What happened to changes in Orr?

What happened to changes in Orr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siliconmana.3816


There has been some rather odd mob thinning for eg: Malchor’s Pyrite Peninsula now has no stone elementals. They were never that hard to kill anyway.
Yet as an Australian player recently moved to Kaineng attempting to map Orr on a number of characters AEST evenings, the waypoints are continually contested.
Last night I guested to SoS to try find a group to do Grenth, another event with insane changes. Yet it was over an hour and one failed run before there were enough people to complete it without going into problems of increased difficulty of the event and certain other mobs particularly in Cursed.
Right now at 1.20am AEST again, all waypoints are contested except for one in Straits, oddly enough 3 (tho Lyss is never contested) in Malchors, all but top two in Cursed. In fact now it seems Anchorage WP is always contested making getting enough people together to do Grenth even more difficult. So over it…

[KnT][KnM] – Blackgate

What happened to changes in Orr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


-Elementals only pop when their respective temple is captured
-You’re an AUS player transfering to a US server, so more than likely you are playing when all the NA players are sleeping
-Anchorage WP is almost always contested on all servers due to bugged damage of some mobs that keeps failing the pre-event

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What happened to changes in Orr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siliconmana.3816


Thanks for your reply

-Elementals only pop when their respective temple is captured

Oh ok, didn’t realise that. They’ve always been up before.

-You’re an AUS player transfering to a US server, so more than likely you are playing when all the NA players are sleeping

All oceanic servers were/are full. Guilds, inc. Aus guild were on Stormbluff Isle till recent transfer of Wvw guild to Kaineng. Even so, Orr events were still often running AEST times with enough players to complete them.

-Anchorage WP is almost always contested on all servers due to bugged damage of some mobs that keeps failing the pre-event

Ah yes, noticed that was bugged just yesterday. Tried 2 manning it a couple of days ago and failed though we are both experienced players.

Guesting to oceanic servers seems the only available option now.

[KnT][KnM] – Blackgate

What happened to changes in Orr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siliconmana.3816


I have two characters parked in Orr for close to a month. Every night and some days AEST l logon to them in Cursed to see if anything has changed. On weekends l’ve tried during US hours too, same, constantly contested.
Last week a friend and I went to IoJ, tonight in frustration l went to SoS, both supposedly an Oceanic servers. Everything contested. Talking with Guild members on other servers confirmed the same on their servers also.
In LA just before l logged out, someone was asking for help in Straits for Balthazar, so l took one of my chars there. No one around, all temples and most WP contested there too.
There used to be enough people even on SBI running the chain events, now compared to early days, it’s dead.
Anchorage WP still broken so no WP to get to the south end of Cursed or to Grenth in time for events even IF there were enough players to complete them.
After the patch that was ‘supposed’ to ‘fix’ Orr, Lyssa was uncontested for about 3 days in Malchor, since then when l’ve been in the zone, it is also contested.
Really tired of it. I just logon to do dailies, some Wvw, farm some ore in Cursed however now am taking a break. It’s become too frustrating to bother.

[KnT][KnM] – Blackgate

(edited by Siliconmana.3816)

What happened to changes in Orr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


Best to just find a guild and do it with them.

Welcome to my world – http://emikochan13.wordpress.com

What happened to changes in Orr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


Thanks for your reply

-Elementals only pop when their respective temple is captured

Oh ok, didn’t realise that. They’ve always been up before.

-You’re an AUS player transfering to a US server, so more than likely you are playing when all the NA players are sleeping

All oceanic servers were/are full. Guilds, inc. Aus guild were on Stormbluff Isle till recent transfer of Wvw guild to Kaineng. Even so, Orr events were still often running AEST times with enough players to complete them.

-Anchorage WP is almost always contested on all servers due to bugged damage of some mobs that keeps failing the pre-event

Ah yes, noticed that was bugged just yesterday. Tried 2 manning it a couple of days ago and failed though we are both experienced players.

Guesting to oceanic servers seems the only available option now.

You can try looking on tarnished coast. It seems the temples are open more often on TC.

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