What about the people who like the game ?
Despite my numerous posts trashing the game, and the very silly decisions that continue to be made, my overall opinion of the game is good. Considering I trash every game I play, I feel it certainly has some kind of value to survive such scrutiny.
-Gear is a boon, not a requirement. You will be less effective with lower tier gear, but you can make it up with skill.
-The scenery, especially for the new events is amazing. Except for Southsun, that just sucked in every way.
- Reasonably friendly for Solo
-Zerging in PvE and WvW, when it’s not lagging
-Those insanely silly antics people pull in Lion’s arch with those fun items. I really have to give it to them for letting players use them like that.
-Don’t feel pressured to grind or compete or whatnot.
-Relatively nice community. Then again I’m used to bnet so…
-The gem store has a lot of amusing things. I don’t really use it much, but window shopping is fun too! Overall, the fluff for this game, if you stop and pay attention to the details is pretty entertaining.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
I really like the game too, and there are lots of people like us. I actually have very few complaints about the game.
What you need to keep in mind is; people are always more vocal about what they don’t like, then what they like. I would even say the nay sayers are the vocal minority.
The people who truly enjoy the game spend more of their time in game then complaining about it. I actually only post here when I am at work. If I have a few days off in a row, you won’t find a post from me here. I’m too busy in the Sanctum.
Also keep in mind there are a percentage of players that are following the ‘sqeaky wheel gets the grease’ manta. They do like the game, and so they complain about the aspects of it they don’t like in hopes their complaints will generate change.
You’re right though, I don’t think enough players come here and tell the Devs what they are doing well, and that is an intregal step in constructive critizisum.
i love this game, rather than shout at the forums about what we think we want for an easier time (i want my legendary nooow/ omgg i cant farm/why do jp suck/we n33d expanshun noooow/i hate <insert random quote from forums here>) we could try adding constructive feedback – have you been on suggestion forum?
like i said, i love this game, awesome replayability, fresh content every 2 weeks, VERY rich lore and amazing soundtracks/songs
thank you arena net for this amazing game
Kiel Replacement Movement
Been reading a lot of negative threads on how disappointed people are with the game. Why those people continue to play is beyond me. How about the people who actually enjoy the game ?
I enjoy this game a lot. I’ve played other mmo’s and have yet to come across the mechanics of GW2.
1. I like the freedom of this game. you can go where you please with little to no restrictions. Whether you survive in certain area’s do to level is up to the player.
2. The game has truly grasped the free roam aspect.
3. The graphics are amazing.
4. The solo content is better than any other mmo I have played.
5. You don’t have to rely on others to survive and progress like you do in other mmo’s
6. The game is buy to play and doesn’t force you into a subscription to progress.
Just a few things I enjoy about this game. Any other comments on what you enjoy about the game ?
I’ve probably contributed to posts on both sides. Some were probably in the ‘pouring fuel on fire’ variety.
I like the game overall which is why some of the more aggravating things are made even more aggravating. So I think some of the negative posts can be read in that way. I only say this because I care. Of course that is not for every post. Especially the ones that seem to think the game should be raining exotics 24/7 …
If I truly hated a game I would never bother posting in the game’s forum. If some really stupid change was made in a game I have grown to hate the reaction would be ’meh … whatever moving on".
Been reading a lot of negative threads on how disappointed people are with the game. Why those people continue to play is beyond me. How about the people who actually enjoy the game ?
I enjoy this game a lot. I’ve played other mmo’s and have yet to come across the mechanics of GW2.
1. I like the freedom of this game. you can go where you please with little to no restrictions. Whether you survive in certain area’s do to level is up to the player.
2. The game has truly grasped the free roam aspect.
3. The graphics are amazing.
4. The solo content is better than any other mmo I have played.
5. You don’t have to rely on others to survive and progress like you do in other mmo’s
6. The game is buy to play and doesn’t force you into a subscription to progress.
Just a few things I enjoy about this game. Any other comments on what you enjoy about the game ?
I’ve probably contributed to posts on both sides. Some were probably in the ‘pouring fuel on fire’ variety.
I like the game overall which is why some of the more aggravating things are made even more aggravating. So I think some of the negative posts can be read in that way. I only say this because I care. Of course that is not for every post. Especially the ones that seem to think the game should be raining exotics 24/7 …
If I truly hated a game I would never bother posting in the game’s forum. If some really stupid change was made in a game I have grown to hate the reaction would be ’meh … whatever moving on".
This is true too. It is said that a good friend will tell you when you’re screwing up because they actually care. Strangers won’t care enough to tell you, and your enemies won’t tell you because they want to see you fail.
When some thing about the game that is greatly treasured by people is threatened, they will not easily accept the change. And they should complain, if they feel what the game is standing for is in danger.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
If the game was terrible nobody would bother putting the effort into making these gripes/suggestions. So its not like everyone you see complaining simply hate the game. People enjoy the game or see great promise in it and are offering feedback to improve it.
Personally I think the problem is a lot of people that come to the forms are crying over smilled milk. They are extremely hard to please and will even turn a great think into a complain some how.
Most recently we have people complaining about the free achievment chests and the fact that they now ‘have’ to do achievments.
We have people complaining about the unlimited skins that are ‘ruining’ the skin market and making it ‘pointless’ to get a Legendary.
We have people complaing about an optional new jumping puzzle race, and how now GW2 is ‘all about mini games’
..or how they can’t get first.
..or how they are getting first too much.
..or how certain achievments are worth too many points.
..or how achievments points are too hard to get.
A net said we can play how ever we want right? Well the truth is, I think there are people out there that actually ENJOY complaining. They make a hobby out of it, and as soon as they find a ‘percieved’ hair out of place they are alt+tabbing to the forums.
So if that is the way they enjoy their game, I guess that is their right. Just don’t put too much stock into much of these complaints.
99% of the people that complain don’t understand the mechanics or the dynamics that actually make an MMO work, and don’t realise that if all of their ‘suggestions’ were actioned the game would be ruined.
I really like this game, I’m not much of a forum poster however. This is in my opinion the best true MMO out there right now, it has a truckload of decent to good content and the replayability is there. The only problem I have is that a lot of the stuff that do get put in is either temporary or not to my liking. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
That being said it’s still my favorite MMO and I like it as much, if not even more as I liked GW1.
I love Gw2 yet I’m not afraid to criticize things I view need improving. I really want this MMO to succeed beyond what it has already accomplished. Also giving feedback borders a fine line between flaming or actual concerns, it depends on how others take it.
I love Gw2 yet I’m not afraid to criticize things I view need improving. I really want this MMO to succeed beyond what it has already accomplished. Also giving feedback borders a fine line between flaming or actual concerns, it depends on how others take it.
It depends less on how others take it and more on how it is delivered.
Many people that offer criticizum towards aspects of the game like, economy or balance or content design do not fully undestand those systems. That is where criticizum turns to complaing which is fine if you are into that sort of thing but it is not in the least constructive.
This is just my opinion but I don’t believe people should waste their breath complaining if they can’t offer a workable suggestion towards a solution.
Saying something is to hard or too easy is worth nothing if you can’t suggest how something can be made more difficult and (here is the kicker) still be widely accepted by the current player base.
People seem to forget that this game caters to all sorts of play styles as it must; it’s survival depends on it.
So how do you make the current runs ‘challenging’ or ‘difficult’ in a way everyone can still enjoy it?
What is your solution to the precursor RNG debate? How can you make it more accessible yet keep the skins rare and sought after? How can you take out the RNG and make them something that you can progressively work toward with out making it a grind? For every person who hates RNG you’ll find a person who hates to grind.
As you are considering your suggestions, also try to consider development cost. I have a great idea of how to revamp the Legendary system. I think that I could actually suggest away to add elements of skill, some luck, some risk vs reward or ‘push your luck’ aspects and keep the skins rare enough to maintain their Legendary status. However my idea would have a huge development cost to it. I still may type it all out for the fun of it one day but I doubt they would ever impliment it for that reason alone.
Love the game, but don’t waste too much time on the forums.
Best MMO I’ve ever played
Here’s the thing though, most Gaming forums are usually visited when they have …
a) A problem, usually a bug or glitch. Contacting support or visiting the Bugs! forum can help.
b) Distaste of a particular content. Usually in Living Story/General. Sometimes the posters manage to make a coherent post, with points backing up their claims.
c) General whining/troll. Forums and Trolls always go hand in hand. Sadly GW2Forums does not have a block list. Whining usually originates on “General”, “Profession” and “SPvP/WvW.” These are the topics that say “Southsun is so bad!”, “The (X-Profession) is so OP, please NURF!”, and the “You’re WvW Server is bad, and you should feel bad!” type of threads/post.
It’s very rare to have threads about actually thanking the team.
Maybe it’s because, we as humans, tend to point out more of the negative than the positive.
I’m usually typing on my phone
Been reading a lot of negative threads on how disappointed people are with the game. Why those people continue to play is beyond me. How about the people who actually enjoy the game ?
I enjoy this game a lot. I’ve played other mmo’s and have yet to come across the mechanics of GW2.
1. I like the freedom of this game. you can go where you please with little to no restrictions. Whether you survive in certain area’s do to level is up to the player.
2. The game has truly grasped the free roam aspect.
3. The graphics are amazing.
4. The solo content is better than any other mmo I have played.
5. You don’t have to rely on others to survive and progress like you do in other mmo’s
6. The game is buy to play and doesn’t force you into a subscription to progress.
Just a few things I enjoy about this game. Any other comments on what you enjoy about the game ?
I love these things about the game too.
I can add to this, the ability to set my own goals at my own pace.
The fluidity of the combat and the fact that I feel my character continually progresses as I improve my own skill
The ingame community.
The richness of the world and the fact that the npc’s each have their own little thing.
The hidden secrets that are just there in the world for you to discover
What can I say- I love GW2
I hate this game. Worst game I’ve ever played.
I knew I couldn’t say that and keep a straight face. lol
I understand why people don’t like it. It’s very different from everything else out there. People have become used to certain standards and most people don’t like change.
I, on the other hand, don’t like how it is elsewhere, so I’m thrilled with the change.
I love how this game is a full game. It doesnt feel cluttured, I dont feel lost, like I do in many “free to play” games.
I like that exploring is encouraged, its fun. I like JPs, when done right. Unlike some people I dont mind jumping across platforms in an MMO.
I like that I can casually play it. I lose and gain interest almost weekly. Im back in full swing, but 2 weeks ago I barely logged in. I like that I always feel like I have something to do, and I like the variety in classes and races.
I like that the game is one for all, as opposed to all for one. That is, there is something for everyone, as opposed to trying to make everything for one guy, despite what all the people here say. (Most people complaining on the forums dont understand this game was not designed JUST for their pleasure)
And I like gems for gold. Its nice to know I can earn shop items without actually having to spend real money, the big flaw of other supposed free MMOs.
Love the game too.
The only MMO I’ve ever played for a long time was Silkroad (my first MMO ever) and Guild Wars 1.
Now I can’t just go back to any MMORPG without dodge,or skills while moving,or jump…lol
I <3 GW2 and I honestly couldn’t play any other MMO anymore (other than GW1 because I still love it to pieces). It just gets so much right. There is a lot of room for improvement, but from where I stand it’s already well ahead of the competition.
Been reading a lot of negative threads on how disappointed people are with the game. Why those people continue to play is beyond me. How about the people who actually enjoy the game ?
I enjoy this game a lot. I’ve played other mmo’s and have yet to come across the mechanics of GW2.
1. I like the freedom of this game. you can go where you please with little to no restrictions. Whether you survive in certain area’s do to level is up to the player.
2. The game has truly grasped the free roam aspect.
3. The graphics are amazing.
4. The solo content is better than any other mmo I have played.
5. You don’t have to rely on others to survive and progress like you do in other mmo’s
6. The game is buy to play and doesn’t force you into a subscription to progress.
Just a few things I enjoy about this game. Any other comments on what you enjoy about the game ?
Your points are good, I could not agree more. But, everyone is different. When I was working on my previous job (like a customer service, only it’s tech support), complaints > recognition. It’s alot easier to complain about something than to praise what is done. After all, it’s human nature to see the mistakes first, because they are not part of the plan/design. Here are some of the reasons I observed:
—> Because people don’t like to “put in effort”. They like to be entitled to something like “I did this, I want that”.
—> Because people don’t know the difference between “need” and “want”.
—> Because people get bored of “empty/repetitive” content. Sure there are like 1000+ events out there – but not everyone has a taste for them – see the “effort” part.
—> Because some people think there really is no major impact on what we do. “Okay, I did the event, what now? I got some greens, a few coppers, an exp, some karma… okay… now what? Oooh a new event!”
See? GW2 is a great game – but we can all admit that it’s pretty repetitive. And doing easy, repetitive things leads to what? Burnout.
Your points are good, I could not agree more. But, everyone is different. When I was working on my previous job (like a customer service, only it’s tech support), complaints > recognition. It’s alot easier to complain about something than to praise what is done. After all, it’s human nature to see the mistakes first, because they are not part of the plan/design. Here are some of the reasons I observed:
—> Because people don’t like to “put in effort”. They like to be entitled to something like “I did this, I want that”.
—> Because people don’t know the difference between “need” and “want”.
—> Because people get bored of “empty/repetitive” content. Sure there are like 1000+ events out there – but not everyone has a taste for them – see the “effort” part.
—> Because some people think there really is no major impact on what we do. “Okay, I did the event, what now? I got some greens, a few coppers, an exp, some karma… okay… now what? Oooh a new event!”See? GW2 is a great game – but we can all admit that it’s pretty repetitive. And doing easy, repetitive things leads to what? Burnout.
I think the point of this thread is to add some positive to this sea of negative.
Your points are good, I could not agree more. But, everyone is different. When I was working on my previous job (like a customer service, only it’s tech support), complaints > recognition. It’s alot easier to complain about something than to praise what is done. After all, it’s human nature to see the mistakes first, because they are not part of the plan/design. Here are some of the reasons I observed:
—> Because people don’t like to “put in effort”. They like to be entitled to something like “I did this, I want that”.
—> Because people don’t know the difference between “need” and “want”.
—> Because people get bored of “empty/repetitive” content. Sure there are like 1000+ events out there – but not everyone has a taste for them – see the “effort” part.
—> Because some people think there really is no major impact on what we do. “Okay, I did the event, what now? I got some greens, a few coppers, an exp, some karma… okay… now what? Oooh a new event!”See? GW2 is a great game – but we can all admit that it’s pretty repetitive. And doing easy, repetitive things leads to what? Burnout.
I think the point of this thread is to add some positive to this sea of negative.
And I agree. But, I just showed some of the common reasons why we are seeing a tidal wave of complaint and a few drops of commendations.
Don’t get me wrong, as I stated that I agree to everything the OP said.
It could also be a problem that the game is/was good out of the gate. As well there is the problem of too much free will on the part of the player. Some people can spend a lifetime on minecraft, others don’t know what to do without someone else telling them. GW2 is not anywhere near as open as minecraft but I think the analogy holds. Dungeons in a lot of games are stand here, now move there now do this, now done. Each person has a defined limited thing to do, now when people have a lot more flexibility they panic.
Things that are not a problem are not noticed.
GW2 is not a bad game, it’s just not a true sequel to the original game.
GW2 is not a bad game, it’s just not a true sequel to the original game.
But ArenaNet already said that GW2 was going to be a completly different game iirc
They also said they’re taking everything we loved form GW1.
They also said they’re taking everything we loved form GW1.
Your right, they did say that. Followed by two years of very detailed explanations about what was actually being done with the game. Everything from how dynamic events really work to how the personal story works, to how skills and weapons work.
Any who listened to that one line and ignored every single thing that came after it, shouldn’t be surprised that they’re disappointed.
I’d NEVER pay attention to one line from a video produced two years before a game came out, while ignoring every single thing that game after. I don’t know why anyone would.
They also said they’re taking everything we loved form GW1.
Your right, they did say that. Followed by two years of very detailed explanations about what was actually being done with the game. Everything from how dynamic events really work to how the personal story works, to how skills and weapons work.
Any who listened to that one line and ignored every single thing that came after it, shouldn’t be surprised that they’re disappointed.
I’d NEVER pay attention to one line from a video produced two years before a game came out, while ignoring every single thing that game after. I don’t know why anyone would.
Edit: It’s about weighting. You weighted that one line and assigned it far more importance than the countless hours of videos and interviews that came after.
Just my 2 cents. It’s something called Vocal Minority, people who are disappointed with the game angrily voice their opinions when the people who actually like the game don’t say anything at all, because there is nothing to say.
~Sincerely, Scissors
I like the game but there are parts which I find completely distasteful like a black forest cake topped up with slices of cucumber and sprinkled with sprinkles.
And apparently more people like the latter more than the former.
I loved GW2 when it was released it was a awesome game and the open world zones, dynamic events, WvW, sPvP and JP’s still are…
However, rather than spending all there time building on those and making them increasingly more awesome month by month. I think they have gone off on a completely new direction…
The direction now is lets create something new which lasts hardly any time at all but creates regular gem sales, which earns us $$$…
I so wish they had continued to concentrate on the open world, going zone by zone, adding new unique features and constantly improving WvW and sPvP.
They say what they are doing now is a experiment but it failed some time ago for me…ruined a great game…leaving 70-80% of Tyria as a deadzone…very sad…
Oh GW2 is an awesome game, my favourite mmo to date. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have suggestions that may make the game better.