What happened to the suggestions forum?
It got archived and since the last forum change, hidden. All suggestions now should be posted in the forum related to the suggestion.
Welcome to the new Suggestions forum.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka
Am I totally wrong in thinking that there used to be a suggestions forum on here? Because I went looking for a place to post a suggestion and found a whole lot of nil.
And while I’m at it, my suggestion: glowing dyes. Sylvari glow in the dark, but none of our clothes do. Not even the Sylvari racial stuff. So any chance we could get a series of glowing dyes? Maybe in the same colors as the Sylvari body glows? Anyone could use them, but it’d really help the illusion that Sylvari armor is grown right out of the body.
Some Armor does glow, taking on the glow of the wearer (Sylvari only). http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sylvari_cultural_armor#Bioluminescence
Otherwise, good luck on your suggestion.
Huh. I’ve never noticed that the armor itself glows. Maybe I haven’t bought the sets that do. Thanks for the heads-up, Inculpatus.
I still think we need glowing dyes. ^.^
Glowing dyes would be awesome!
I’m still waiting on colored hair streaks as a head piece or new style … and glowing hair streaks would be very cool too.
The Wrong Crowd [bAd] Yak’s Bend
It went the way of the dodo. Never really understood why. Maybe a lot of bad ideas? Who knows.
The devs weren’t able to filter out suggestions pertaining to their fields from the morass of threads all shoved into one big forum, so the change was made to have suggestions placed in appropriate forums, preferably with [SUGG] or some such in the title.
Imo it was a good change, albeit largely undone by the recent forum revamp that shoved a lot of active sub forums into one big catch-all forum.