What are the leash/reset rules here?

What are the leash/reset rules here?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

I ask because I simply cannot see any pattern.
I don’t mind resets and leashing, if I knew how to avoid them. But it is so random here.

Some champs will reset if they move 3 meters off their leash point. Some mobs, particularly underwater, seem to reset on a whim. Some mobs will chase you halfway across a zone, but will leash and reset if pulled 1/3 that distance.

My favorite is Karka, who will decide to reset, leash and fully regen, then turn around and run back for Round 2 without the player budging one step towards them.

Just curious.

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What are the leash/reset rules here?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


Like you said it’s really buggy/random, my favorite is also the one you mentioned who reset, heal, then come back to fight again but trust me it’s not only karka that do that.

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What are the leash/reset rules here?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kreegan.8123

Lord Kreegan.8123

Sometimes I think it’s class-based; if your character is squishy (elementalist, mesmer, necromancer) or range-based (ranger); or you attempt to use terrain in almost any fashion (but this isn’t consistent, either) to gain an advantage, the mob resets and regenerates.

However, I have seen mobs reset and regenerate when I haven’t pulled them even an inch from where the combat started, too; they’ll reset by just turning around, regenerate instantly, and then turn around to fight again.

Other times, if you keep hitting them as they return to the starting position, they won’t regenerate, although they will reset their AI…

If you use AoE attacks from a terrain position that gives you an advantage, it is apparently okay, but if you use a one-on-one attack from range, you’ll get a reset and regeneration or “Invulnerable” banners flying in your face.

I have had “Out of Range” and “Invulnerable” banners pop up when I’m standing right by the mob, only standing on a step on stairs one lower or one above the mob…

[WoW and LotRO used to have the same problem; it is a result of the algorithmic shortcuts used to calculate distance between players and mobs, packaged in the libraries developers buy.]

So, no, thee’s no discernible pattern, likely because different people wrote the AI scripts, acting independently and without subsequent review for consistency.