What happened to my tanking?

What happened to my tanking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fox Reeveheart.1890

Fox Reeveheart.1890

I actually liked tanking in pvp. I used to be able to build as a cap holder and be a staunch defender of a point. This update now has GUARDIANS ripping me a new one, the kitten support class is tearing through me. I hardly last 10 seconds anymore as a tank warrior. Yeah the point was that I would eventually fall but they’d have to actually work to put me down. Now friggin guardians are teleporting next to me and unleashing a hell that all the toughness and hp in the world doesn’t seem to be helping with. And yes I know they got things like burning so I even worked berserker stance into my slot, but to really no avail, they seem to be building a ton of damage as well and yet nothing seems to stop it.

What happened to my tanking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


guessing you haven’t had a fight w/ ele or engi yet.

What happened to my tanking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dreydin Nevastine.4597

Dreydin Nevastine.4597

I feel your pain on this too bud as my build seems to be about as tanky as a wet paper towel. I also enjoyed the tank warrior role on PvP playing more of a supporting defensive capping role, keeping a cap and tanking to hold up the other teams players and it feels as though it is a playstyle that has left us for now. I have no desire to be a zerker I am a tank! I hope it gets remedied but I feel that may be very wishful thinking