, Like giving your level 5 every skillpoint they will ever need day one?

Bad, bad, bad idea.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.8456


I much prefer them character-bound. I mean imagine account-bound points with scrolls of knowledge. You could have an end game character, with all their skills unlocked simply by already having a character at 80 and playing a little. Its pointless really

Desolation EU
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mckeone.9804


We would love to have skill points to be account bound! When can we get them?

Worst idea ever!!!!

So your idea is your level 50 or 60 goes and unlocks all the skill points, and your new level 5…. gets 50 skill points day one?

Let’s just serve the whole game On a silver platter. The Six forbid the game have a challenge if you can avoid it, Like giving your level 5 every skillpoint they will ever need day one?

Bad, bad, bad idea.

I have 1000 scrolls of knowledge in my bank. There’s nothing stopping this already. I can already give level 2 alts all the skill points that will ever be needed.

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Fang.8605

Azure Fang.8605

We would love to have skill points to be account bound! When can we get them?

Worst idea ever!!!!

So your idea is your level 50 or 60 goes and unlocks all the skill points, and your new level 5…. gets 50 skill points day one?

Let’s just serve the whole game On a silver platter. The Six forbid the game have a challenge if you can avoid it, Like giving your level 5 every skillpoint they will ever need day one?

Bad, bad, bad idea.

I have 1000 scrolls of knowledge in my bank. There’s nothing stopping this already. I can already give level 2 alts all the skill points that will ever be needed.

That’s two characters, and you still had to progress in some way, shape or form to gain said scrolls. Account points would remove said progress entirely and dramatically reduce general game life.

WoW Deathknights come to mind suddenly…

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


We would love to have skill points to be account bound! When can we get them?

Worst idea ever!!!!

So your idea is your level 50 or 60 goes and unlocks all the skill points, and your new level 5…. gets 50 skill points day one?

Let’s just serve the whole game On a silver platter. The Six forbid the game have a challenge if you can avoid it, Like giving your level 5 every skillpoint they will ever need day one?

Bad, bad, bad idea.

I have 1000 scrolls of knowledge in my bank. There’s nothing stopping this already. I can already give level 2 alts all the skill points that will ever be needed.

Scrolls of Knowledge are a bad idea. The only way they can be a good idea is if they are character bound on aquire … Otherwise.. they Just deprive each character of it’s own progression. Then again, this is just my opinion.

Anything that allows a character to gain skill points on one character for another character… in my opinion makes the game less fun, and less an immersive experience.

" gee,…I got 1000 scrolls, let me Just give my new level 2…all the skill points she needs" = " this feels less Like a character, and more Like a set of skills, and abilities that I wear like a suit. I can change this suit as I see fit…like changing clothes."

Maybe that is what some consider fun… I don’t.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erick Alastor.3917

Erick Alastor.3917

I’m for account bound.
As already underlined we have scrolls, so nothing will change, it would be just a QoL feature.

We have account bound karma, tokens, (upcoming) wxp…
Progression is not just getting few skills/stats over time, but also mastering the way you use them, more skills early available more time to spend mixing/experimenting.

When you have many alts having to repeat the regular route become boring for a lot of players, that’s why people use to switch at the end of a dungeon run so often…

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
- Mike Obrien

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DDCarvalho.2071


Probably it would be better to make account bound skills if the skills were bought in the open world (heart quest vendors, dungeon vendors, etc) instead of on a tab on the character, retaining that way some sense of collection.
But I agree with Erick that allowing people to buy all of them would not be detrimental. People will still have to prioritize them to put in the available slots, and those slots are given slowly (levels 7, 10 and 20 if I am not mistaken).
And considering the real challenge is to master the skills, learning the right way to use them, I consider that allowing people to try them as early as possible would lead to better, more experienced players.

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


I will be happy to see them account bound. I leveled an alt with Tomes of Knowledge and crafting, passed skill scrolls trough the bank and am happy to create a working build now and start playing the content I want instead of grinding experience in content I don’t want to do for 2+ weeks while wasting time on reequipping gear.

20 level 80s and counting.

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allanon.9072


What about when you make a new char to be lvl 80 in full ascended with all legendaries and 5k golds jesus you ppl are never happy there is already not much to do once you’re 80 ..

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FrostSpectre.4198


Sounds nice, it could be limited so only lvl 80 players get access to skill points gained by other lvl 80 in the account.

But I don’t think it would happen.

It’s possible that in future we can create Scrolls of Knowledge at a price of skill point and other materials, like in GW1 last expansion “Eye of the north”.

I’m a casual PvE adventurer, I enjoy combat, adventure and helping, but not farming.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


What about when you make a new char to be lvl 80 in full ascended with all legendaries and 5k golds jesus you ppl are never happy there is already not much to do once you’re 80 ..

People often confuse " I think this would be more conveneint for me." with " I think this would be good for the game."

Often the best things for a game, are inconveneint for players. Make a gamr a challenge the game becomes more Interesting , and worth the accomplishments attaineed.

Make it too easy,… and it becomes boring. The problem is, the things that make for Player convenience, also make the game easier. Like….

Account bound skill points.

P.S. What next? Transferrable levels?

Maybe the Player can buy a scroll of levels which requires the sacrifice of a player leve…. and then that is account bound, and they can then transfer that to a Low level character, and the Moment that character clicks it…. they GAIN a level. This way they can sacrifice the 80th level…Just as they are about to Level up again…. and trnasfer that to a level 5 or 6… then they can just keep doing that…they can get their Low level character to 80….WITHOUT EVER PLAYING IT!!!!

I think not. The game would become VERY boring….

This is the same philosophy of account bound skill points…and precisely the reason it will never happen.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightlord.4752


I know on my end, skill points on the character arent the issue. Its more about using them for purchases.

Bloodstone Shard
Eldritch Scroll
Augur’s Stone
Philosopher’s Stone
Siege Masters Guide

After the 15th, skills will need to be unlocked. All existing toons get grandfathered for the core skills. The elite skills will still need to be unlocked regardless of how many SP or knowledge scrolls you have.

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frenzify.6832


I may not exactly be a veteran or whatever at the game but this sounds like a ridiculous idea. It essentially takes away a great deal of the progression of a character. Slate character levelling all you want but if you have earned a large amount of skill points on one character and make a new one, I can’t imagine how ridiculous it would be to be able to just unlock skill after skill after skill right at the get go and when you reach the level to unlock them.

I think this really is a non-issue that Anet shouldn’t even waste their time thinking about. Just go and do skill challenges, level your character; it’s not hard.

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erick Alastor.3917

Erick Alastor.3917

What about when you make a new char to be lvl 80 in full ascended with all legendaries and 5k golds jesus you ppl are never happy there is already not much to do once you’re 80 ..

I don’t think we are necessarily the same people.

And also… players, here, usually don’t complain about the speed at which they can level their characters, but about the lack of expansions, about the living story, about the zergfest, about balance, about the absence of incentive for small guilds, etc.
I rarely see post like: we want more levels, we want another tier of gear to grind for, I leveled too fast using crafting…

I’m for this kind of addition because it’s not like you don’t need to play the game, so the one who is rewarded is still you, excluding some case of dissociative identity disorder connected to switching a virtual character °___°

Even if “the end game is the whole game” is a nice sentence , this is clearly false, at least untill they find how to balance rewards among all game types (try investing your time doing jumping puzzles, you will be alone and poor).
So many people want obviously start playing the perceived end game as fast as possible.

Being able to play the “same old content” that is rewarding with more than just one character contributes to relieve the sensation of staleness that you can experience from playing it for the whole time with just one character.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
- Mike Obrien

What about Skill Points account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I see no need to make skill points account wide.

But soulbound items purchased with them ( e.g.: Miyani ) should be account bound, and the Basic items (crystals, philosopher stones, siege books) should have collection slots, so people can just grab some and leave them in the bank for later crafting when needed.

Them being soulbound is really annoying. Like with Loaves of Bread .

Why are they soulbound? WHY?

No exceptions!