What are your top details\problems in GW2
There are two things that really annoy me:
1. The fact that there is a main city rather than having all the features available in every city.
2. The voice acting for female characters. Honestly, if I close my eyes and then a female character speaks I most likely won’t be able to tell what race it is. Except for Asura, Quaggan and Skritt.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder
My biggest annoyance these days is the laziness of other players.
Event scales up, people are afk, auto attacking or laying there dead. I often find myself wondering why I’m carrying these miscreants when we’re just going to get the same reward for our efforts.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
The biggest flaw in this game and its one that will never get fixed is the lack of class structure and trinity. That’s its biggest problem.
1. The fact that there is a main city rather than having all the features available in every city.
And what features would that be? Aside from certain plot points relating to LA as a location (ex. you had to be there for Halloween), I can’t think of anything that it has over any of the other cities. Mystic Forge? Those are all over WvW, so definitely not unique to LA. Every city has crafting stations, banks, trading posts…what else are we missing? LA is just a hub. Like literally, that’s what it’s used for: traveling to and from other cities, WvW, PvP, some zones/dungeons. Making every city into a hub would be silly :P
One of the little things that bugs me that people don’t talk about is the fact that there is no activation bar for enemy skills. In GW1, every ability that took longer than 1 sec to cast had an activation bar so you could see the progress, and interrupt it appropriately.
Buuuut there’s way bigger issues like moving the camera making you change targets mid-combat that concern me wayyyy more!
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org
(edited by Curo.2483)
PvE culling is my biggest complaint atm
As a PvE player, I’m incredibly bored with the game. I have 0 interest in playing WvW or SPvP as I simply do not care for it (I rather play a true competitive game like Dota or CS).
Some things off the top of my head:
- The PVE content in the game is incredibly boring or repetitive. All mobs generally function the same and are not challenging.
- Low level PvE areas are now empty because there is no content that is relevant for high level characters.
- While the trinity does not exist in the game, only certain classes get accepted into groups because of their ability to be versatile (guardian, warrior, etc.)
- Dodge is your one-trick pony to getting out of any sticky situation. You can even dodge some spells.
- It is incredibly hard to organize a group to do dungeons. And there seems to be no one wants to play them. Who can blame them? I only want to play the dungeons for the armor tokens, not because they’re fun or engaging.
- Selected targets are deselected when the camera is moving.
Eh these are just a few things that bug me about the game. I’ve stopped playing completely for several months now and I occasionally log on to see how things are doing.
PvE culling is my biggest complaint atm
HEAR, HEAR. Walk 20 paces in any direction during an event and get to see 10 – 20 new characters, worst implementation ever.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
- While the trinity does not exist in the game, only certain classes get accepted into groups because of their ability to be versatile (guardian, warrior, etc.)
My favourite class is the Necro, but try getting a group as a Necro for a dungeon – rarely happens, but my Warrior, Guardian and Mesmer are on every guest list.
My main grievance; Knockback / knockdown….. A-net seems to love mechanics that involve people being knocked down repeatedly.
This is really kittening annoying and adds nothing to the encounter or game in general.
Please stop with the knockdowns already.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
- While the trinity does not exist in the game, only certain classes get accepted into groups because of their ability to be versatile (guardian, warrior, etc.)
My main grievance; Knockback / knockdown….. A-net seems to love mechanics that involve people being knocked down repeatedly.
This is really kittening annoying and adds nothing to the encounter or game in general.
Please stop with the knockdowns already.
This is annoying, sure they can be dodged but give us some variety in monster attacks, it seems almost every other monster has a knockdown attack and when I get knockdown my toon has a little nap, sometimes for about 5 seconds. Also limping for a minute after a fight is annoying.
Only real problem at the moment is how a lot of armours don’t work on the Charr model.
See SE medium shoulders & helm, as well as AC medium (when running). The armour sets don’t fit together properly, or have poor textures & such.
A lot of armour hasn’t been properly fitted for Charr (& the SE medium Helm looks pretty bad on anybody due to textural problems).
That said, I guess if this is my biggest gripe at the moment, they’re doing kitten well
PvE culling is my biggest complaint atm
That about sums it up. I imagine if they fix this I might be able to see what type of foe I am fighting, and dodge once in a while.
None existent build versatility is my biggest complain. The reason i played gw1 was for that, builds. The reason i bought gw2 was 1. cuz gw1 was awesome and this a sequel 2. i thought builds would be at least 1/4 of what we had in gw1 but at the end we don’t even have 1/100.
Atrocious voice acting (worst i’ve seen in a game in years), quite frankly i never seen a high budget game with such bs voice acting…
pve culling is just lol, very funny to have something like that in a game released in 2012
no gvg (i don’t think i need to say anything about it)
trash pvp and looks like anet is sticking to it lol spvp in this game
Clipping. omg, has anyone ever seen THAT much clipping in any games ever released? i haven’t and i play all kind of genres…
Armors. I don’t know its because the game has a very little amount of armors or the fact that they mostly look the same but you cannot look ‘original’ in gw2. every1 look the same…
Missions. What happened to those? i liked to pug main story in NM and HM, i did not bought a mmo to solo whole campaign and DAT campaign lol all i remember is auto spamming turrets on the last boss, very memorable.
So yeaaaaaaah, that’s some of my ‘problems’ with this game/
Armour for Charr is an issue. The only heavy armours like look even remotely good are Vigil, Heavy plate, Plated, T3. What happened to the sweet concept pieces with vicious spiky metal armour that really suited the Charr?
1. knockdown – you can be best PvE player in the universe but once you are locked in knockdown sequence – you are dead and there is nothing you can do about it. I hate loosing control over my character for too long and this is exactly what is every other monster in dungeon about. Knockback and watching my toon lying on the ground FOREVER. Enough is enough.
2. Reward system. Rewards doesn’t scale with difficulty – best example is CoF p1 versus p2 or even worst p3. Same reward for 15 min. run as for 1h run. WTF.
3. Class balance. I have lvl 80 Warrior, lvl 80 necro and lvl 80 ranger. I cankittenand kitten every single dungeon and path as my full zerk warrior and be king of the dps, total damage done and healing done in same time Oo At the other hand my warrior is useless in sPvP and close to useless in WvWvW. My necro can do good both in PvE and PvP but my ranger suck everywhere except WvWvW zerg.
3. Builds. Currently there are only 2 viable PvE specs for warrior (both zerk btw), 2 for necro and 0 for rangers (they all suck compared to my other toons). There is no reason whatsoever to wear tanking or healing gear. You can not outheal monsters in dungeons as “healer” and you will die just slightly later (1 hit) than zerk warr if you wear tank gear but your dps is 0 compared to zerks.
4. Spawn windows (world bosses). Since there are online tools for tracking their spawn times. There is no reason to have this in game. Standing idle and waiting for boss is not fun. I know it will spawn within 30 minutes, shock effect is just not present… oh wait it is. Seeing 40 afk lvl 80s waiting for worm to pop out from the ground is kinda shocking
1. Ascended gear is a horrible idea. You’ve effectively pigeonholed anyone who wants to stay relevant into only doing dungeons and dailies. It’s too late to remove it from the game. The only upside to this is that most of the “tryhards” are now all put into one place, where I can avoid them.
2. Open-world bosses need an overhaul. Every single one of them except maybe grenth is just a loot pinata, which neuters any sort of big and scary feeling they’re supposed to give off. Add more variety to their attacks, make use of the siege equipment NPCs set up for the specific purpose of taking the dragons down.
Lack of trinity is a huge plus for me. I have no issue with the trinity system, but it exists in enough games and its nice to have an mmo on the go w/o one. And it wouldn’t work at all here.
I also go against the grain and find culling an unexpected bonus. No way would I be able to attend the meta bosses w/o it – it would just grind to a laggy halt. Not being able to see a portion of a zerg in pve has no bearing on my game at all.
Dynamic events I love (want more and longer ones). Hearts I found rather pointless. They’d mean more if they didn’t take a few minutes to complete – they should require time investment or be scrapped.
Guild bounties – worst implementation in whole game. Nothing but a luck system. Should have been about skill/coordination. Missed a trick there.
Bosses look stunning!!! Combat with them is underwhelming. I agree spawn windows take away the magic.
I enjoyed the story on my first toon, it was horrific second time round. Bad voice overs and poor scripting to blame.
Biggest plus is the potential the game has. 8 months on, so much has been given already and so much they have to draw on. I look forward to where they go in the years to come.
The players mainly the forum ones both who are playing and mainly the ones who are not but still come to the forums. They at best are hyperbolic and there points of view are pushing the game into something that it is not. Even if they are happy about something they do there best to find something wrong with there own happiness. They tend to not even think about the far reaching consequence of what they want but they still want Anet to deal with every thing that goes wrong because of the players point of views and ideas.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
The players mainly the forum ones both who are playing and mainly the ones who are not but still come to the forums. They at best are hyperbolic and there points of view are pushing the game into something that it is not. Even if they are happy about something they do there best to find something wrong with there own happiness. They tend to not even think about the far reaching consequence of what they want but they still want Anet to deal with every thing that goes wrong because of the players point of views and ideas.
If you think the game has no problems, you need to take your rose-colored glasses off. Just because there are people playing the game does not mean the game has no problems. Hell, there are people playing Star Wars: The Old Republic right now. Please do not try to derail the thread with your goalie post and instead contribute to the discussion.
The players mainly the forum ones both who are playing and mainly the ones who are not but still come to the forums. They at best are hyperbolic and there points of view are pushing the game into something that it is not. Even if they are happy about something they do there best to find something wrong with there own happiness. They tend to not even think about the far reaching consequence of what they want but they still want Anet to deal with every thing that goes wrong because of the players point of views and ideas.
If you think the game has no problems, you need to take your rose-colored glasses off. Just because there are people playing the game does not mean the game has no problems. Hell, there are people playing Star Wars: The Old Republic right now. Please do not try to derail the thread with your goalie post and instead contribute to the discussion.
I am not saying there are no problems with the game but the top problem IS the players who want more but have no idea what they want. That can post one view and 2 weeks later say that they hate that view. The ones who cant take GW2 in the context of an mmorpg and want it to be a single player game that you can play with ppl online like GW1 D2 even D3 etc..
This beyond any bug any “op” builds will spell doom for any game.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
My huge problem with GW2 is lack of diversity and choices in combat mechanics, whatever the class. And it is what prevents me from wanting to return to the game for monthes now.
People say it’s because of the lack of trinity, but it’s not. This argument is made because it’s the only other gamedesign they know that works in mmos. Same for people asking more classes, we don’t need more classes, we need more development on current ones. I understand it’s not a player’s job to imagine new ways of bringing mechanics diversity, but let’s be a little bit thoughtful with our requests.
All those trinity / class requests are just the tip of a bigger iceberg, which is lack of choices, intrications and basically realtime spell strategy in combat mechanics. That is all.
You can spill all the content you want, all the shiny armors you want, all the new zones you want, it will be boring as long as the way we’re consuming it is the same as 8 monthes ago.
Dodging and straffing is not the holy grail to that problem. It’s only a cool addition to general manoeuvers on your toon. But it will never give the satisfaction of having dozens of complex choices in the way you want to use your spells.
End of story.
(edited by kineticdamage.6279)
Going with boredom. By level 30 or so you have basically all the skills you will ever use in the game. That is like a week after you start playing, if you go slow. Since then it is the same thing over and over and over, and over.
You can try different builds but in reality to be viable most of them are within 5-10 points of being the same. You can try different weapons, but really most classes have 1-2 weapons that are much better then the rest. So all the extra goes out the window so everyone can be the same.
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-
(edited by Wryscher.1432)
Lack of build diversity is probably my biggest issue at the moment.
That and realistic goals to shoot for.
1. Ascended gear is a horrible idea. You’ve effectively pigeonholed anyone who wants to stay relevant into only doing dungeons and dailies. It’s too late to remove it from the game. The only upside to this is that most of the “tryhards” are now all put into one place, where I can avoid them.
Must disagree with this, I’m afraid. The practical difference between an Ascended piece and a fully-upgraded exotic is negligible, unless you want to infuse against agony, which is only necessary inside the dungeon that rewards such pieces.
Three Words to sum up my major issues..
When those get fixed, i’ll enjoy this game again..
My only gripe so far, being only like lvl 28 on my main character is the lack of a clear leveling path. Once I finished my early class/personal questline it was kinda like “K Bye! Enjoy roaming” and I’ve been just randomly passing through zones/gates since then. I feel completely disconnected from any kind of storyline in the game now. I almost never, ever see actual other people playing either. Occasionally someone will pop in for an event, and then run off without a word after it’s over. It’s like I’m playing a pretty Asuran single player game.
Also, I’ve always liked tradeskilling, yet here it’s borderline impossible to actually work skills at low levels due to the prices on the Trading post meant for max lvl players and the weird “anti tradeskill farming” atmosphere I’m sensing.
Other than that the sheer amount of attention to detail A-net has worked on in this game is just insane. Other than a lack of trinity…which I can already notice a lacking in, and from what I hear is a lack of endgame…GW2 already had more interesting stuff in it than WoW does right now, 8+ years into the game and like 4 expacs in.
I’ll take roaming aimlessly over stupid months of daily quests just to gain the privilege of grinding valor to have permission to buy gear that is a pittance of a stat upgrade. That’s what World of Warcraft is these days.
(edited by Zinky.6573)