What happens if.....?
Looks like you haven’t logged in lately – they lifted the server caps just before Guesting was implemented and haven’t put them back on yet.
As far as population, in an interview a couple days ago:
MMORPG: One last question: do you guys sleep?
COLIN: We’ll stop to sleep when the game is the best possible game we think it can be. We’ve seen the population of the game steadily rising lately and we’re not going to sit on our butts and congratulate one another, we’re going to try and build on that momentum and make the game even better. There is so much coffee in Seattle no one can sleep anyway.
I’m fairly certain server populations are determined by the number of players online (this is why when servers were full, WvW guilds were doing synchronized logouts to allow players to transfer to them) and not the number of accounts tied to the server.
Let’s say all the players of a “Full” server decide to quit playing simultaneously for about 3 months.
Will that server be unavailable for new players to join?
I believe server populations for certain servers have decreased in the past months. Their status may say they are full but in reality not many players are really on that server.
How would Anet combat this if this scenario is possible?
Does the server limit change when there are less players on at any given time?
Server status reflect their actual state. Meaning a “full” server is at the given time really full. It fluctuates over the day (minimum in the morning, maximum during the evening)
I’m not entirely sure Syeria, but I think it’s some kind of hybrid of logged on, active accounts (played within last x time) and server bound accounts with 2 and 1 being weighed the highest and 3 being minuscule
Yaks Bend