What happened to the CDI?

What happened to the CDI?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: adubb.2453


Maybe I’ve just missed it or something, but what ever happened to the Collaborative Development Initiative? I looked in the Master Sticky and it’s been nearly half a year (5+ months) since we had the last one.

For awhile there it seemed like the devs really wanted our input and were working to apply it. But half a year without anything makes it seem like it was just a PR stunt to trick the fans into thinking something would be done. I enjoyed participating in them and felt like I was being heard but with this deafening silence it’s hard not to feel as though I’ve been played.

Devs, if you’re actually reading this: Please. Please come back and talk with us, the fans. Speaking for myself, the CDI made even playing the game that much more exciting because it felt like there was something to come back to. Like the game was alive and being worked on and there was hope for the future.

Future CDI Ideas
Dev/Player Engagement
Public Events
End-Game Challenging Boss Mechanics
Veritical/Horizontal Progression Revisit (With more specific subjects to help steer the discussion. Gear, Leveling, Skills, etc)
End-Game content In General
WvW Player/Server Progression
PvP Maps/Playstyles/Progression
RPing within the Megaserver

What happened to the CDI?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: adubb.2453


Okay, I re-read my post and it sounds a lot like I’m just another complainer. So I’m just going to be honest here: I hate that I haven’t been logging on regularly for the last 4 months. I love this game and don’t want it to fail and I desperately want the “This game is failing and going down the toilet” feeling to go away.

It’s really hard to describe but I know I’m not the only one who feels it. The lack of communication for this length of time is downright terrifying as a player. When a company goes from openly engaging it’s fanbase with awesome initiatives like the CDI for months and months and then suddenly disappears for 5 months… That’s not a good sign! How else are we supposed to take it as anything other then the death throes of a failing MMO?

Anyway, there’s my overly frank comment. I honestly just love this game too much to just not say anything. This is the only place I know for sure at least someone with some say reads, so this is where I put it.

Fingers crossed.