What are the map population caps?
I recently read a Dev post that said they do not disclose the population cap, even for WvW maps, so they probably do not disclose the cap for Open World maps, either. It must be a few hundred, at least, because you can see that many in LA, at times.
Yeah I wouldn’t doubt that it’s lower than at least 150. I kinda feel like it might be around 150 or 200 or even 250.
WvW pop cap is about ~100 or at most 120 per map(Per server, So 300-360 per map total)
I remember the invasion and there are much more than 150-250.
Most people are probably doing shadow behemoth, that’s why you got the cap.
WvW pop cap is about ~100 or at most 120 per map(Per server, So 300-360 per map total)
This is most likely the correct answer.
WvW does not support 500 per map as per this interview translation:
I mentioned the number 500 as a possible population limit when we first started revealing WvW and honestly have regretted that ever since. I really shouldn’t have mentioned any numbers at all, because I only had some early tests to base that figure on. Soon after, we started full scale testing and it rapidly became clear that just because we could put that many people onto a map didn’t mean we should do it.
PvE maps are most likely 100 soft capped and 120-150 hard capped (hard to guess the hard cap). This became somewhat evident during a teamspeak organized Tequatl event (with 100 players on TS), taxiing players off onto an empty overflow.
Also, you will be quite surprised how little players are required to make a map look deceptively more players than there really are. Even with just 40 players on your screen in LA can make a place look “really full”.
Take a guess at how many players there were in the Crown Pavilion map at full capacity. 150? 200? Nope.
And the map capacity of Crown Pavilion is limited to 75 before it starts to create overflows.
(edited by BlueZone.4236)
I remember people actually counting the people for tequatl and it seemed the number is around 100. But for some reason I think I see far more people during the scarlet invasion.
But maybe I’m seeing things and bad at estimate.
its 125-150
Funny enough it’s the combination of the character names plus the character models all grouped together that make me think a place looks full. If I turn that off, it still looks full but not as full feeling.