What about a reversing tool for ascended?
That would be a very nice idea- I have an ascended shield sat in my bank doing nothing since I got the Flameseeker prophecies and, as a legendary, has the stat switching so I really will never have another use for that ascended shield (I only play one char) so getting my mats back to make something else or even just to sell I would like.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
Ascended Salvage Kit, 25 uses, 800 gems for 1 kit or 3800 gems for 5! Now in the gemstore!
That’s a joke, please don’t actually do this Anet…
well i was not talking about a salvage kit… i’ll tell my story. I did craft leggings twice with same stats(noob). Now i know it’s my fault couse i did the mistake but for such high value items shouldn’t exist a protection system? Like when you try to destroy something valuable and they ask you to type the entire name of the item. I’m not saying they did wrong to think as they did. I’m just saying would be nice to be able to have a solution to such a situation.
yea, be able to sell it would resolve lot of problems imo. But donno what’s the logic behind so maybe they did it not sellable for some reasons.
yea, be able to sell it would resolve lot of problems imo. But donno what’s the logic behind so maybe they did it not sellable for some reasons.
The reason is to make people play longer. If they can’t buy it with money they have to do all the grinding themselves. It’s the same reason for the time gating on ascended mats.
I would prefer a merging tool myself where if you combine two of the same type of gear with different stats, you get one piece where you can select between those merged stats at will. Merge two of those together and you get 4 sets of stats you can select at will.
That way you won’t lose all the effort you put into making a piece of ascended gear and it makes crafting more useful.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
Nice idea! but still it won’t help when you do a mistake.
Nice idea! but still it won’t help when you do a mistake.
Merging it into another piece means that it won’t be a total loss. Even if it’s something you don’t normally use doesn’t mean it won’t have a niche use and destroying it removes even that.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
I would prefer a merging tool myself where if you combine two of the same type of gear with different stats, you get one piece where you can select between those merged stats at will. Merge two of those together and you get 4 sets of stats you can select at will.
That way you won’t lose all the effort you put into making a piece of ascended gear and it makes crafting more useful.
Or put them in the Forge and do that!
And while Anet would be on that, would be appreciated a way to deal with Ascended rings, either salvage or trading merchant (something like you give 4-5 rings you don’t like like in exchange for one you want), instead of Destroy/sell to merchant
And while Anet would be on that, would be appreciated a way to deal with Ascended rings, either salvage or trading merchant (something like you give 4-5 rings you don’t like like in exchange for one you want), instead of Destroy/sell to merchant
Sell rings for 5 laurels?
I would love that.
They are account bound so you can reuse them i am not sure why you would need it for armor or weapons maybe say rings but ppl have just been asking to salvages ascended level rings. Rings are the only ones that you end up having a lot of and they are mostly from RNG so it not that far out to ask for rings to brake down into ecto or even T7 account bound mats (the ore blood dust etc.. mats).
MF would be nice for rings too say 4 ascended level rings = an rng combo earring/neck?
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
I think that due to the extreme cost (gold and time) of ascended, there should be SOME system in place to salvage your materials. Selling something for 1s or 1g when you spent 300g and months on it is… well… I can’t even find a word that would represent the stup*dity of this enough.
I think that due to the extreme cost (gold and time) of ascended, there should be SOME system in place to salvage your materials. Selling something for 1s or 1g when you spent 300g and months on it is… well… I can’t even find a word that would represent the stup*dity of this enough.
have us seen how much mystic clovers cost compared to the gift of fortune at merchant values? I don’t think logic is a strong suit when it comes to crafting in this game. Also I really support OP on this I have 4 pieces of celestial id like to salvage. This would also make getting an ascended box thats not the stat type you want(which is all the time for me cuz you made the drop rate for raiders so frickin low >.>) rewarding now. But I doubt it will happen cuz anet doesn’t like players getting rewarded unless its a stupid low drop rate.
well i was not talking about a salvage kit… i’ll tell my story. I did craft leggings twice with same stats(noob
). Now i know it’s my fault couse i did the mistake but for such high value items shouldn’t exist a protection system? Like when you try to destroy something valuable and they ask you to type the entire name of the item. I’m not saying they did wrong to think as they did. I’m just saying would be nice to be able to have a solution to such a situation.
There is a protection tool. Several of them. There’s one when you buy the inscription recipe. There’s one when you make the inscription, and there’s one just before you make the ascended item. If you ignored all 3, anet’s got no need to provide a fix.
Aidan you wrong twice. Not all that protection exist and anet sent back e raw mats they said they dn’t usually but from now on i may have to pay attention.
Aidan you wrong twice. Not all that protection exist and anet sent back e raw mats they said they dn’t usually but from now on i may have to pay attention.
I’m not wrong just because you seem ignorant of the prompts I’m referring to. YOU confirm your choice to select the specific insignia recipe, that tells you it’s stat combination. Player failure point #1. YOU confirm your choice to select the specific armor/weapon recipe, which matches the insignia you previously selected. Player failure point #2. YOU confirm your choice to craft the insignia at the benches. Your fault if you blindly click craft, even ignoring the base insignia you need to craft the ascended one. Player failure point #3. YOU confirm your choice to craft the completed ascended piece. Player failure point #4. That’s FOUR times you have a chance to go “oh, no, this isnt what I wanted to craft.” Anet doesnt need anything further than that. And just as an fyi, I wasted 21k karma, 3 gold, and 5 laurels just to verify it.
Second, please explain to me how anet choosing to exercise their right to give an exception for a player making a “mistake” means I’m wrong about it not being anet’s problem to fix? The way I see it, they took pity on a player when their normal routine is “we’re sorry, you made the choice, you suffer the consequences, because we dont care if it was accidental that you ignored the warnings” and chose to return the materials. It happens again, they’re either not going to do anything, or they’re going to start getting suspicious. So it’s not “you may need to pay attention,” it’s “you NEED to pay attention.” Anet doesnt coddle players who make mistakes.