What happened to GW2?
April Fool’s Day. You should have been prepared, especially considering Anet’s record on the matter. Every GW1 player around here knew this was going to be the day when you need to set your suspension of disbelief on maximum. Your fault for not preparing yourself
Relax now, the game you love is still there and all this joyous nonsense will be gone by the end of the month. And it’s not like the mysterious chests are constantly spawning in your way, I actually have to go out of my normal way of playing to find them.
Really nothing worth throwing a tantrum. On a side note, it’s a good thing to see game developpers who actually know and love video games :P
(edited by Tauril.8504)
Or, just a thought, let everyone enjoy the game in their own way.
You dislike the Super Adventure Box. Good for you, but don’t expect others to agree with you or move away.
The game feel is in no way lacking due to an addition that is basically only there in a seperate instance. I think you’re blowing this way out of proportion.
When your going back over a map area to get your areas you missed because you were doing your storyline. Then for no reason they added a chest you see and just happen to try it. Then out pops monkey thing throwing something at you at lvl77 and you almost die. Well if you don’t see anything wrong with that I guess I must be crazy. The red rings refer to the almost impossible tower things they added along roadsides that everyone travels I try and take them out because I hate them so much. But that’s me. I liked the game the way it was I even didn’t mind to much when they added poison to the lvl 80 map area. I’m not saying I hate GW2 but the killer bunnies, frogs, monkey’s, and whatever don’t look like they belong in a very artist game.
You mean the breathtaking views are gone? I hadn’t noticed.
When your going back over a map area to get your areas you missed because you were doing your storyline. Then for no reason they added a chest you see and just happen to try it. Then out pops monkey thing throwing something at you at lvl77 and you almost die. Well if you don’t see anything wrong with that I guess I must be crazy. The red rings refer to the almost impossible tower things they added along roadsides that everyone travels I try and take them out because I hate them so much. But that’s me. I liked the game the way it was I even didn’t mind to much when they added poison to the lvl 80 map area. I’m not saying I hate GW2 but the killer bunnies, frogs, monkey’s, and whatever don’t look like they belong in a very artist game.
But why complain now? We had the exact same with Wintersday. Did huge presents with living toys fit in ‘a very artist game’?
The towers you refer to seem to be the periscopes of the Living Story. so they serve a purpose in the events of the world.
How are the chest different than the holiday presents and trick or treat doors?
Can’t you let the fans of the true game pick what they like to play on and let the little silly kiddies have their old school junk. I love GW2 not old school if I wanted old school I would play Nintendo.
Kiddies or old school? The people who remember this form when they started playing games are not kiddies I assure you.
It is just a holiday, fun event- ignore it if you do not like it, BTW I found the toys from Winterday to be much more murderous than the 8 bit critters. Those dolls stil make me twitch.
Well, I think the current outbreak of sourpuss-itis is due to the long, long winter – assuming OP isn’t from Australia or thereabouts. Otherwise, might I suggest you just go outside for a bit ?
. Can’t you let the fans of the true game pick what they like to play on and let the little silly kiddies have their old school junk.
I would argue that it’s the silly little kiddies who are upset about the inclusion of the “old school junk”. Especially since they are less likely to understand the appeal of it
This is Anets lore- they can do whatever they want with it, neh?
But why complain now? We had the exact same with Wintersday. Did huge presents with living toys fit in ‘a very artist game’?
Yes it did and I have a screenshot of Tixx’s golem hot air balloon landing to prove it.
Tixx and his automated toys makes complete sense. Animation wise they are congruous to GW2 as well.
I think a lot of ppl who didnt like SAB think that the SAB is GW2’s “Jumping the shark”. I dont feel that strongly about it though.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Can’t you let the fans of the true game pick what they like to play on and let the little silly kiddies have their old school junk. I love GW2 not old school if I wanted old school I would play Nintendo.
Kiddies or old school? The people who remember this form when they started playing games are not kiddies I assure you.
It is just a holiday, fun event- ignore it if you do not like it, BTW I found the toys from Winterday to be much more murderous than the 8 bit critters. Those dolls stil make me twitch.
OP probably dont even know what commodore 64 or amiga 500 is…nowadays they all get 20 up their kitten and suddenly whole world are kiddies. rofl.
OP probably dont even know what commodore 64 or amiga 500 is…nowadays they all get 20 up their kitten and suddenly whole world are kiddies. rofl.
Bet u dont remember using cassette tapes to play games. Some people may be wondering what is a cassette tape in the first place.
OP got me thinking if Anet has there /ignore list?
OP probably dont even know what commodore 64 or amiga 500 is…nowadays they all get 20 up their kitten and suddenly whole world are kiddies. rofl.
Bet u dont remember using cassette tapes to play games. Some people may be wondering what is a cassette tape in the first place.
You mean cassete tapes that we used to run games on commodore and spectrum?
edit: i hope your not suggesting im so old my memory failed me…
(edited by kRiza krimos.1637)
OP probably dont even know what commodore 64 or amiga 500 is…nowadays they all get 20 up their kitten and suddenly whole world are kiddies. rofl.
Bet u dont remember using cassette tapes to play games. Some people may be wondering what is a cassette tape in the first place.
You mean cassete tapes that we used to run games on commodore and spectrum?
edit: i hope your not suggesting im so old my memory failed me…
Mate you a dinosaur a relic from the past
BUT in saying that I also remember PRE the internet when we would all take our pc’s to friends places and set up LAN’s so we could play together THOSE were the days
The days when we thought we were gods with 500MG hdd
I just pop Feedback on the snakes and they all kill themselves with their annoying green balls.
OP probably dont even know what commodore 64 or amiga 500 is…nowadays they all get 20 up their kitten and suddenly whole world are kiddies. rofl.
Bet u dont remember using cassette tapes to play games. Some people may be wondering what is a cassette tape in the first place.
You mean cassete tapes that we used to run games on commodore and spectrum?
edit: i hope your not suggesting im so old my memory failed me…
Mate you a dinosaur
a relic from the past
BUT in saying that I also remember PRE the internet when we would all take our pc’s to friends places and set up LAN’s so we could play together
THOSE were the days
The days when we thought we were gods with 500MG hdd
I proudly evolved and adapted!
If i were any smarter i could have a setup for tech museum collected, with all 3.5" and 5.25" discs you can imagine heh.
OP probably dont even know what commodore 64 or amiga 500 is…nowadays they all get 20 up their kitten and suddenly whole world are kiddies. rofl.
Bet u dont remember using cassette tapes to play games. Some people may be wondering what is a cassette tape in the first place.
You mean cassete tapes that we used to run games on commodore and spectrum?
edit: i hope your not suggesting im so old my memory failed me…
I was thinking frogger for Tandy.
Bonus qn: I bet you don’t know about Zeliard.
Some ppl are so “evolved” to the point 8 bit is cool again. Does this mean conservatism is back on the rise again in the West?
A seperate small team created the Super Adventure Box, Anet is still developing a content update for the end of this month.
Go take a breather, OP.
Sylvari/Thief – WIP; Human/Necromancer – WIP
The Commodore 64 used the Commodore C2N better known as the commodore 1530 Casette drive. The game Jumpman by Epyx took 18 minutes to load off cassette, but 1 minute for each additional level. It was nuts. I remember when I finally got the Commodore 1541 disk drive, how excited I was. I was able to copy an entire disk ikittenminutes. That was huge. They improved that speed later on with many find upgrades, including the fastload cartridge. In the end we could copy a floppy in two minutes.
I used to sell that stuff for a living back in the mid 80s. Then I moved to the Amiga, which to my mind is the best gaming computer of its time.
Great memories.
When your going back over a map area to get your areas you missed because you were doing your storyline. Then for no reason they added a chest you see and just happen to try it. […]
It wasn’t for no reason. The reason is provided in the event information. The red circles you are seeing are from the surveillance towers the dredge have constructed:
The chests and creatures inside are the result of a bug in Moto’s Super Adventure Box causing parts of it to leak out across Tyria. Since the Super Adventure Box is Asuran technology it employs magic, and sometimes magic does crazy stuff. This is perfectly consistent with the lore and world GW 2 has created. The animals look like old school video game characters because that is what the Super Adventure Box is built to display, and because Arena Net thought this would be a fun April Fools activity.
Can’t you let the fans of the true game pick what they like to play on and let the little silly kiddies have their old school junk. I love GW2 not old school if I wanted old school I would play Nintendo.
Kiddies or old school? The people who remember this form when they started playing games are not kiddies I assure you.
It is just a holiday, fun event- ignore it if you do not like it, BTW I found the toys from Winterday to be much more murderous than the 8 bit critters. Those dolls stil make me twitch.OP probably dont even know what commodore 64 or amiga 500 is…nowadays they all get 20 up their kitten and suddenly whole world are kiddies. rofl.
I actually had a Amstrad CPC464 with a green monitor Ghosts and Goblins FTW :P
OP probably dont even know what commodore 64 or amiga 500 is…nowadays they all get 20 up their kitten and suddenly whole world are kiddies. rofl.
Bet u dont remember using cassette tapes to play games. Some people may be wondering what is a cassette tape in the first place.
You mean cassete tapes that we used to run games on commodore and spectrum?
edit: i hope your not suggesting im so old my memory failed me…
Some ppl are so “evolved” to the point 8 bit is cool again. Does this mean conservatism is back on the rise again in the West?
Nostalgia is word.
I, for one, am glad they toned down the mobs that spawn from the chests over the Wintersday ones. They grew to be annoying. However, I found a chest last night on the south central coast of lake gendarr that spawns a random number of level 43 mobs which is well above the zone level. Don’t know whether it’s a bug or someone’s idea of a ‘fun’ game element. Most people just die instantly, but with enough players you can actually take them on. When I realized that the bauble wasn’t worth a boss-level fight, I left the fight but the mob (a monkey) followed me up to the farm and straight into an RP group. I didn’t do it on purpose I swear. When I read the thread title, the first thing that came to my mind was the thought that it was probably someone from that group complaining about the monkey.