What future professions could we see?

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


I never played GW1, but after reading over the wiki – it would appear that they merged monks into the guardian profession, and assassin into the thief profession. Ritualists, Dervish’s and Paragon’s appear to be still viable options though.

However, with the likelihood of Tengu being a playable race in the next expansion, there will surely be some connection between them and any new professions. That being said, are there any professions you can see (either existing or brand new) that could likely be a possibility based on what we know about the tengu, their geographic region (DoW OR Cantha)?

I’ll go first. I’m thinking in order to level out the armor-playing field, and make it 3/3/3, we could see a heavy armor wearing class. Dragoon, Samurai, and possibly Paragon would make for good candidates. Dragoon obviously has implications as a dragon slayer, Samurai based off of the asian-aesthetic of Tengu/Canthan cultures, and Paragon based on the fact that they wield spears (or lances? wink wink).

Have fun, don’t flame!

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

Engineers are more or less like the modern-day Ritualist.

Turrets: These function a bit like a Ritualist’s spirits. They are often stationary and provide buffs to allies, or attack nearby enemies.

Toolkits: These are like the Ritualist’s weapon spells, except instead of augmenting a current weapon, they practically replace your current weapon with grenades, bombs, or even a flame thrower.

Now as far as new professions go, I’d like to see one that would be able to utilize the underwater weapons as land weapons. I suppose a Paragon-like profession might be in the works for that. I’d go with Dragoon— they would be like a Paragon, but to differentiate it from the Guardian, it would have darker abilities. Not too dark like a Necromancer but it could possibly be the antithesis of the Guardian.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ghull.3571


A Panda monk….

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


I think if you go with the antithesis of a guardian, you begin looking more into things like deathknight to paladin that WoW did. I don’t think I agree with that being what a Dragoon is.. since Dragoon was (from my understanding) anti-dragon. I think we’re on the same page with regards to land-spear varieties, which is why I was suggesting the lance. It’s different enough that people wouldn’t be trying to use spears on land, but not so different that it negates the basic premise of the fighting style associated with its use.

In that regard, I think Paragon and Dragoon would be redundant, so either combine the concepts of both into one, or just stick with one over the other. Throwing spears though, which is a Paragon-esque tactic, is what Guardians do underwater when they use a spear.

That’s good input on the comparison between ritualist and engineer, we don’t need another stationary turret-fighter. The engi definitely needs a lot of work though I feel.

Another important concept I think is that if the new profession comes with a new weapon, that other professions should be able to use it as well. If not, we get into this “well I got this weapon thats only usable by one profession…” which might get old for some folks. As it is now, there isn’t a weapon exclusively used by a single prof. Lances, for instance – I could see being used by a ranger as well as a dragoon/paragon.

As an aside, if Samurai was the new class, there would have to be a weapon added for them – as a greatsword is far from a blade. However, warrior or ranger seem to be the catchall for weapon-types, ensuring that other professions would be able to use them.

Back to dragoon for a moment. A lot of people have been complaining about the lack of mounts – what if we took this from a Ragnarok Online perspective, and put a ‘mount’ as a class mechanic of a specific profession – such as Dragoon. I don’t know what they’d ride (also keeping Tengu in mind here) – but it’s a thought (perhaps different races have different mounts).

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dybryd.1358


I gotta go with the majority and say that a soldier class focusing on polearms/spears is the likeliest.

It’s a little weird right now that spears are an aquatic-only weapon.

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swagman.9013


I think Kodan could be just as likely as Tengu. They are all about balance of nature so perhaps something along those terms profession wise.

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


I’m not familiar with any of the telling-dialogues from Kodan, but everytime I talk to a Tengu I hear “wait and see” or “we’re testing you” or “we’re waiting to see if you’re worthy of us to join”. It seems like a sure thing that we’ll be playing with Tengu next xpac. On a side note, the Kodan are a lot like the norn (even the lore matches up) – and it would be rather samey to add yet another large race on top of already having Charr and Norn.

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

I guess when I was thinking of Dragoon, I was thinking more or less like Kain from Final Fantasy IV (though in his case, he was manipulated instead of doing bad deeds in his free will), but I see what you’re getting at though. Honestly, if a third Soldier profession should be introduced, it should somewhat be radically different from Guardian and Warriors. They could probably be some version of a Death Knight, or even some splinter profession based on one of the rival groups (eg Inquest, Nightmare Court, Svanir, etc), or maybe a Pact-originating profession complete with their own story.

I’m thinking more or less a range-centric Soldier profession, since the other two are melee-centric. Perhaps they could be infused with the powers of a Golem and adopt similar abilities to one, like fire lasers and shoot rockets while spinning around like Zangief from Street Fighter series.

As far as introducing new weapons go, if a new weapon gets added, it shouldn’t be exclusive to only one profession. I do like the example of a Samurai, but introducing a new kind of sword would mean that other professions would have some interest in it as well. Then again, it wouldn’t hurt to have new abilities as long all the eight professions get something as far as weapon skills go.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reinhartd.7369


Really excited for a new profession as well, I love heavy armor so that would be a welcome sight for us to get another one as well. But am I the only one who wants Hylek as a race? Heavy armored…..toads…..that go into battle….ya know?

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


I personally would hate to see the Hylek introduced as a race. They are bland, unintelligent, and not be-fitting of any role other than generic warrior and possibly guardian. They would look absolutely kittarded in robes without a substantial model re-work (which isn’t unheard of, of course). Mostly though, they don’t have any depth as a race.

As far as what Ari’s saying about pact-originating soldier class, I think the dragoon would certainly fit that role. What better way to introduce multiple professions at the same time (certainly would be an industry first and a win/win for content and playstyle!) than to introduce an entirely new order that would introduce a few anti-dragon archetypes.

However, I love the idea of a range-centric soldier – even moreso when you try to add golemancy to it. When I read the Destiny’s Edge novel, I couldn’t help but feel that the game would severely benefit from having a golem-piloting class. You could cover both range and melee roles by having different customizable suits. The other alternative is to re-tool the traitlines for warrior so that they have a versatile, and viable ranged alternative (currently they are just; oh hey look I can kite too.. sort of).

Oh, and on the point of katana’s – it was really something I brought up BECAUSE they would need to be usable by other professions, like warrior, ranger and possibly thief or elementalist (just because elem needs more weapons!).

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: I Mythos I.3916

I Mythos I.3916

In my opinion, to continue with that which has already been stated, A long-handled weapon is likely to be added. This would be not to conflict with the already present spear and tridents, but be differentiated as a “pole-arm”; such as a glaive, or double-ended blade-staff. Idk…

Next addition, as far as weapons could be considered, would be that of either a crossbow (to keep with the contemporary additions) [least likely], or chained-blade (effective at both close range and medium range).

That said, future professions are likely to include some symbiosis of zen-themed characteristics and spiritual/reflective characteristics. Perhaps as mentioned above, a ‘Dragoon’? A zen balance between combat staff and combat spells. Another being something such as a spirit-energy channeler, like an ‘Acolyte’ or ‘Medium’ which could act similar to the theif but focus on medium ranged attacks?

I honestly don’t know but these seem like plausible options/routes in which GW2 could progress given the addition of Cantha to be inevitable…. We hope….

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Koloman.1632


A.Net already stated they are working on a new profession. The commando is supposed to be a long range prof with some really sweet support roles as well.

Here is the teaser trailer they released: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR2Esy83MQ0


(edited by Koloman.1632)

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lambent.6375


Dragon’s Bane


A class that steals the power of the dragons and uses it against them.


“Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chasind.3128


Warriors are practically dragoons, it’s basically just a soldier/warrior & sometimes with a steed.

I think some sort of reaver/dark knight/reaper but with heavy armor & uses sickles? Probably dumb, but we have 3 mediums & 3 lights- needs to be a condition, heavy armor or something

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SnowHawk.3615


Warriors are practically dragoons, it’s basically just a soldier/warrior & sometimes with a steed.

I think some sort of reaver/dark knight/reaper but with heavy armor & uses sickles? Probably dumb, but we have 3 mediums & 3 lights- needs to be a condition, heavy armor or something

THE LEGEND OF DRAGOON- wings included with dragons summoned

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SnowHawk.3615


I guess when I was thinking of Dragoon, I was thinking more or less like Kain from Final Fantasy IV (though in his case, he was manipulated instead of doing bad deeds in his free will), but I see what you’re getting at though. Honestly, if a third Soldier profession should be introduced, it should somewhat be radically different from Guardian and Warriors. They could probably be some version of a Death Knight, or even some splinter profession based on one of the rival groups (eg Inquest, Nightmare Court, Svanir, etc), or maybe a Pact-originating profession complete with their own story.

I’m thinking more or less a range-centric Soldier profession, since the other two are melee-centric. Perhaps they could be infused with the powers of a Golem and adopt similar abilities to one, like fire lasers and shoot rockets while spinning around like Zangief from Street Fighter series.

As far as introducing new weapons go, if a new weapon gets added, it shouldn’t be exclusive to only one profession. I do like the example of a Samurai, but introducing a new kind of sword would mean that other professions would have some interest in it as well. Then again, it wouldn’t hurt to have new abilities as long all the eight professions get something as far as weapon skills go.

or a dragoon from the legend of dragoon!

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SnowHawk.3615


I don’t know what I want honestly- I just want beautiful non skimpy armor on the new class females.

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boneheart.3561


Something that’s a combination of past professions (Ritualist/Dervish=Reaper? Tengu Reaper? Soul Energy mechanic?) or completely unfathomed by the players.

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Monks weren’t absorbed by the Guardian (I think that’s the word TC wanted to use), they were merged with Paragons to form the Guardian.

Assassins are, as TC said, just Thieves by another name.

Mechanically speaking, the Engineer is the Ritualist. Instead of summoning spirits you’re deploying turrets. Instead of gaining new skills from urns, you’re gaining them through kits. Thematically, they’re nothing alike. Mechanically, they’re the same thing.

There are a few problems with this. First, I don’t see them building a profession around one specific weapon. So a profession “that wields pole-arms” probably isn’t going to happen. Second, I don’t see them making a new weapon class that other professions can’t use. So “only X profession can use pole-arms/scythes/etc” probably isn’t going to happen, either. Last, I don’t see them making a profession too close to something made popular in another IP. So “Dragoons as they exist in Final Fantasy” certainly isn’t going to happen.

What is a Samurai going to do that the Warrior already can’t. If you slapped a katana skin on the Warrior’s greatsword and gave him Far East-themed armor you’d have exactly what you’re looking for: a profession relying on martial prowess and weapon mastery to defeat his foes.

As I stated earlier, the Paragon was subsumed by the Guardian. Aside from throwing spears, it’s all there.

Dark Knight
A Dark Knight, as you guys are pining for, is little more than a merging of the Warrior and the Necromancer. Since there’s already a profession utilizing dark magic, I don’t think they’ll add another. It just wouldn’t bring enough to the table that’s not already covered by other professions.

What I’d like to see
I’d like to see a profession that uses spirit magic. I’m no lore nut, so correct if I’m wrong, but Tyria’s oldest form of magic (and the only one not governed by the Bloodstone) is spirit magic, or the type of magic practiced by Ritualists. I’d like to see a heavy armor profession added to the game, but I feel such a profession would be too close to the Guardian if it wore heavy armor.

I also wouldn’t mind a martial arts profession, but I don’t know if the developers could do enough with it so it wouldn’t just feel like a Thief by another name.

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638



It was already represented among the characters of the games principal storyline, Snaff of Destiny’s Edge. I doubt it will be the first, because the first will most likely round out the soldier classs, but I’d wager it will be added eventually.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Travis the Terrible.4739

Travis the Terrible.4739

A.Net already stated they are working on a new profession. The commando is supposed to be a long range prof with some really sweet support roles as well.

Here is the teaser trailer they released: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR2Esy83MQ0

Oh this april fools joke. Good times. Good times

Follow the darkness into the depths, it’s more fun than the light can provide.

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vitus Dance.4509

Vitus Dance.4509

As this thread’s a year old – i’d say to the OP ‘none’.

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exarmykid.6378


id like to see the chronomancer brought in they had the idea for it before the release of guild wars 1 eye of the north

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alga.6498


Hah! Another profession?? We’re talking about Anet here folks!!
I am just surprised that we actually got a NEW profession in this expansion, lol.
And I’m even more supriseerrr that the profession is the 3rd heavy class.

I doubt we’ll get anymore professions- if we do, it will probably be in about 4 years till now.... in GW3.

Sure I would like to see more professions, but again... we’re talking about Anet....

|GW1 2008~|GW2 BETA player|Separatist|Nightmare Court|Ebonhawke|Ascalon|White Mantle|71 characters|

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


There is no need for any new professions, Specilizations (Sub Classes) is the way to go from now on, its the most optimal way for Anet to expand the professions from now on in all kinds of directions to fill up all kinds of niches this way, while providing new content on the same move that will add new skills, new traits, new gameplay mechanics, new weapons and so on just by adding more specilizations to the original main professions

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: joshc.3129


They should bring back the Paragon from Guild Wars 1 in all their useless glory.

Kill stuff to unlock weapons skills, most confusing thing I ever heard of. (sarcasm)

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: joshc.3129


id like to see the chronomancer brought in they had the idea for it before the release of guild wars 1 eye of the north

The Chronomancer was actually a proposed profession from GW1’s canceled 3rd stand alone game “Utopia”.

They scape that whole game and brought over elements from it when they made Eye of the North.

Just saying this if you possibly didn’t know.

Kill stuff to unlock weapons skills, most confusing thing I ever heard of. (sarcasm)

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: A Massive Headache.1879

A Massive Headache.1879

I don’t think we’ll be getting an actual new profession for a very long time; however, specializations will definitely be a thing. Currently there’s speculation that the mesmer will be the chronomancer, and another is guardian will be paragon. I think we’ve got solid professions down.

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: joshc.3129


I don’t think we’ll be getting an actual new profession for a very long time; however, specializations will definitely be a thing. Currently there’s speculation that the mesmer will be the chronomancer, and another is guardian will be paragon. I think we’ve got solid professions down.

At least we will be getting the Revenant profession when Heart of Thorn comes out.

Kill stuff to unlock weapons skills, most confusing thing I ever heard of. (sarcasm)