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What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrChoco.2837


Im just waiting for a new dungeon fix .. i have 2 lvl 80 and 1 ele lvl 65 . i dont want to complete 100% map (gift of exploration) (i dunno but i dont like legendaries) and wvwvw is fun only for 30 mins (for me). and i just bought my commander book yesterday x.x so i dont wanna farm anymore.
What are u doing now?

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tomkatt.1684


AFK in skrittsbhurg.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skor.4652


Playing Torchlight 2

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dortmunder.9572


Working my way up to 250g, hoping for some Elementalist buffs, and reading forums.

Planning on playing alts more when I hit 250g :p

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robot.9134


borderlands 2 and waiting to see if anet listens to the community and is able to turn this around.

Im not exaggerating but it seems as if a majority of the people who are still happy in the forums have not yet made it to 80. The ones who have hit 80 are not satisfied in one way or another. There are always exceptions but that seems to be the trend.

(edited by robot.9134)

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bwillb.2165


waiting for gaile’s supposed post on 3rd party apps so I know if I should load up the fov fix or just walk away.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


Reading these forums before I go to bed and sleep.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: elocke.7132


Reading forums, thinking about other MMOs on the horizon, which are very few, and wondering when I should buy MoP and actually have a sense of “progression” again, if even only for a month since my “progression” in GW2 has come to a screeching halt with a level 80 character all maxed out in professions and story and map completion. Logging in to just PVP is not a reason either, as I can do that in CoD or any other free PVP game. Not that PVP is bad, it’s ok, sPVP is good for a match or 2….but it has no real hook to keep me doing it every day. WvW is a fad and isn’t fun past the first 3 weeks I tried it.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gabo.6721


Saving up gold and mats to get my craft to 400 and craft myself an exotic armor set.

I’ll be busy for a while.

P.S. level 80, still waiting to get bored and play my lvl 2 i created on day 1 to reserve the name.

Gabo Silvershine
Isle of Janthir
Learn my name, or do not. The world will know it soon enough.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


Regretting my forgetfulness. I left my laptop cable at home, so I’m stuck at my in-laws’ house without GW2.

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawthus.4630


Laughing at the people who speed level to 80 and then complain there is nothing to do. This isn’t WoW, the game is the adventure between 1-80, there’s tonnes of neat events, story, dialog etc.

Want end game, play WvW, sPVP, Dungeon runs, map completes, gear collecting, make use of the fact the game scales you and play around in low/mid level and help those leveling.

My advice, roll another toon, and take part in the story, read the lore bits, don’t skip the cut scenes.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


At this point it is safe to say that you don’t have to “race” to be level 80. I’ve been level 80 for a while and I, at no point, felt like I was “racing”. I just did events and eventually I made it. Too bad there isn’t anything left now.

I’ve been dabbling in some mmos I used to play and trying to progress in TL2 and BL2.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ounkeo.9138


Laughing at the people who speed level to 80 and then complain there is nothing to do. This isn’t WoW, the game is the adventure between 1-80, there’s tonnes of neat events, story, dialog etc.

Want end game, play WvW, sPVP, Dungeon runs, map completes, gear collecting, make use of the fact the game scales you and play around in low/mid level and help those leveling.

My advice, roll another toon, and take part in the story, read the lore bits, don’t skip the cut scenes.

You can easily hit 80 without even trying in this game. Saying people rushed is pretty ignorant of that fact.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: martin.8216


I’m wondering if this game should not be seen as a single player game that just happen to have other people in it.. so from that aspect how many hours have you spent playing before you got bored? are we talking 100, 300, 500h? so you got xxxh of entertainment out of 59$ (assuming full MSRP). Does not sound that bad to me.. I guess people that want GW2 to be a “lifestyle” choice maybe thats not exactly what it is.. for me I only got maybe 2-3h per day maybe 3-4 days a week this game will entertain me for months..

People that are coming from WoW where to be at the top basically it was a lifestyle choice and you were playing 5-10h a day, this is not that..

if you are bored, try some other game for a while, check back in a few weeks and see what the updates are.. not like its going to cost you anything! your character will be here waiting when you get back at no cost..

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadewarp.6821


Some people just have too much time on their hands I have a level 80, and 40+% explored… I’ve tried 3 dungeons so far and enjoying myself…

There is so much more I need to do before I’m done with this game, and by then there will be an expansion.

A game is only what you think a game is…

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


Waiting for patches/fixes. TL2. Maybe even a little D3 since a few friends claim it’s less suck now.

Actually trying to reactivate my old EQ account to see what’s changed in the last 8 years, but not expecting much.


You know… the usual.

Oh, and studying quantum mechanics, re-watching old Feynman lectures and checking out the Holographic Universe theory. But nobody really cares about that stuff.

so.. tv. mostly.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temper.7265


Playing Torchlight 2

This. lol

Maybe I’ll be back soon,maybe I’ll be back later,maybe I won’t be back at all,who knows,I don’t.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dopplegangr.9678


Finished my first 80 today. Took a look at my options to gear up, but realized there isn’t really any reason upgrade. There’s no progression, so I don’t need better gear for any content. Any gear in the game is instantly accessible, so that takes the fun out of it. I’m not going to farm for hours just to make my char look different.

Don’t think I’ll last much longer in this game. PvP is boring, Dungeons are boring, PvE progression doesn’t exist, a lack of trinity removes any need for coordination/socialization, and the combat system isn’t that great. It was worth the money for a couple weeks of mixing it up, but if this was a sub game I would definitely unsubscribe.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fernling.1729


Playing TL2. Taking a break and reading through forums.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Runar.1342


Playing Torchlight 2 and waiting the long wait for Borderlands 2 to come on sale someplace, anyplace lol.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

doing daily and monthly achievements.
exploring the world.
buying gems with silvers.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


Doing the same things I’ve been doing for a while.
World map Exploration
Jumping Puzzles (sector Zul ftw)
and a bit of crafting every now and then.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerva.7940


borderlands 2 and waiting to see if anet listens to the community and is able to turn this around.

turn what around? the game’s success? i hope not. that being said, i eagerly await the next patch. nothing in the game is fundamentally broken. maybe a few more patches and they should be good to go on the new content.

currently, im leveling my ranger in wvw. leveling my main guardian in pve. doing spvp on both. no time for crafting, just exploration.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: berries.7016


Laughing at the people who speed level to 80 and then complain there is nothing to do. This isn’t WoW, the game is the adventure between 1-80, there’s tonnes of neat events, story, dialog etc.

Want end game, play WvW, sPVP, Dungeon runs, map completes, gear collecting, make use of the fact the game scales you and play around in low/mid level and help those leveling.

My advice, roll another toon, and take part in the story, read the lore bits, don’t skip the cut scenes.

I got to level 80 in roughly 2 weeks of somewhat casual playing doing little bit of everything. Once there, something unexpected happened that I didn’t see coming. I lost interest playing that character actively and now I just log on to her occasionally to do something for few minutes. I thought I would have as much fun doing the same things before, but I don’t understand why it just doesn’t feel the same anymore.

I haven’t finished the personal story as it has been huge let down for me. I have pretty much arm wrestled half of the story because it has felt detached and uninteresting and finally somewhere in Orr I practically gave up, the place where it’s supposed to be at the height of the story line.

I gave up on crafting before getting to 400 skill. I don’t think I made a single useful thing to me because you get everything along the way doing other things or just from marketplace practically at vendor price. Discovery crafting felt like a bore and it was nothing more than repeating same thing at each skill level. Make insignia’s, parts and go discover the same things over and over.

I don’t like equipment grind, period. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do dungeons and such for fun. But for me they are not fun at all as they are now so it’s a no go for me there. My equipment is still mostly greens and stat wise miss matched rares, but I’m fine with that, they get the job done whatever I happen to do and I don’t feel the need of having exotics or anything for except maybe looks.

I was about to tackle the rest of the points too, but I’m pretty sure no one is interested at this point anymore, if at all in begin with so I’ll just summarize.

I thought I would enjoy doing all the same stuff way beyond level 80, but for the most parts I can’t really tell why I don’t. I still do log in occasionally, but nothing seems to hold me here longer than 30 minutes anymore. It was so much fun while it lasted, but I honestly thought it would have lasted few more months for me. And what I’m doing now? The same thing I was doing before this, just one more game added to the list.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revenant.2691


Finished 100% map completion on my main last week, mostly just been grinding and waiting for the final story mission reward to get fixed so I can finally go kill Zhaitan and get better than blues for it. Tried leveling an alt, but it’s the exact same content 90% of the time. Went vigil on my main, I’ll see how different it is for Priory or Order of Whispers, even though they converge after about 6 missions anyway.

Was doing a lot of WvW, but interest almost disappeared on my server after the first few days so there’s no movement there except late nights. Plus all the exploits and hacks that are coming out of the woodwork now make it more frustrating than enjoyable. Nothing like spending hours sieging a keep, capturing it and the orb inside, then having a flyhacker come in and steal the orb back 5 minutes later.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tanith.5264


Having my after-breakfast coffee and preparing to go to work…oh, you mean in game, right?

I’m currently having a blast in Hrathi Hinterlands. My thief is level 42 (a mystical level!) and the meta-events there are a hoot. I rather suspect that when the zone was designed the devs were competing to see who could come up with the ugliest mob, but it’s still great fun.


Tanith Fencewalker, Tanni Mindbender, Thyra Wrathbringer, Lovecraft Thrall
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Being annoyed at the anti farming code flagging me as a farmer for doing 3 different paths on the same dungeon getting 77 tokens in total when the patch update says i should be getting 180tokens.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elydian.1763


Pondering returning to WoW, despite quitting 18 months ago when Cataclysm sucked.

It’s amusing really. Before GW2 was released I had no desire to return, yet what GW2 is missing has reminded me why I liked WoW despite all its faults.

But hell, £30 plus £9 sub just to try it out? Ouch.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


Playing the game for fun.

Radical concept, I know.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Twaddlefish.6537


Playing the game for fun.

Radical concept, I know.


I’m still having a blast. Working on my exploration title and finishing my personal story…although waiting for Fort Trinity to be fixed.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elydian.1763


Playing the game for fun.

Radical concept, I know.

Ever considered that the people who feel they need rewards exist because the PvE game just isn’t fun at 80?

Radical concept, I know.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wookie slayer.4259

wookie slayer.4259

Playing the game for fun.

Radical concept, I know.

What fun? I saw all the content on 100% map completion I played all the dungeons which i regret doing because they are all very boring. I have the best looking items I want, which are all exotics. Now what I feel like this isnt an MMO but a large multiplayer story game that has an end. I mean its what a month in and most people have completed the game. The dungeons arnt fun enough to grind, the events are not fun enough to replay, the pvp is ok but mmo pvp isn’t for everyone.

I really think people are going to give the game up in a month or so I shelved it already because I was just down right bored and didn’t have anything to do but afk in lions arch. GW2 needs end game, MMO’s need fun challenging end game for their pve player they just do or people leave that’s the truth. Think about the most succesful MMO ever, how many of the players were max lvl months after it launched, I’d bet 70-85% where max level or alts of a person with max level. Anet didnt think it through putting out a game without end game content, it’ll make me sad if a game this beautiful and fun to level through fails because people run out of things to do.

(edited by wookie slayer.4259)

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


The game is the same at 80. The whole world is open, all the same game play and content. People just think it should be different due to preconcieved notions from other games, or didn’t enjoy the game play in the first place (and were rushing through in hopes that some sort of bait and switch would happen).

There are plenty of rewards. The problem is people feeling they need maximum rewards constantly, and need all available rewards in an extremely short time, or they are unwilling to play.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


Playing the game for fun.

Radical concept, I know.

What fun? I saw all the content on 100% map completion I played all the dungeons which i regret doing because they are all very boring. I have the best looking items I want all exotics. Now what I feel like this isnt an MMO but a large multiplayer story game that has an end. I mean its what a month in and most people have completed the game. The dungeons arnt fun enough to grind, the events are not fun enough to replay, the pvp is ok but mmo pvp isn’t for everyone.

I really think people are going to give the game up in a month or so I shelved it already because I was just down right bored and didnt have anything to do but afk in lions arch. They need end game, MMO’s need fun challenging end game for their pve player they just do or people leave that’s the truth.

No game is going to be fun for everyone. If you don’t enjoy it, don’t play. Find a game you do enjoy.

I enjoy it. That’s why I’m playing.

What are you Doing now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elydian.1763


all the same game play and content.

This is exactly the problem.