(edited by Harvest.2506)
I’m just curious what what other people with their alts once they reach level 80. I have all professions at 80 and here’s what I do with them
Guardian – My Main, Full Ascended Celestrial he’s the Archor for Hard Dungeons Arah, Twilight Arbor Aether path , and FOTM
500 Weaponsmith/ 500 Armorsmith
Warrior- Full Zerkers for Speed clearing dungeons CoF, CoE, Etc to gather Empyreal Shards
Theif- Full Zerkers runs with the Champ Boss Reset train for Dragonite
500 Leatherworker
Ranger-(planning on Full zerkers waiting till patch) Gathers all the preminent iron and Plantinum nodes and used for TTS Tequatal or wurm raid boss fights.
500 Huntsman/ 500 Tailor
Engineer- Dire Armor, Rampager accessories, for Edge of the mists Small Group point captures and fights. 400 cook
Necromancer- Knights armor Cavalier accessories for WvW Mass zerg vs zerg battles
Mesmers- Rampager armor, Dire Accesorries for WvW group ppt capping for more Empyreal Shards and stealth portal/ nuking.
500 Artificer / 400 Jewelcrafting
Elementalist- no idea what to do with her since being over nerfed.
I park them a jumping puzzle for more Empyreal Shards seriously I’m always short on that stuff to make ascended weapons for them.
(edited by Harvest.2506)
I play them each. One session I might decide I want to charge into battle with illusions, another night I might want to apply conditions and spam wells, etc. I don’t really relegate mine to specific tasks, though in fairness there are a couple I don’t feel are appropriate for me (i.e. for my playstyle and comfort levels) to take into WvW and as such they are typically stuck in PvE.
tl;dr version: I don’t relegate any to certain tasks and just play whichever class or character I am in the mood to be.
Guardian- main, pretty much use for everything except I’m not a huge fan of it in WvW or sPvP atm.
Ranger- Guild missions (has world completion so all WPs, Guard doesn’t), open world stuff, I use this when I want a change.
Ele- nothing, honestly. Probably going to gear it WvW at some point here
Engineer- not 80 yet (59 atm, going to craft it tonight), but I’ll use it forPvE/dungeons or whatever, not really sure.
Warrior- only level 10, but I mention it since it’s my sPvP char. Hambowwwwww.
Really, I just use them (and my alts in general) when I want a change in pace.
Ranger – Farming, Dungeons, World Bosses, Crafting, Living Story
Elementalist – Daily nodes in Home Instance
Necromancer – Dungeon Tanking
Engineer – Sitting at level 55 with no incentive to continue
Rest – Jumping Puzzle Chest Camping
Most classes I got to level 80 and promptly forgot about them. I did level 2 different Guardians and Warriors, but they rarely see any use. Never even bothered to gear my Mesmer once I got to 80.
Guardian – (Actually it’s the main that does everything) Currently for WvW and guild missions.
Necromancer – PvE and currently finishing world exploration.
Ranger – PvP and Fractals (been using the Guardian for a long time for this, wanted to change a bit).
Mesmer – WvW and finishing world exploration.
Engineer – Level 25 which I have parked on a Jumping Puzzle just to get some Silver Doubloons
I like this thread!
Warrior – was my main and I guess still is. DPS all the way, used for PvE/dungeons. Tried her in WvW but can’t get into the hammer train playstyle, so PvE is where she shines.
Necromancer – working on PvE map completion since she was my first character, but now mainly played in WvW zerging/groups. Two builds, of course. Zerker for PvE and Ascii’s wellomancer build for WvW. I use her with Zerk gear for champ training in FGS also.
Thief – newest toon, only one decked out in ascended gear. Plan on using her for roaming in WvW but would love to play some PvP with her first so I can at least have a chance to actually beat someone 1vs1 without having to run away. I have never played this type of profession before and I’m terribad so far :P
Guardian – also fairly new, but she is for WvW support.
Mesmer – WvW small group roaming. Also used occasionally for champ training in FGS.
I love them all so much now I have a hard time deciding what I want to play, although since I’ve crafted the ascended armor for my thief (ya, for all you people that know my posts about never making ascended, I did it) I am mainly champ training to get some coin again – so, so broke LOL.
Play all by turns. I usually pick one main for the day but may also play one or two others for a short while. And farming for ascended weapons, it helps to have multiple 80s. If I run all 9 through the Queensdale chests, I get around 180 empyreal fragments a day. I also can get a lot of iron ore/orichalcum/ancient wood by running set routes with them.
Ele- Fractals
Necro- Lower lvl fractals
Thief- Lower lvl fractals
Ranger- World Events
Mesmer-Shelved due to being boring
I use all 4 guards to farm. All the remaining 80s are parked at rich iron nodes. They used to be parked at the LA jp, but I haven’t found a mesmer to port yet.
Mesmer: Everything.
Ranger: Crafting, farming crafting materials, and occasionally trains and meta events
Guardian: Farming crafting materials.
Engineer: Farming crafting materials and, on very exceptional occasions when my head feels funny, allowing it to run a train or a meta.
I use all 4 guards to farm. All the remaining 80s are parked at rich iron nodes. They used to be parked at the LA jp, but I haven’t found a mesmer to port yet.
So are all of the Guardians on different servers, so you can hit more instances of the good events per day?
Thief – Main. Everything. Well, I would do everything if GW2 wouldn’t be on a break until the new patch lands. I’m really the kind of player who belives that the first and main character is holy above everything, especially with the GW2 design in mind that every class has a place no matter what the group does. Also she was the first I explored the world with, lived through the story with, I just CAN’T leave her being, tho I tried many times because of the frustration of class balance.
Ranger – Got really really boring, since I’m stubborn to follow the design I imagined when I started her, and I only use longbow. Rarely I play her in WvW and regret every gold and laurel spent on her.
Guardian – Started her at a point where I could not stand the thief being unable to remove spammed long lasting dot conditions in certain pve content I’m interested in, so I made a guardian, “she’ll survive everything even if she does nothing else” in mind. Yeah, she works that way now, and went even more boring than the ranger, if possible. Blocking the doors and speedbuffing allies in WvW zergs are fun tho, but not for long. Also wanted a heavy armor class, and I’m really not into warriors. I never played her again after I finalized her looks.
(edited by SaltyDave.7346)
I tried to play the necromancer and the other two professions, but they’re so broken/unbalanced that I just can’t get immersed enough to play one for more than an hour.
Elementalist – My personal warmage, he’s my favourite, I use him for world exploration and dungeon adventure; My survivalist.
Warrior – I mainly use him for taking down hard angle combat champions.
Guardian – Just got back from a vacation in the Mad Realm. Sweeps the dirty streets of Orr with his broom—err I mean staff.
Thief – Daily interrupter, still doesn’t have an off hand sword. Currently on a charr killing vacation in Ascalon.
Mesmer – Professional dust collector.
Guardian, Thief and Mesmer are my main. Use them for almost everything except fractals (got burned) and spvp (don’t like).
My other six 80’s are occasionally used for finishing dailies if there is something simple, like using karma or gathering. I quit playing with them and buying new slots since I have not geared them with exotic items yet, and I’m trying to dress my three main characters with ascended.
All my 80s are currently having a much earned break from doing much of anything while a few more characters try to break into that club. Some of them are going through their lockers to see if they need any new gear, and a few more might decide to have a backpacking holiday and visit new maps they’ve never been to before but overall they are just sitting in a bar enjoying the Lkittenus.
Park them at jumping puzzles for Ascended crafting mats. :P
Or at least until I decided I needed a break from ArenaNet’s idea of endgame.
Necromancer: Main. World Exploration, Jungle Wurm, Living Story, SPvP, EotM Roaming, Dungeons
Warrior: Main. World Exploration, Tequatl, Guild Missions, WvW Commander, Dungeons & High Fractals
Elementalist: World Exploration, WvW Zerging, Dungeons
Guardian: Dungeons w/ Bad Groups
Mesmer: CoF p1, Jump Puzzle Portalling
Ranger: Dungeons
Engineer: Dungeons
Thief: WvW Roaming, Storing 30,000 Empyreal Fragments
(edited by Rising Dusk.2408)
Mesmer 1 – not much unless I’m doing monthly JPs, she’s an Asura. Rare RP.
Mesmer 2 – RP
Mesmer 3 (not 80, but getting there) – leveling and RP
Necro 1 – RP, 500 Tailor
Necro 2 – RP
Elementalist – nothing, couldn’t get into Charr or Ele
Thief – RP, LS
Ranger – nothing, just wanted an 80 of each class
Engineer – minor RP on norn nights
Guardian 1 – dungeons, RP
Guardian 2 – RP
Warrior 1 – RP
Warrior 2 – nothing, just felt like leveling a male heavy sylvari for the armor
RP is why I MMO
I cycle through Elementalist and Warrior, although I absolutely consider the Ele my main.
>log them in to see what new cash shop armours look like on them
>log them out
Ranger – LS stuff, guild missions, pretty much anything in the open world. He’s got the highest map completion (85%). Occasionally TA or HotW.
Mesmer – Main, and my personal favourite to play. He does dungeons and fractals and is a Lv. 500 Tailor/Artificer
Elementalist – Second favourite. Runs a lot of dungeons, sometimes fractals. Mostly AC or SE. She’s my Lv. 500 Weaponsmith.
Guardian, Warrior, Thief – Not really a fan of these classes to be honest. I take ‘em into dungeons, depending on the party’s needs. (Thief for CM etc.)
Necro – I got bored and made one for the hell of it. He looks pretty awesome but isn’t terribly fun to play in PvE. Might re-spec him for WvW if I ever get into that.
Originally I had one build and one gearset for each. These days I have several, and I have my favourites (Guardian and Mesmer) but generally rotate through the others depending on what I feel like playing. Having one of each profession at 80 gives some nice freedom.
i have a lvl 80 guardian, ele and a thief atm
i also have lvl 40ish engeneer, warrior,and a necro that i kinda lvl up now and then
the problem with me is that i cant rely decide on a “main” , so i cant call the lvl 80 classes alts.
i usually go dungeons ,tequatl and such harder content with a guardian, wvw with a ele…and just plain having fun with a thief in pvp,wvw,pve
Ten 80s. Harvest runs. Champ train on Engineer. Whatever events that pop up such as Temples, etc.
Don’t like the PUG scene and I never found a dedicated crew to run dungeons with. Haven’t set foot in a Fractal.
Used to do WvW a lot but got burned out during Season 1. Haven’t really gone in since.
Basically Ultimate Casual Mode these days.
I’ve never seen a Precursor drop. I don’t have any clovers. Have no ambition to try to get a Legendary. None of my characters are wearing Ascended armor.
Guardian/Warrior: dungeon/FOTM/boss train
Elementalist: WvW(staff)
Mesmer/Necro: PvP (PU and MM)
Engineer: jumping puzzle, sometime got to run dungeon
Thief/Ranger: errand girls for daily
Warrior (my main): I do everything.
Other characters: Parked at the end of a JP in order to farm empyreal fragments.
My necro, mesmer, and warrior were all within 10 hours played of each other last I checked. In order of most played lately.
Necro – Main, WvW Zerging and living story. Condi solo camp flipping when I can’t be bothered thinking. Some PvP.
Thief – Solo roaming and PvP. If I need to get somewhere quickly for whatever reason.
Warrior – First character and used for world completion because it’s a warrior. Dungeons. Tequatl
Mesmer – Small scale WvW but not solo because I’m too bad not to die and refuse to use PU.
Ele – World Events other than teq. Former BLTC character before the wallet, now material storage mule.
Engi – Level 77 without the motivation to finish, historical LS item and miscellaneous item storage.
Also got a low level guard for ascended mats.
All 8 professions: full zerk, used for everything. I play the class whichever I feel like playing at the moment. And sometimes use the class that’s needed in the party at the moment.
Only Ele, Mesmer and Guardian have full ascended and are used for high level Fractals though.
Mesmer: Tailor/Jeweler
Guardian: Weaponsmith/Armorsmith
Thief: Huntsman/Leatherworker
Ele: Artificer/Chef
Warrior: Weaponsmith/Chef
Necro: Artificer/Jeweler
Ranger: Huntsman/Jeweler
Engineer: Jeweler/Chef
(I just used most for levelling, that’s why I have doubles :P)
(edited by Charming Rogue.8071)
I have 5 80’s. I make it a point to do everything on them. Map completion, dungeon completion, everything.
Ranger 1: My main, Farming, Meta evens, HOTW, TA, SE, COE
Ranger 2: Farming, everything
Ranger 3: Huntsman, close to 500 can’t delete her, and she’s fun to mess with
Warrior 1: Armorsmith & Weaponsmith, close to 500, COE, COF, farming
Warrior 2: WvW – Commander
Guardian 1: Farming, dungeons
Guardian 2: Farming, meta events, LS
Guardian 3: Only 53, leveling, getting lower tier mats
Mesmer 1: Farming, Meta, LS, Tailor close to 500
Mesmer 2: Farming, guild shenanigans
Necromancer: 500 Artificer, LS, meta
Thief: Fun in WvW, Leatherworker
Engineer: Meta events (Maw esp) Farming, Leatherwork also close to 500
Ele: Farming: Meta events
Each is working towards mapcompletion, dungeons etc. I love the versatility with lots of toons to mess with at all times. LOL There’s always something to do with them. Since I have so many alts w/their needs the legendary procurement has fallen back in priorites. Each are 400+ in different crafts, I probably forgot one or more LOL
Necromancer – WvW roaming
Warrior – Arah runs
Elementalist – AC and CoE
Mesmer – When I feel like it (Dungeons)
Guardian – SE
Engineer – Mule (Sorry engi fans)
Thief – Sitting around, probably gonna turn into a mule
Ranger – Deleted to make room for another guard for wub, previously a mule
I edited my OP to include all my crafting, so dont’ be shy to include that too. For a long time when I didn’t know what to do with my alts before they were 80 i just parked them at the crafting stations in Rata sum to level up slowly while I evertually got to them.
I deleted them after the gear threadmill announcement.
bank storage. free bags from fotm since relics are useless otherwise.
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