What do you get when you play the game?

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rymer.4017


So that is just it what do you see and how do you play the game?

Myself I see a huge gaming world where the limits are only what I can do by the company that has put it in the game world. So yeah I do not have the best gear or weapons does it stop me from doing anything nope the only thing that does stop me is the group I am with when they vote kick me which has been almost never. Why I do not know or do I need to I just play the game.

The game has this massive world that you can not see all at once, it takes time to see it and we travel around it looking for what? Well for me its not the loot or the gear or any of that for me its the adventure, the untold dangers lurking in the dark, the finding of the unknown and even the known stuff that is there. The world event’s that impact the game by changing the world I know it wont stay but its still fun to do. The lore that comes from doing my own thing not being guided around by some unknown force that we do not see. But creating my own story for my character.

See to me the game is more then just loot and levels I could really do with out that stuff to me the game is all about the journey we take to what I call end game which is not dungeons and raiding but the journey I give myself that the game has in the world it’s self. The adventure I get from just traveling around and seeing the richness this one world brings me is my loot and reward.

Do I enjoy spvp and WvWvW yes I do and not just for the win but the ability to improve my play style to meet the needs of the challenge not to be the best. So yeah I do enjoy the battles I have been in and even more lately then in the past cause now I can be my character the way I want them to be in these battles.

So yeah I have tons of story’s I can tell you about my journey in Tyria and with many a people I have met and played with from taking on Dragon minions to fighting the dredge to even being afraid to swim in the dark waters of Orr to even sitting and laughing at the failures of my group not because we died but because we enjoyed the encounter.

So why did I tell you all this stuff when I am just getting to why I asked the question at the start well to say I see why the changes where made to the game with not just the feature patch but the living story as well.

See the game is not about going out to get the best gear or making a ton of gold from one thing even if you enjoy doing that its about playing in the game doing the Dynamic events doing the dungeons and world event’s but not just doing one of them none stop. See I can make up to 30g a day in a 2 to 3 hr period just playing the game how it was made to be played by moving around doing a lot of content not just sticking to one thing.

But yeah that is it in a nut shell this game has many ways to be played but not just one is to be run none stop you will loose because of DR the more you do one type of thing the less you get so running the same dungeon path rewards you how its supposed to with next to nothing as to me where if I run dungeons I get max returns cause I do not just run one path. Or Champ trains do you know there are more champs in the world then Dynamic events as a whole. Yep that is true because there are champs not connected to events all over the game world. Or how about world events you wonder why they added a timer well cause the events before where being done so much the rest of the game world became useless so they made champs drop better loot and that helped but then added to the problem by making them just as much a source for loot.

So in the end you your self are making your own problems by doing things that you enjoy in the game bad not the company they are trying to get you to use what they give you to use and that is a whole world to play in. To go out and find the reward you seek. As for living story that is a whole other story.

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rymer.4017


The living Story.

The living story is just that a one time thing that we as the players now can tell others about when they ask why is this giant robot lying here in the snow or why is Lions Arch gone. Or why is there these POI’s at these places with instances that are empty.
Because its just that more story you get to see once. It’s like a book you read and then find out they do not sell it anymore you hunt and search for it but you can not get it. This makes it that much more fun to experience because we know it will not come back its over done. Did I miss any of the living story yeah sure did am I upset by it nope not at all I missed it cause it did not interest me to do that part of it.

So yeah we can not go back and get things from it so what but what comes later could be even better sense this was the first part and as for things to come I say bring it. We just might see some better things in the next story like more of a story and content that so many want we just have to wait and for now play in what we have there is a lot to do in the world I still have not done every dungeon path myself or run through half the Jumping puzzles that to me are more fun the the dungeons them self. I still want to see why I am missing some area’s in my achievements. I want to be a better player that way I can help others learn how the game works and show them that build of one type are not always the best but changing your play style on the fly is better then the stats.

So thanks for reading and I hope you can see the games gonna be better with time and yeah we might not like a lot of the changes but they where put in to make the world it’s self get used then just certain area’s. Have fun and hope to adventure with you in game.

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


I’ve always been one for alt characters and lateral growth. Hoo boy did I get what I paid for. 8 characters at 80, 7 maxed classes, and my last on the way. All crafting disciplines at 400 or more, and I’ve still got a lot of work to do.

But I don’t feel overly pressed to rush the content, and my gear (while not ascended, yet) works fine for all the new content. So it’s been good so far! Just a few tweaks, and I’ll be very content.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stephen McBeaven.5640

Stephen McBeaven.5640

Rymer, that was a bizarrely inspiring post. Thanks for sharing One thing I’ll echo is that I personally have tried to take things slow and read dialogue and look at the world as I explore. I’d recommend this approach to new players, but obvious to each his own. Occasionally, I forget to take my time and then I realize I haven’t been following the story of the zone for the last few hearts/events and I get a little bummed about missing it.

You know what would be great? If they removed the ability to hold alt and control to see stuff. Yes, I know, I could just choose not to do this…but really, can I? I find it takes away from one of their stated aims of playing the game rather than the UI. The same problem existed in GW1, and it was exacerbated by those little red dots on the mini-map and agro bubble. These things really take your eyes away from the world and diminish the experience.

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: goldenwing.8473


Sorry, your thead title caused an old Burt Bacharach song to pop into my head, and I couldn’t resist.

Here’s the updated lyrics for GW2: (sung to the tune of “I’ll Never Fall in Love Again.”)

(With apologies to Mr. Bacharach)

What do you get when you play GW2?
A dev with a pin to burst your bubble
That’s what you get for all your trouble
I’ll never play the game again.
I’ll never play the game again.

What do you get when you kill a boss?
You get enough loot to pay your repair bill.
After you do, RNG isn’t fair still.
I’ll never play the game again.
I’ll never play the game again.

Don’t tell me what is all about
‘Cause I’ve been there and I’m glad I’m out
Out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I’m here to remind you

What do you get when you check the forums?
You only get lies and pain and sorrow
So, for at least until tomorrow
I’ll never play the game again.
I’ll never play the game again.

BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014

(edited by goldenwing.8473)

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031


I play because I get enjoyment from killing virtual bad guys. It’s fun…

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rymer.4017


Rymer, that was a bizarrely inspiring post. Thanks for sharing One thing I’ll echo is that I personally have tried to take things slow and read dialogue and look at the world as I explore. I’d recommend this approach to new players, but obvious to each his own. Occasionally, I forget to take my time and then I realize I haven’t been following the story of the zone for the last few hearts/events and I get a little bummed about missing it.

You know what would be great? If they removed the ability to hold alt and control to see stuff. Yes, I know, I could just choose not to do this…but really, can I? I find it takes away from one of their stated aims of playing the game rather than the UI. The same problem existed in GW1, and it was exacerbated by those little red dots on the mini-map and agro bubble. These things really take your eyes away from the world and diminish the experience.

No worries I to try to take my time with the way I level my characters but always end up 80 before I know it. But that is fine with me I just play through to get 100% PvE map on my characters while just playing in the content I come across. I also have this problem of finding more Dynamic events I have never seen before and in this I find my game play even more fun.

I have payed attention to the lore and stories of some maps but most of the time I am trying to create the lore I have for my character. There is some really great stories in the maps and now with the new heart stuff it makes it a lot better to play through. But if your a lore hunter try to pay attention to the npc’s chat its got some really good dialog to it in some area’s that tell stories on places in the area. But yes we all have our own play styles and we all play how we see fit but a lot do not realize that the game has a lot of stuff to it other then the dungeons and world events that no one has done because they play the game like all other mmo’s out there and move from map to map with out touching many DE’s in the game.

I only use the ctrl and alt keys to find certain things like nods while in Orr and Places with the darker colors to it. Or out pet hunting for my ranger which has most only missing 4 or 5 of the pets you can get with out HoM.

As for GW1 compass mini map thing used to driver me crazy with the dots and such never really got used to it when doing content. But that game has a lot of really memories for me and has one of the best story lines for a game i have played sense back in my pen and paper days.

(edited by Rymer.4017)

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rymer.4017


@goldenwing LoL thats good thank you.

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corpse Flakes.5369

Corpse Flakes.5369

I get precursor drops once a week. 2Leet.


Anet please nerf Paper, Scissors is fine -Rock.

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Pointless.3869

The Pointless.3869

Fun. Why else do we play games, after all?

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rigultru.3597


I play for the same reason as you Rymer. Sometimes I will have gone 2 hours of play time and done nothing but sight see and explore. There are so many hidden features in the game that people just fly by. It’s kind of like real life. There is a saying, “Stop and smell the roses”.

Life is like an inverse pyramid. You start with everything you need, and from then on it is just a journey.

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: buckeyecro.9614



I highly enjoy interacting with a story of some sort, and computer games provide this the best out of all current forms of technology.

I play GW2 because:

  1. Game-play is interesting, fun, and has much diversity in play
  2. Story- Fighting Epic Mythical or Science Fictional Creatures, especially dragons with other people is really fun
  3. Aesthetics- How beautiful is the world?
  4. Sounds- How epic are the sounds of the world, including the soundtrack?

Most importantly, how memorable are the characters, game-play, world, and sounds?

These are the main reasons why I play the video games I have in my collection, watch certain movies or television shows, or read certain books.

Sanctum of Rall NA Engineer Commander

Guild Wars 2 needs a Public Beta Environment

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


Relaxation and enjoyment and lots of chuckles for a few hours after work.
And as others have said here….I also enjoy improving myself in WvW….learning from my mistakes…..being more helpful to others in the group…etc.(On nights and/or weekends when I am feeling a bit more serious about my gaming…lol)

And there are also some nights after work when its just enjoyable to clear my mind and just mindlessly enjoy what the game throws at me….the exploration……..the gorgeous graphics….the sounds….talking to others in game….etc. Better than sitting in front of the tv and getting completely numb, imo.

Plus, my wife enjoys the game as much as I do, so we have a lot of fun playing the game together.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Fun with server cumunity and WvW, nothign else.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hermes.7014


Tons of useless blue and green items.

I know, I just answered only to the title. Sorry, I had to.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

(edited by Hermes.7014)

What do you get when you play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DavidH.7380


I play to escape from the real world where success is hard, there is a real chance of failure, and consequences are real and lasting, etc.

In the game you can escape for a little while to a world where the rules are different, experience flows easily from doing anything, bad stuff is limited so it can’t ever really get bad, failure is the exception, and when you do fail or make a mistake you just rezz and try again….