“When all else fails, I suppose I can cut down foes with my elbow foliage!”
(edited by Dare.6913)
I don’t even know where to start. I suppose I should say that I’ve always wanted Guild Wars 2, ever since release, but my life at that time was not having it. I recently realized how I’ve managed to pull myself around, and how much I missed mmos. I used to play World of Warcraft avidly for many years, but my hectic life slowly slid me away from it, as well as being burnt out. I tried over and over to immerse myself into Azeroth, but nothing worked, not even a roleplaying server (which is strange since I’m huge into lore and writing – people just were so exclusive about their rp!). So, I quit.
Thats when I realized… Guild Wars 2 was still going strong, and growing! This was my chance! It was with eager impatience that I waited for the game to install and when it did… I was so very, very happy.
New lands to explore, better opportunities to play with others… the lands are beautiful and the character customization had me stumped for an hour. The events are plentiful and amazing, the story so open and free but with just enough linear progress to keep you moving in the right direction. I’m still clueless about crafting, but for now I’m focused on questing and learning the lore – currently of the Sylvari!
I’m very eager to progress Maliel and make him the best he can be. I know I’m going to have fun while doing it! I still have so much to learn, and as a veteran mmo player, this excites me. I’m still rather shy around others and haven’t a guild yet, but someday. For now I’m simply a rogue, a silent hero that appears mid-fight to help and that bows and leaves silently after. A true shadow, but I hope that will change!
Thanks for such a good game, its the relief I sorely needed, haha. If you see a Sylvari named Maliel Riverwind running around, give him a wave!
(edited by Dare.6913)
TL;DR version- He likes the game.
Ahaha, yes I do. I was just full of happiness due to it and wanted to share somewhere.
Thanks for being awesome basically! Theres quite a few people out there that have helped me randomly on quests and such, so in part its an ‘I like this game’ thread and a ‘thanks!’ thread. ;p
I like the game too…and I’ve been playing since the first beta. It’s taken some unexpected twists in how they present the game, which some people haven’t liked, but it suits me perfectly.
My biggest advice to you is don’t let the forums get you down. The game is way fun for me…the forums…not so much. lol
Yes, by the nature of forums the upset people come to say things here. It’s refreshing to see your happiness!
This game has held me nonstop since beta. A lot of that is my great guild and rp plotlines, as always in any game, but game design that means I don’t have to fight the mechanics to play how I want and that encourages friendly cooperation? SOLD. Plus it’s jaw droppingly beautiful. I did get so tired of low-rez cartoons …
Anyway, welcome! I hope you keep on loving the game in times to come. Meanwhile, have a ton of fun.
TL;DR version- He likes the game.
You read it… and you liked it…
I agree with this 100%!
I’ve been playing fro almost 2 weeks now (another WoW refugee), and all I can say is I love this game!
Aw hey thanks everyone! This inspires me further.
Methinks its time to dive back in and get back to leveling. I have so much to do!
My advice to you is to find a guild of people who play like you (like-minded) people…and enjoy the game with others. There’s a lot of reasons for this, but the best of all is that sharing this experience is far greater than just seeing it yourself.
Sharing the fun is almost as much fun for me as experiencing it the first time myself.
Also don’t worry so much about leveling. That’s a byproduct. Enjoy the world and leveling will happen just from exploring and doing stuff.
I began playing Guild Wars 2 two weeks ago and so far I’m having a blast in this game. I have all five of my character slots filled and am alternating between each character, leveling them up together. After two weeks none of my characters have hit level 10 yet, lol. But I don’t care. I’m having fun!
I skim over the titles of most of the threads in this forum without reading them. This forum is a snake pit of negativity. It can poison a new player’s love of the game very quickly. So I mainly read the Players Helping Players forum. That is the one forum here where I can find useful posts.
See! This is what keeps an MMO healthy for new and vet players alike! Glad to see more enjoying it in contrast to the loudness of those who do not.
Yes its fun for the first 2 weeks ^^.
Welcome Dare. It is a great game and I love it. I haven’t missed logging in one day since I started (around 6 months ago) and I am still uncovering treasures and ‘wow look at that’ moments.
Don’t you ever change, dearest Maliel.
That’s awesome! :-)
My advice to you is to find a guild of people who play like you (like-minded) people…and enjoy the game with others. There’s a lot of reasons for this, but the best of all is that sharing this experience is far greater than just seeing it yourself.
Sharing the fun is almost as much fun for me as experiencing it the first time myself.
this is truth.
and from my experience, casual guilds with large amount of mature members, less guild dramas have better guild longevity. smaller guilds die off quickly when their members become less active and people quit etc.
i have seen two guilds fall apart after some time.
an elite members only guild
- not enough members to sustain after many members quit
a wvw guild
- burned out after transferring into SoR from SoS
- some guild drama
- many members quit
- etc
my current casual guild, we have lots of casual players, many players come and go, but there is a core group that stays on, so we’re still doing okay at the moment. our sunday guild mission last night had about 80+ online over a total of 466+ members. though 100 – 150 are not active or have quit the game, we still get new members every now and then.
Welcome to the game! I’ve been playing since beta, and this is the game I keep coming back to. I’m always finding new things to love about it.
It’s nice to hear that new players are enjoying it as well. So good luck out there in Tyria!
Yes its fun for the first 2 weeks ^^.
Or a year, if you’re me.
I like the game too…and I’ve been playing since the first beta. It’s taken some unexpected twists in how they present the game, which some people haven’t liked, but it suits me perfectly.
My biggest advice to you is don’t let the forums get you down. The game is way fun for me…the forums…not so much. lol
No offense, but you spend more time on the forums than you do actually playing the game… so what does that tell you? You enjoy playing the forums more than playing GW2. You consistently complain about how bad the forums are, yet come here to tell people how “good” the game is….. okay.
Anyway, once you get bored, then you will stay bored until you finally decide to quit. I enjoyed the leveling process and I also enjoyed about two weeks after I hit level 80, then things went downhill from there. Utterly boring content, no bug fixes, unbalanced classes, and a ton of other glitches and things of the sort just ruined the game for me, and I’m really patient with content that needs to be fixed.
Welcome to the family. Enjoy the game
It is a great game, far better than anything on the market. Just keep a good perspective and it will stay that way.
I like the game too…and I’ve been playing since the first beta. It’s taken some unexpected twists in how they present the game, which some people haven’t liked, but it suits me perfectly.
My biggest advice to you is don’t let the forums get you down. The game is way fun for me…the forums…not so much. lol
No offense, but you spend more time on the forums than you do actually playing the game… so what does that tell you? You enjoy playing the forums more than playing GW2. You consistently complain about how bad the forums are, yet come here to tell people how “good” the game is….. okay.
Anyway, once you get bored, then you will stay bored until you finally decide to quit. I enjoyed the leveling process and I also enjoyed about two weeks after I hit level 80, then things went downhill from there. Utterly boring content, no bug fixes, unbalanced classes, and a ton of other glitches and things of the sort just ruined the game for me, and I’m really patient with content that needs to be fixed.
As you can see he enjoys attacking people’s post that are negative about gw2.I’m now his new target.That is where he gets the fun from.
Oof, have fun for a couple hours and manage some chores, miss some quality posts!
I do intend to join a guild soon enough, I’ve just been so distracted! The world is so big and going around reaping karma awards and reading all the lore and whatnot is great. The characters are so charismatic (including mine, ahaha).
I’m currently wandering around Brisban Wilderlands. I love the random ecnounters, they’re so amusing sometimes… I was aiding some Skritt whom were trying to get their ‘shinies’ back from bandits when all of a sudden, a group event (I assume elite) bandit leader comes out of nowhere. I left them to die as I ran off like a girl.
Also I wish we were allowed to court npcs because Malyck is too amazing. Maliel digs. I hope he doesn’t end up tainted by nightmare somewhere down the road.
Being able to fight for our lives before actually dying is a great touch, and theres so many paths to take! I’m currently favoring being a bruiser skirmish-type ranger. Swords and axes and torches oh my!
But I digress! I’ll find a guild soon enough. Hopefully. Although I’m not sure where to begin looking… the guild forums I imagine?
Welcome to Tyria!
If you’re not on TC or Piken yet, those are the two main roleplay servers (NA/EU respectively). You seem like the type to get immersed that way.
To bad trolls cant stay out of a positive thread.
Great post OP, i can just agree that the leveling in this game is just great and in fact part of the endgame. End game starts when you log in for the first time.
Been playing since beta and this game is by far the best mmo i played.
Ignore the negativity in these forums, some people have read in to much of their own expectations instead of what the game actually is and was promised to be, which are the same imo.
May i suggest some pve in wvw as well. PvE in a really “dangerous” environment is actually really fun and can be thrillling and frustrating, but in a positive manor. Some might think you are taking up space doing pve in wvw but you dont, its playing the game as it is intended.
Welcome to Tyria!
If you’re not on TC or Piken yet, those are the two main roleplay servers (NA/EU respectively). You seem like the type to get immersed that way.
I will definitely roll a character on TC then, thank you so much~!
I like the game too…and I’ve been playing since the first beta. It’s taken some unexpected twists in how they present the game, which some people haven’t liked, but it suits me perfectly.
My biggest advice to you is don’t let the forums get you down. The game is way fun for me…the forums…not so much. lol
No offense, but you spend more time on the forums than you do actually playing the game… so what does that tell you? You enjoy playing the forums more than playing GW2. You consistently complain about how bad the forums are, yet come here to tell people how “good” the game is….. okay.
Anyway, once you get bored, then you will stay bored until you finally decide to quit. I enjoyed the leveling process and I also enjoyed about two weeks after I hit level 80, then things went downhill from there. Utterly boring content, no bug fixes, unbalanced classes, and a ton of other glitches and things of the sort just ruined the game for me, and I’m really patient with content that needs to be fixed.
So the 11,000 achievement points I got came from where exactly? Today I did two invasions and 7 jumping puzzles. I’m not sure how long you think that takes. Between chores at home I check the forums and post a couple of times. Right now I’m using the forums as an excuse to go food shopping a bit later.
But yeah, there’s no way you can claim a guy with my achievement points doesn’t play the game…not if you’re being honest about it.
I… I like him. Can we keep him?
He better be in Tarnished Coast. Or I’ll personally drag him there myself.
@Vayne – As you can see from my sig, I’m a bit of an optimist. Yet, I hate the forums. I used to enjoy coming here, sharing my thoughts, participate in a discussion, or just have fun. Now… Everytime I think about the forums, I cringe and tell myself I shouldn’t go. But I always do. Because I’m an optimist.
now is my chance to bring my input!
I played gw2 for the first month and quite because i didnt really have time to get into another mmorpg again for i used to play WoW like a mad man as well. Over several months, close to 11 actually, i havent played gw2 because i didnt really do much to pull me back in, however that did not stop me when i logged back in for the first time two weeks ago. Can i just say, wow!
It is not as demanding as WoW and i love the community i have been exposed to in my server. I am still a noob in gw2 because my highest level is a 29 mesmer and i hardly know anything about the games dungeons and world bosses. I am eager to reach that level cap and start grinding for the gear and explore more of the world and play around with my traits and my play style.
A very casual mmorpg which is perfect because i can just hop on, do some dailies so i dont feel like i am falling behind and log out. Then on the weekends when i have time, i join a zerg group in queensdale to help farm that monthly.
Welcome to Tyria!
If you’re not on TC or Piken yet, those are the two main roleplay servers (NA/EU respectively). You seem like the type to get immersed that way.
I will definitely roll a character on TC then, thank you so much~!
Remember that all of your characters can only be played on one server, but you can guest anytime.
I… I like him. Can we keep him?
He better be in Tarnished Coast. Or I’ll personally drag him there myself.
@Vayne – As you can see from my sig, I’m a bit of an optimist. Yet, I hate the forums. I used to enjoy coming here, sharing my thoughts, participate in a discussion, or just have fun. Now… Everytime I think about the forums, I cringe and tell myself I shouldn’t go. But I always do. Because I’m an optimist.
I think we should get him on TC too. lol
I used to be an optimist myself, till start posting on forums. Now I’m a white knight apparently. lol
Yes its fun for the first 2 weeks ^^.
I’ve found it to be fun for the first 12 months.
Came from WoW huh?
He’s going to need a whole year to master the skill Ceilings.
Well it’s a fun post to read either way… nothing like that new shiny when the old one broke. (though personally I preferred our other old shiny better, b/c it was never broken)
(edited by ilr.9675)
I… I like him. Can we keep him?
He better be in Tarnished Coast. Or I’ll personally drag him there myself.
@Vayne – As you can see from my sig, I’m a bit of an optimist. Yet, I hate the forums. I used to enjoy coming here, sharing my thoughts, participate in a discussion, or just have fun. Now… Everytime I think about the forums, I cringe and tell myself I shouldn’t go. But I always do. Because I’m an optimist.
I think we should get him on TC too. lol
I used to be an optimist myself, till start posting on forums. Now I’m a white knight apparently. lol
On the same boat, meself. I say one positive thing and everybody looks at me like I’m a madman. And I don’t even have a blue box!
Thank the gods that people in the game are a lot nicer and more sensible.
After soooo much time such a refreshing post here.
This game is a beast, but a bit strange one…I had to take few month off and just came back 2 weeks ago and I’m amazed that apart from achievement points, I’m not far behind like I would be in any other MMO I played till GW2.
I started in beta and one thing I regret doing back then is rushing levels. I missed so much fun and things to find and explore ‘coze of that, but did it right with my alt next time around…
Even tho I used to count every stat, beating myself over every armor piece just to squeeze more out of it; this game taught me it’s more fun to stay away from elitist crap and counting stacks on bosses and just enjoy playing it your own way, your own pace, with your own build and soak up all the beauty it has to offer…
I like the game too…and I’ve been playing since the first beta. It’s taken some unexpected twists in how they present the game, which some people haven’t liked, but it suits me perfectly.
My biggest advice to you is don’t let the forums get you down. The game is way fun for me…the forums…not so much. lol
No offense, but you spend more time on the forums than you do actually playing the game… so what does that tell you? You enjoy playing the forums more than playing GW2. You consistently complain about how bad the forums are, yet come here to tell people how “good” the game is….. okay.
Anyway, once you get bored, then you will stay bored until you finally decide to quit. I enjoyed the leveling process and I also enjoyed about two weeks after I hit level 80, then things went downhill from there. Utterly boring content, no bug fixes, unbalanced classes, and a ton of other glitches and things of the sort just ruined the game for me, and I’m really patient with content that needs to be fixed.
congratulations, you get the spoilsport award. And yer funny too. Attacking someone who likes the game for posting around here while declaring the game sucks but still sticking around the forum. Who is the bigger fool I ask you?
Welcome to the game from another WoW refugee. After far too many years GW2 has finally proved to be the game to make me cancel my WoW subs.
My advise take it slow and enjoy whats offered, pick and chose what you want and don’t get caught up in any treadmill or start to feel forced to do anything, and ignore the whining on the forums.
I started playing at launch and after a year I have just got my first level 80 character, I’m now looking at the legendary weapons and maybe by this time next year I’ll be ready to craft one.
Thanks OP for brightening up the forums and have fun.
I’m on a similar situation.
I bought the game on release, and played casually for a while. I stopped playing around January due to a lack of faith in sPvP (and mostly due to a busy life at the time), without ever truly giving PvE a chance.
I decided to reinstall the game this past weekend, and I quite pleased. There has been a lot of improvements here and there, small things that add up nicely. I’ve played quite a few MMOs in the meanwhile that I wasn’t playing GW2, and now my impression of this game is quite better than it was, for some reason.
So yeah, having a blast with this game. I had forgotten how beautiful this world looks, and I was surprised to see that Tarnished Coast was still full of nice people (serious, this might be one of the best MMO communities I’ve seem).
(edited by Ellye.9123)
I was expecting a sarcastic complaint thread about the newest gear treadmill :O
I was expecting a sarcastic complaint thread about the newest gear treadmill :O
He hasn’t reached that point. It’s good he’s enjoying it.
Thanks for such a good game, its the relief I sorely needed, haha. If you see a Sylvari named Maliel Riverwind running around, give him a wave!
JQ Server. I have an alt Sylvari. What server are you on? We may be able to attack the risen in our lands together.
Welcome to Tyria!
If you’re not on TC or Piken yet, those are the two main roleplay servers (NA/EU respectively). You seem like the type to get immersed that way.
I will definitely roll a character on TC then, thank you so much~!
Remember that all of your characters can only be played on one server, but you can guest anytime.
Ah really? Thats a bit unfortunate! Is there any way to change that at the moment? If you deleted all of your characters could you possibly start over on a new realm? I assume guesting is like the cross-server experience Wow had. I’m so very curious now.
As for everyone else, thanks so much! I had a long day of work and I’m eager to get back into the swing of things. I even have a day off tomorrow (although my friend is kidnapping me to go thrift shopping. I’m moving soon and she demands I get new plates and stuff for my apartment haha!)
No worries, I understand people may not love GW2 or have fallen out of love with it. It happens in every game! I intend for this not to happen to me, and taking things slow and steady. I still have so much to learn anyway… I don’t want to end up like I was when I finally maxxed out a character in Wow, a hunter gemming hit in Naxx. /shudder. Gotta love the guides out there~
But yes, is there any way to shift servers, even if it means deleting everything? I probably won’t since I have irl friends on my server (Something… Bay. I forgot!), but I’d like to know anyway. Such a shame I can’t have a roleplaying alt!
The best way to enjoy the game is to try all aspects of it. Of everything, the main thing to do is to get to level 80 and get yellow gear— this will allow you access to all relevant content.
Also, don’t get OCD or anything. Especially achievements and stuff; just do whatever you can handle. For me personally; I just stop anything if I don’t like doing it.
The main weakness of this game is that the social features are very limited. You may try finding a guild to join to help this.
Yes, if you delete everything, you can transfer for free.
Make sure to move everything to your bank that you don’t want to lose, and that the world is not Full. <3
Yes, if you delete everything, you can transfer for free.
Make sure to move everything to your bank that you don’t want to lose, and that the world is not Full. <3
Aw man, decisions decicions. I just hit 23 on Mal which isn’t that far but I’ve already grown so attached.
/wanders off to ponder for a while
I’ve been playing since the first beta weekend and I still love this game, although it definitely isn’t perfect. When I run dungeons I still do it because I enjoy the path, not just to get to the end to get my reward. There’s a lot if good people on these forums, just ignore the jaded players and the negative nancys that often plague threads.
Yes, if you delete everything, you can transfer for free.
Make sure to move everything to your bank that you don’t want to lose, and that the world is not Full. <3
Aw man, decisions decicions. I just hit 23 on Mal which isn’t that far but I’ve already grown so attached.
/wanders off to ponder for a while
But TC is one of the best servers! And the only NA RP server. In the long run, level 23 isn’t a big sacrifice compared to shelling out a lot of gold for a single transfer.
Yes, if you delete everything, you can transfer for free.
Make sure to move everything to your bank that you don’t want to lose, and that the world is not Full. <3
Aw man, decisions decicions. I just hit 23 on Mal which isn’t that far but I’ve already grown so attached.
/wanders off to ponder for a while
But TC is one of the best servers!
And the only NA RP server. In the long run, level 23 isn’t a big sacrifice compared to shelling out a lot of gold for a single transfer.
I don’t doubt that! But I sadly cannot forsake my irl friends. Perhaps I can guest there someday~!
all you need to do is hit the ‘guest’ button at the lower left of your screen, select a world, hit ‘guest’, then the character you want to guest with.
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