What are those green bubbles?
the Gold and Silver terragriffs run in a circle around the area. when you destroy a bubble there, it releases a poison cloud and if they move into it, they will get stunned and stop running. thats when you can sit there and damage them easily.
some people might ask you not to pop the bubbles because they know what they are doing and they are doing it themselves. if you pop them too early the poison cloud will go away before the champs run into it.
And more players still don’t know the effect of those bubbles or simply troll you when you say, “pls don’t pop until boss gets here”
could’ve been fixed if bubbles were burst with F interact rather than dmg, because ppl are just to accustomed to kill everything that can take dmg.
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
could’ve been fixed if bubbles were burst with F interact rather than dmg, because ppl are just to accustomed to kill everything that can take dmg.
Nonono… We don’t need more babysitting mechanics. We do not fail this boss that much anymore. What should be done is to make previous content (World Bosses, Dungeon bosses and more) harder so that people learn that new content and comming content isn’t only about stack and kill and Zerker.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
could’ve been fixed if bubbles were burst with F interact rather than dmg, because ppl are just to accustomed to kill everything that can take dmg.
Nonono… We don’t need more babysitting mechanics. We do not fail this boss that much anymore. What should be done is to make previous content (World Bosses, Dungeon bosses and more) harder so that people learn that new content and comming content isn’t only about stack and kill and Zerker.
Pretty much. Fairly often its been the first champ(s) finished during the breach in my last few visits to SW. Similar events for mid levels would be great.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Silverwastes is a bit of an exception within GW2 because it has a lot of fights that use specific mechanics instead of simply requiring enough damage to win.
If you’re lucky you’ll be on a map where people take the time to explain some/all of this before and during the events.
If you’re unlucky you’ll be on a map where those who know what to do assume everyone else does too and either don’t say anything or use abridged versions that make no sense to people who don’t know the fights, like “don’t pop bubbles!”, “no AoE!”, “build honey!” etc.
(I have to admit I’ve been guilty of deciding I can’t be bothered to type full instructions and will just see how it goes this time, then regretting it when the run goes badly.)
I definitely recommend reading the wiki to learn about the different events, but also don’t be afraid to ask if you’re not sure what to do or why to do/not do it. Not only will it get you an answer to that question, it will remind lazy people like me that these things need to be said.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
If you’re unlucky you’ll be on a map where those who know what to do assume everyone else does too and either don’t say anything or use abridged versions that make no sense to people who don’t know the fights, like “don’t pop bubbles!”, “no AoE!”, “build honey!” etc.
You mean them commanders who just bought the commander tag just because they do not know what to do with parents creditcard??
Anyway, I really like commanders that take time to explain stuff over and over again just to succeed. I came back after a year break and there i saw a commander in the silverwastes just explaining how they where going to do it when to hit what and how.
So REALLY appreciate commanders (and other players!!) that take the time and effort for newer players to succeed!!
If you’re unlucky you’ll be on a map where those who know what to do assume everyone else does too and either don’t say anything or use abridged versions that make no sense to people who don’t know the fights, like “don’t pop bubbles!”, “no AoE!”, “build honey!” etc.
You mean them commanders who just bought the commander tag just because they do not know what to do with parents creditcard??
Anyway, I really like commanders that take time to explain stuff over and over again just to succeed. I came back after a year break and there i saw a commander in the silverwastes just explaining how they where going to do it when to hit what and how.
So REALLY appreciate commanders (and other players!!) that take the time and effort for newer players to succeed!!
It doesn’t have to be the commanders. Giving instructions is one of the things I’d expect of a commander and there definitely are both good and bad ones. But in Silverwastes especially it’s equally likely someone without a tag on will be giving instructions and the same is true of them.
Sometimes it can actually be easier for it to be two separate people: the commander leads by example, making sure their tag is where players need to be and they’re doing what needs to be done and someone else can stand in a corner for a bit and type instructions.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
You mean them commanders who just bought the commander tag just because they do not know what to do with parents creditcard??
Anyway, I really like commanders that take time to explain stuff over and over again just to succeed. I came back after a year break and there i saw a commander in the silverwastes just explaining how they where going to do it when to hit what and how.
So REALLY appreciate commanders (and other players!!) that take the time and effort for newer players to succeed!!
Ahh… like those really helpful “commanders” at Tequatl who spout the wisdom “DD!” over and over. Yes, so helpful! That really tells newbies a lot about what’s going on and what to do.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
Wow…looks like I opened up a sensitive pandora’s box with my question. I do appreciate all the substantive feedback though, because I hate to be the one that messes something up because I did not understand the mechanics.
Usually, I follow along and hit whatever the group is hitting, but in this particular event there were not many folks around….just the few I saw and one just up and disappeared in front of me before the last one came around the corner to rez me …but he said not to pop those and never explained why….
Could have just said boss gas damage…leave for boss. That would have made more sense instead of “don’t pop those.” But thanks for the feedback and the links. I’ll definitely go check those out.