What happened to the CDI?
Okay, I re-read my post and it sounds a lot like I’m just another complainer. So I’m just going to be honest here: I hate that I haven’t been logging on regularly for the last 4 months. I love this game and don’t want it to fail and I desperately want the “This game is failing and going down the toilet” feeling to go away.
It’s really hard to describe but I know I’m not the only one who feels it. The lack of communication for this length of time is downright terrifying as a player. When a company goes from openly engaging it’s fanbase with awesome initiatives like the CDI for months and months and then suddenly disappears for 5 months… That’s not a good sign! How else are we supposed to take it as anything other then the death throes of a failing MMO?
Anyway, there’s my overly frank comment. I honestly just love this game too much to just not say anything. This is the only place I know for sure at least someone with some say reads, so this is where I put it.
Fingers crossed.