What drives you to login?
well i have
male human level 80 warrior
male charr level 10 guardian
female silvari level 7 ranger
female human level 6 mesmer
female human level 5 thief
female asura level 6 engineer
female norn level 4 necromancer
female silvari level 0 elementalist (have not created yet, empty character slot)
i play my alternates after daily achievement resets, easier to progress the “monster type kill variety” daily achievement this way.
logging in everyday to complete daily achievement, monthly achievement etc.
saving up more silvers, buying gems with silvers when the price is right etc.
I havent. Im waiting for them to fix orr…maybe even do some class balance.
Map completion and that sick looking sylvari tier 3 cultural armor set. Also because I haven’t seen any of the dungeons except for Storymode TA and I’ve not even touched PVP yet so I got alot to do on top of trying out another class.
Just got my full Vigil armor set tonight. I look pretty cool from teh neck down, the headband makes me look like Rambo, or somee plant variant of the same name.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Right now? Mindless compulsion. Did the same with PSO2 for a while, even though I loathed the direction that game was taken, and with a couple of other games before. :-/
At least here, there is some potential for improvement though.
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.
Not much. I’m scared of what awaits me at 80 too. That was always my concern about this game. Also I may have burned myself out a bit by playing too much the fist 2 weeks I will still likely play but it doesn’t help to come here and read about all of the balance issues and the experience of Orr. And crafting.
We can never go home again :/
i’m logging in every day, albiet, not as much as when it just released because the initial “omg new game” wore off.
I am a dungeon fan, I enjoy running the dungeons believe it or not, I do about 5-7 explorer dungeons a day, As well level an alt and farm Orr between runs. Also slowly gearing err well crafting exotics for other guildies, I enjoy the PvP when with some buddies and I have yet to explore the world.. None the less I am still having fun but as far as asking others it is pure stupidity.
I may find dungeons fun, Where as you may not, SOmeone else may find only WvW or SPvP fun.. All these options are open to you at start. You need to ask yourself what you find the most fun and what you’ll enjoy enough to keep doing. Granted there is PvE but this is still a PvP game. I assume it always will be unless they add more dungeons in the future for harder content… For some thisi s hard enough others not so much.
My primary motivation was to acquire good looking armor for my warrior, but it didn’t take me long to get the few pieces that I like in the game. Now I mostly play my thief because I finally found a build that gives survivability. After that I guess I’ll log in less because none of the other classes interest me very much. I love the game, and I think it’s well done overall, but no game can stay fresh and fun forever. I feel like I got my money’s worth.
dungeons are brilliant. my main is lvl 51 so ive only done 3, and enjoyed them thoroughly. i just started immersing myself in WvW and im loving it. definitely the “endgame” for me., in addition to tpvp.
so my motivation? still having just as much fun as on day 1…im a little worried that i may be playing too much, but ive been waiting for this for 4 years.
for me, there’s way too much to do. the people who have devoured the game and are currently bored, what can i say…i just have a different approach: detailed completion of all content, and pacing.
The gun I hold to my head :P
I log in everyday for as long as my RL will let me
I am still having as much fun as I did at head-start, actually I think I’m having more fun because the population has calmed down and I have a better grasp of my main profession. I got exactly what I wanted and was expecting from the game so I’m very satisfied. I will be logging on for years. Now my only concern is that they might bring out new content before I feel I have done everything I want to
“What drives you to login?”
The fun of playing the game.
I am 80 since a while but there’s still so much to do, it’ll take months. And then there’s the PvP, which does never get old.
“What drives you to login?”
….To play of course silly!
Make new friends, join a guild do things together, etc etc etc. There are so many things to do in this game.
Basically, if your motivation is anything besides “max level gear stat progression treadmill”, GW2 will remain fun for a long time. The problem is, a lot of players have a very fixed mentality based on playing the last 10 years of MMORPGs, and literally can’t see any other motivation beyond the one I mentioned. I feel bad for them… if they could break that mindset, there are any number of awesome reasons to play GW2 for a long time.
Not the least of which is that the game play moment-to-moment is great fun and the game world is huge, stunning, and packed with cool things to discover, and there are tons of different stories to experience…and none of it ever becomes trivial.
What motivates me to log in? I’m having an absolute blast in the game, and I’m slowly working off 10 years of pent-up frustration over developers never catering to players like me in their design. I see an absolute ton of things I still want to do and see on the horizon… this is a long-term home and I hope ArenaNet fixes the bugs and leaves the game design alone. It’s awesome.
I can’t login every day – most days I’m simply too tired from work. But I log in to relax and to take a break from RL. Which mostly means wandering, exploring, “the oooh, what’’s this over here” experience. I’m level 73 now, with a few level 10-ish alts.
I love the no-stress atmosphere. I don’t “have to” do anything. Just do what I want, when I want it.
FozzikI’m having an absolute blast in the game, and I’m slowly working off 10 years of pent-up frustration over developers never catering to players like me in their design.
You could have played EvE Online and avoided the 10 years of frustration.
If you only wanted the “sword and board” genre, you could have played Istaria and avoided the same.
I’m not one for open PvP…so EvE is out.
I tried Istaria. It was too… crappy. Sorry, no better way to say it. The production values and design just weren’t very good.
Trust me, I tried them all. I’ve spent the entire decade following these games, playing them, and waiting semi-patiently for some developer to finally do what ArenaNet did. I was starting to lose hope a little…but here we are. =)
“What drives you to login?”
The fun of playing the game.
I am 80 since a while but there’s still so much to do, it’ll take months. And then there’s the PvP, which does never get old.
This! Except I haven’t really tried PvP yet. I’m having a ton of fun just playing the game. I also login for the company of my guild.
- My main’s been at level 80 for a few weeks and I still have a ton of things in mind that I want to do. I’m at 72% world exploration so I’m still going through zones. I have around 8 or 9 zones left plus the WvW areas.
- I’m enjoying WvW. Even though I hit 400 in cooking I want to gather more food and discover more recipes. I’m starting on the other crafting disciplines
- I still have a lot of dungeons to do, and even when I’ve done them I don’t get tired of repeating them with friends (I know the rewards are broken, it doesn’t bother me personally since I’m just there to enjoy the dungeon itself. It’ll get fixed).
- I enjoy going through different dynamic event chains, joining friends in whatever area they’re playing. I’ll happily revisit zones I’ve already been in because I enjoy their atmosphere.
- I haven’t gotten to all of the jumping puzzles yet, still lots to do there
- I have different builds I want to try out, and they require different armor sets I still need to acquire. For long term goals I’m aiming for a few dungeon sets whose looks I really like. Legendaries in the distant future, perhaps :P
That’s for my Elementalist. I also have an Engineer and I have so many things I want to try out with this class, so that’s my next character I’m planning to take to 80 to unlock all the traits. I also have a Mesmer, Thief, and Guardian I’m itching to play with.
I don’t have as much time now as I did on launch, so everything’s going at a slower pace.
Sanctum of Rall
Nothing, I stopped playing shortly after my entire guild of 10 or so did the same. The game is fun up to 80, then the fun stops.
I lie in hope that ArenaNet will not be arrogant about their philosophies on endgame, and at least attempt to realise that this is not a hot-join game, it’s a persistent world, and that it’s not fun to repeat the same content over and over again outside of PvP.
I lie in hope that ArenaNet will not be arrogant about their philosophies on endgame, and at least attempt to realise that this is not a hot-join game, it’s a persistent world, and that it’s not fun to repeat the same content over and over again outside of PvP.
I hope so too
I hit 80 with my thief and now I’m playing about with builds in WvW and sPvP. Got the armor style I wanted, need to get some good weapons next and better stats for my armor. Generally though I am just having fun playing the game.
The world is really alive to me and I like to just be wondering about in it which is a great escape from my work life.
As a level 80 I still have
My personal story
The rest of Orr (I’ve run around through part of it just to make it to Arah)
The majority of the jumping puzzles
The rest of my regular exotic set
Most of the dungeons on story and explorable
PvP and WvW which I haven’t participated in beyond doing 2 of the introductory pvp heart quests
Find the remainder of the pets I’m missing on my ranger
Oh and the guild I joined is going to have some RP classes coming up soon. I can’t wait to learn to RP. Always wanted to try that out.
Probably more stuff I can’t think of at 6 am. I wish coffee brewed faster.
I have nothing better to do at the moment….
I stopped logging in until instances are fixed. I have been considering rolling an alt but then i just play torchlight hardore much more fun.
I stopped logging in until instances are fixed. I have been considering rolling an alt but then i just play torchlight hardore
much more fun.
What then are you doing on the forum?
Pvp of course, I stopped pve a hell of a long time ago (got tired of being 1shot)
inb4 dodge
Definitely the fun.
I’ve been looking for an MMO for a long time that is just fun straight out of the gate, and GW2 nailed that for me. Been playing since the headstart almost daily, and don’t plan to slow down anytime soon.
I am in the same boat my friend I am the lone wolf in my guild, 99% of the time I am the only one on. And if some one does come on there on for 30~45 minutes and then they log.
@Soulwatcher, That’s why i haven’ joined a guild yet. Waiting for the initial rush to cool down
I keep logging in because it’s still interesting and i still haven’t tried everything out.
I have 5 chars and i plan to get another slot.
I have no main, i rotate them all.
My highest level is 30, others are 20somtehing.
In my guild we are usually 10/15 steady people every night. We have PvE and PvP events planned weekly.
I’m having fun since day one and i play almost every day.
I do vistas, hearts, PvP, events or i just explore the place.
I treat it like a game, not another job, and i’m having a lot of fun.
I definitely smell a scent of burnout in this thread.
flirting with the one chick in my guild. he weak economy, zergy wvw, , poorly thought out dungeon mechanics, and repetitive grindy DE’s. All those just dont get me excited about the game.
I have a dream mix and match set of armor I want….t3 cultural human medium chest, some one sided shoulder pads (Probably from HOTW), t1 cultural pants and some run of the mill “Hide under the leggings” boots and the slight hope that they review the Anti-farm code and dungeons to make both avenues of play more accessible.
a lot of the quests is just kill x amount of mobs all over again i cant play for long periods of time because its simply boring so i go play some fps game instead.
also guild chat and map chat being dead 99% time does not make the game more fun.
not to mention dungeon gear i got 2 pieces of cof armor then got bored of doing same thing over and over again. I’m sure other players don’t care if i have the armor or not anyway.
Only thing keeping me logging in is my alts. And even those are starting to get boring, since I’ve already seen it all once. Some sPVP matches pull me in too, but I’m starting to lose the drive to play until I see some content patches. 80 mesmer is my main, too.
I’m grinding map completion at the moment. Then I’ll grind karma.
I don’t mind grinding as long as there’s not too much grinding. I have a grinding threshold.
I’ll happily grind 5,000 of anything but I won’t grind 10,000.
I’m still only about 60% through the map so still got things to do,still want more dyes and crafting materials so still getting those,wvwvw and not even started spvp yet so they keep me enjoying my 80 plus I’m now also levelling another 3 characters from different races so I can see some more of the lower lvl stories and try some different classes.Still got the priory story to see yet.
I stopped logging in until instances are fixed. I have been considering rolling an alt but then i just play torchlight hardore
much more fun.
What then are you doing on the forum?
Eh… Probably keeping tabs on the state of the game. Can’t (s)he?
(edited by Kungkonung.6758)
Stopped logging in 1½ week ago due to gamebreaking patches, features, bugs, and a blatant lack of content.
I love exploring and just listening to NPC chatter. I haven’t been through all the maps yet and each new map is amazing.
Feed them and they multiply.
Please do not feed them.
I can’t login every day – most days I’m simply too tired from work. But I log in to relax and to take a break from RL. Which mostly means wandering, exploring, “the oooh, what’’s this over here” experience. I’m level 73 now, with a few level 10-ish alts.
I love the no-stress atmosphere. I don’t “have to” do anything. Just do what I want, when I want it.
I agree with this post. Kinda.
The ambiance is settling and soothing. I don’t know what it is. Like I said in another post, the world itself is simply beautiful.
Would be awesome now if they can expand on it.
Every night I only get about 4~5 hours to play. And every night I have to force myself to go to bed, because there is still so much stuff to do. I’ve hit 80 for a week now and I still have to finish my personal quest, wanted to do it yesterday but ran out of time. Been so busy with PvE that I hardly get to WvW with my guild. I still want to join the Vigil as a Charr sharpshooter, still want to play a Mesmer Norn, need to level my Asura ranger. Plenty to do still. at least for me. Not to mention making a legendary GS.
With 75 % of my friends list not having logged in within the last 2-3 weeks… (most of which hit 80 and got bored) …
I’m interested in this part. Assuming you know they got bored because they told you this was the case, and not a guess, that means you have communication with them, or at least some of them, outside of the game, or at least had their ear when they conveyed the boredom information.
At that time, or now (if possible), it would be interesting to know what they do now? Do they play other games? Do they play another MMO specifically? Are those people in the habit of playing a game for 3-4 weeks and that’s all they ever do, ‘beating’ the game?
I know there are a lot of people that play MMOs like they’d play a stand alone game. Buy the main game, use the first free month to play the base content and do a little PvP, and then that’s it. They can say they played it, some leave gracefully and go on to play other things in the same manner, others feel like taking parting shots as they go, letting everyone that remains know that they are doing it wrong, and clearly they are getting out at just the right time, like it’s a stock or a home?
For those types of people, there really isn’t anything that would change their mind, they played all they are going to play.
That’s why I’m curious as to what those 75% of your friends got bored are doing now and what their play styles are like. I’m more interested in doing things that might help raiders and dungeon crawlers and people who like PvP rankings to stick around. Those folks will often play these for a long time, and contribute quite a bit to the game. Though, I have no idea why I feel compelled to care, I’m not one, but they are part of the community.
Now, for those that go back to another game to play, what I’m most curious about there is if that other game they went back to is ‘really’ that much more fun, including modern graphics, combat, whatever…or, do some people cling to this idea that they invested so much time in another game, that if a new game isn’t 10x better and finally solve the unifying theory, they go back to that game because they can’t bear leaving something they put so much time into?
Now, if you were working on saving a marriage, that might make sense to me. But I don’t get it with games. Caveat: If it’s about real, human friends and connections in those games more than the games themselves, then clearly that is where they should be. If those people came to try the game, brought their friends, the friends didn’t like it and really wanted to do what they were doing, then I think the choice is simple there. I have played many games that aren’t the best game in the world solely because that is what friends were getting together to do 1-2 times a week, and it was the only chance I had to keep in touch with them and what was going on in their lives.
Ok, that was long and meandered, as most of my posts do, but I’m always curious about that. When someone says they are bored, and this isn’t doing it for them, where do they go? And I’m ‘especially’ interested in where they go relative to their comments. If someone says, “This failed to innovate.”, and then goes back to WoW…well then…what? If someone says, “This failed to innovate.”, and then goes back to playing stand alone PC games or something on their iPad or back to writing their great novel while they wait for innovation…well…then that makes sense. Because it sounds like you are disgusted with the genre and refuse to play all of them because there is no innovation.
As far as your main point…when I find myself asking that question, I stop playing. If the question becomes one of “Why am I doing this?” then I shouldn’t be. If I can’t figure out why something is fun to me, and feel like analyzing what elements are giving me enjoyment, that is a different thing. Sadly, SWG lost me 2 months in, and it was my fault (although I doubt I would have stayed through the NGE). I put all this effort into factories and crafting and all that, I found that every day I logged in, I was spending 3 hours tending to all my crap, and then when I finished I was kinda exhausted and didn’t want to do any sort of adventuring, it was all a job. So I asked the question you asked, and quit without an answer, because it was asked.
I haven’t completed the map yet, and I’m still a rabbit in PvP. I’m not rushing to complete the content though, so I’m taking my sweet asuran time, preventing me to be burnt out from this game.
I actually want to slow down and login frequently since I need to get back on my writing. But I want to play a mesmer and a warrior complete the map save up for a legendary play the market explore wander kill maim cheer…
The fact that I’ve nothing to do after work at night, haha.
I have a close friend that I am playing with.
I leveled an Elementalist to 80.
I am almost 80 on my Thief (78).
I want to earn T3 Cultural Armor
I want to WvW (this is a huge draw and primary selling point).
I like to Spvp.
I enjoy roaming the maps and farming various things.
I do a dungeon now and again, but this is not a huge draw.
I want to try crafting, but I have only gotten through T1 so far.
I log in because I’m having fun, I am so utterly sick of wow and blizzard’s direction I doubt I will ever buy another Blizzard game(still ticked off about the D3 fiasco), no I’m not 80 but I have at least 3 characters I want to get to 80.
And again to stress the point because I have FUN playing the game
I log in because I’m having fun, I am so utterly sick of wow and blizzard’s direction I doubt I will ever buy another Blizzard game(still ticked off about the D3 fiasco), no I’m not 80 but I have at least 3 characters I want to get to 80.
And again to stress the point because I have FUN playing the game
I still love Blizzard, but WoW has really tanked for me and D3 was tttooooooo short… I’m looking forward to SC2:HotS. Oh boy, I can foresee the rage in league matches.
Yes the game does have it’s problems what game doesn’t.
My biggest problem with the game is the camera and controls they seam to have been written for a game controller.
I still enjoy the game. So I log in to see what has been fixed or added.
The need to get a legendary weapon.