Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)
What do you think about the Guild Wars 2 "community"?
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)
It’s nicer than the LoL community, but not as funny. =p
In game: Helpful and friendly. Great people. Really make the game fun.
On the forums: They like to complain a lot about everything.
Ingame: Alright
Forums day 1: Alright
Forums now: Absolutely abysmal
ingame: nice
forums: well, I am used to the entitlement crowd, the complainers for complaints sake and the people who wish they were actually playing another game by now. Every gaming forum is like that these days.
Don’t say anything to negative in the forums (even if its legitimate and not trolling)….or itskittenkittentime from most the community…
Overflow Lion’s Arch is like Mos Eisley…
Otherwise, the in-game community on my server at least is pretty great
Don’t say anything to negative in the forums (even if its legitimate and not trolling)….or itskittenkittentime from most the community…
Don’t say anything positive, or the negative people will tell you that you’re hooked into the matrix.
On the forums: About avarage for MMOs, nothing unusual here.
In game: Friendly, but there is very little reason to talk to each other to enjoy the game.
In the lower level zones most people are pretty nice but in the higher level zones almost everyone is an kitten.
I mostly save my socializing for WvW, but so far the only problems I’ve had with anyone on JQ are the bots.
If you’re going to bot, at least program them to rez people and make yourselves useful.
Regarding those upset with all the complainers: People who have ranked up > 160 hours know this game better than anyone. I would argue we know it better than the developers themselves since we experienced their creation from a fresh slate. Most critics played in press beta and then probably clocked 40-80 hours in game. Reached level 50-60 and decided the game is amazing, wrote a delightful review then checked out.
The problem is the cracks begin to become earthquakes around level 60. All the real flaws surface. Be thankful for the complainers (well not all of them, but many) because we’re trying to help ArenaNet see these things that in all the glory of a successful release can be very easy to selectively ignore.
A lot of us are complaining now because we feel there is no other voice to do so. We love the game and obviously aren’t going to abandon. It’s just for us the honeymoon period is over and we see the game is mortal and not incapable of going the way of SWTOR or other MMOs that were designed quite well then went down hill quickly
I’m really impressed with the community in-game on my server (Desolation), everyone seems to be friendly, chatty and cooperative.
On the forums…yeah, not so much. Although it’s to be expected. The vast majority of players will never bother with the forum. The people who do are either here to complain about one specific thing or because they have extremely strong positive or negative feelings. Those two groups are going to clash, a lot. They’re both going to have an over-inflated sense of their own importance and insist that they speak for “most” or all the players, reinforced by seeing other people post the same topics they are over and over again.
Hopefully it’ll settle down after a while as the pro-game people calm down the anti-game people either calm down or actually act on their threats and leave.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
The community is mostly made up of mindless fanboys who get angry and personal whenever you point out any GW2 flaw. This happens both in-game and on the Forums.
When that stupid expansion comes out, all the tools that keep trolling will be gone, so frankly I can’t wait for 2 more days.
Regarding those upset with all the complainers: People who have ranked up > 160 hours know this game better than anyone. I would argue we know it better than the developers themselves since we experienced their creation from a fresh slate. Most critics played in press beta and then probably clocked 40-80 hours in game. Reached level 50-60 and decided the game is amazing, wrote a delightful review then checked out.
The problem is the cracks begin to become earthquakes around level 60. All the real flaws surface. Be thankful for the complainers (well not all of them, but many) because we’re trying to help ArenaNet see these things that in all the glory of a successful release can be very easy to selectively ignore.
A lot of us are complaining now because we feel there is no other voice to do so. We love the game and obviously aren’t going to abandon. It’s just for us the honeymoon period is over and we see the game is mortal and not incapable of going the way of SWTOR or other MMOs that were designed quite well then went down hill quickly
The problem for me is that at the moment I love playing GW2 and most of the people “requesting” that Anet “fix” it seem to be demanding that it be turned into a homogonized mash-up of various games I’ve got no interest in playing. I’d rather it stay as it is, bugs and all, than become what some people are demanding.
On top of which I can’t understand why if people have so many examples of other MMO’s, most of them still active, which to them are near-perfect (or at least better than GW2) why don’t they go play those games and leave this one to the people who do like it?
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
The community is mostly made up of mindless fanboys who get angry and personal whenever you point out any GW2 flaw. This happens both in-game and on the Forums.
Here let me reveal the reality of the situation you’ve seem to deluded for yourself:
The forum community is made up of incessant complainers and whiners who can’t appreciate anything and hate on every thread (read: you) and then wonder why people get annoyed.
You are hateful, vitriolic, and you add nothing to discussions, contrary to what you’d like to believe.
No kid, I am in the Forums because there is nothing else to do in-game. Why are YOU on the Forums and not playing your perfect flawless epic MMO? hahahaha
Currently watching football, idiot. Because there’s no subscription, I don’t feel like I have to play 24/7.
Knuckledust, it is rather funny you dare call anyone a “kid” with your fine display of the infantile mindset.
In game community on my forum has been great for the most part, occasional rudeness and such going on but thats to be expected.
Reading the forums is just lolable, the trolls and haters aren’t very good at all, far too obvious most of the time. And the saddest part is that I think a lot of them believe what they say But overall I’m impressed with the forums, just wish people would stop saying “Cause I’ve played 160+ hours my opinion obviously overrides yours” when I myself have played over that amount and don’t seem to have half the complaints they do, they are welcome to their opinions but forcing said opinions on others is just wrong.
You ever punch a baby in the face and watch his reaction? That reaction is about how I feel about this community at this point. Nothing but a bunch of whining self-entitled brats that demand more than they really need. Some things need fixing, yes, but these people act like Arenanet broke into their houses and shot their dog or something.
Case in point: Knuckledust in this very thread…
To be fair, this is not exclusively a GW2 phenomenon, just check any gaming forum. The internet simply promotes a certain personality type. Everyone knows that guy in the club who is moaning for years just how bad the music has become and everything is going downhill, yet sticks around for a few more years. Everyone has a co-worker who is fed up with everything about his job and the company, yet does not quit and complains about how everything sucks. They do not want improvement even though they would claim that sometimes, they want to see Rome burn for some perceived wrong they suffered and they want everyone to share their pain and opinion. In real life, such people are quickly ostracized as kill-joys, sulking in their misery alone. In the anonymity of the internet these people can revel in this kind of behaviour without severe social repercussions. That is not to be confused with real or constructive criticism, but you can usually tell both apart (tone, swear words, demands, threats, doomsaying, insults etc.)
This old woman’s opinion…
In game (PvE): During pre-view, excellent. Slowly degrading since then, but still better than most other games I’ve played. Most polite and friendly in the mid-levels (~30-70 areas), a bit nastier in the Orr areas. Low level areas a mix as expected.
The only real nastiness outside of chat in PvE has been an increase in people purposely training mobs to kill others; and an couple people who think it’s fun to intentionally bug skill points/events, and brag/laugh about it. I’m hoping that Tuesday clears much of that group out.
Forums: Not as mean tempered as some games, but not the absolute best either. Seems to me there are a lot of people who found out too late that the design of GW2 is not fitting with how they play. They would rather change GW2 to fit their style rather than have their $60 of fun and move on to something more to their liking.
In game community is really nice. The game mechanics help that in part.
The forum community? Seems to be like every game forum community, pretty darn awful.
I think it would be a good idea
In game: Helpful and friendly. Great people. Really make the game fun.
On the forums: They like to complain a lot about everything.
Ditto and usually it’s the same complainers but ingame I’ve found nothing but nice people willing to help and direct you if you have questions. Not one chat text has been about being disappointed or this game suxs.
Not the best in the world, I suppose.
Also, nice Charr.
On top of which I can’t understand why if people have so many examples of other MMO’s, most of them still active, which to them are near-perfect (or at least better than GW2) why don’t they go play those games and leave this one to the people who do like it?
One game I cite often, City of Heroes, is going to be shut down soon, and its not totally unlikely that’s partially due to NCSoft wanting to free up resources for GW2.
Other games, such as WoW pre-WotLK, Ultima Online pre-Renaissance, and Star Wars Galaxies, don’t exist in a meaningful sense now. And some like Asheron’s Call and Dark Age of Camelot are so old and clunky that there’s no way you’d want to play them now, regardless of nostalgia.
If people felt GW2 didn’t have something of merit over these other games, they wouldn’t have paid $60 for it, or bothered to post about it sharing constructive criticism.
In game the community is absolutely fantastic. Better than any game I’ve ever played.
In these forums there’s an overwhelmingly massive number of whiny, spoiled, entitled crybabies. The community here, with the exception of a few forums, such as Lore, is horrifically bad.
EDIT: Just went back and read some of the other responses. Glad to see I’m not alone in this opinion.
In game the community is absolutely fantastic. Better than any game I’ve ever played.
In these forums there’s an overwhelmingly massive number of whiny, spoiled, entitled crybabies. The community here, with the exception of a few forums, such as Lore, is horrifically bad.
EDIT: Just went back and read some of the other responses. Glad to see I’m not alone in this opinion.
Yep you are quite correct. I have to believe most of the whiners/malcontents are old WOW players that can’t get their fix on this no monthly fee game. Granted it is easier but well it was intended to be easier. I find it quite challenging myself and haven’t found an event or heart that I couldn’t solo if I played it well. Much good stuff and slow playing it makes it that much more fun for me.
In game: Community is wonderful and awesome to play with. Probably the best game community I’ve been a part of.
On forums: Community whines too much and always sees the negatives.
I think its better than most and when mist of Panda bear comes out it will be alot better. All the wow fans will leave to see which one of them can get to lvl 90 first.