What has happened to gamers these days?!
Being in my mid 30’s I remember the days of playing video games because I just enjoyed playing whatever game it was I was playing at the time. It had nothing to do with any kind of ingame rewards, stats, online “friends”, or playing a game just so I can find everything I didn’t like about it and kitten to other people about said game.
And back in the days we didn’t use to want everything dumbed down to easymode, we adopted tactics/strategies to overcome difficulty.
Now people want a reward chase but also want rewards easy to obtain (???).
Some kids these days are given everything in real life, so therefore they expect the same experience in a game.
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks
Another good point. People are in general way too “entitled” nowadays if ya ask me.
Couldn’t agree more !
I just log in and enjoy the game, the rewards will come when they will come. I see many people who are exclusively focusing on the rewards, and I honestly wouldn’t want to be in that mind set because it really seems that playing GW2 is a chore for them.
edit: in the link, replace kitten with the obvious word.
+1 OP. You’ve said it better than I could have.
There’s a deeper problem to all this, that isn’t talked about much. If you can get constantly rewarded for doing nothing in a video game, what’s the point of working hard for anything in real life?
Seems to me, video games are easy instant gratification, or nearly instant anyway, and they give people this false sense of achievement. Which means that working for stuff for most people becomes something they’re not used to at all.
I can easily see people getting used to being instantly rewarded growing up,. then going out into the real world and finding they can’t make any progress because real life doesn’t work that way.
Even a game like Guild Wars 2, better than most MMOs by my standards, is shallow compared to some of the older games.
People want to excel in everything they do, sports, work and games…how is that a bad thing ?
You play football on the weekend for fun, others train 5 days a week and take it seriously…are they also pathetic and “should get over themselves” ?
This is just another “you don’t play like i do” thread.
It really has nothing to do with needing instant gratification, it’s the genre of game. MMOs, hell RPGS in general have always been about getting awesome stuff for your characters and beefing them up until they are absolute beasts. Also not to be an kitten but you would think someone of your age wouldn’t care so much about how OTHER people play the game. Why does it bother you so much?
And also Vayne, asking why someone wouldn’t work hard for anything in real life because getting stuff in a video game is easy is kind of silly. If a person can’t make that distinction they were probably not going to succeed in life anyway, whether or not they were used to video games giving them “instant gratification.”
(edited by Mercucial.6759)
I am glad there are others out there who think like this! I am 30.. been a huge gamer for most of my life.. enjoy games for what they are.
I really like that Anet have a bit of an old school mentality when it comes to the design of this game.. yet it rubs alot of people the wrong way because they are so used to getting everything on a plate.. I still play games like Quake III (Quakelive) on almost a daily basis.. not because it’s the finest game ever made but because it is really fun to play… as far as MMO’s go GW2 suits what I want out of these kinds of games more then pretty much anything else out there right now.
Exactly i think a lot in the game is way to easy to achieve already we need way more challenging jumping puzzles and dungeons and open world events than there is now not some update where you can buy everything for 1 laurel this is a MMO it require teamwork and dedication to some extent. If you want everything in 1 minute then go play the sims and use money cheat there you go you have everything. but that’s not what this game is about!
It really has nothing to do with needing instant gratification, it’s the genre of game. MMOs, hell RPGS in general have always been about getting awesome stuff for your characters and beefing them up until they are absolute beasts. Also not to be an kitten but you would think someone of your age wouldn’t care so much about how OTHER people play the game. Why does it bother you so much?
This is not what RPGs used to be about. RPGs used to be about stories and solving puzzles. Go back to games like Baldur’s Gate. You tried to figure stuff out. Even later games like Dragon Age, I didn’t sit there trying to get the best loot. Or games like Skyrim.
All these RPGs have something in common. They’re more about exploring and experiencing than loot gathering. And they were all massively popular.
It’s MMOs that have made RPGs more about loot. I’ve been playing games for a long, long time, and I never remember gearing up being what any game was about until MMOs started becoming mainstream.
game is too easy for most world/group events.
I think this sums it up really well,
I think looking into the forums gives one a skewed view of what most players want. I talk to many players who enjoy the game for it’s gameplay but they are much less likely to go to the forums to voice their opinions because they aren’t obsessed with rewards.
Being of a similar age, I agree with some of your post, but I think its more a result of the evolution of games, than gamers per say.
Back in the day RPG meant ‘Phantasy Star’, and if you wanted a new weapon you killed X creatures, saved your cash, went to the shop. It was simple back then. There were no restrictions on killing the same creature, no restrictions on how to earn, no restrictions on how to spend.
Problems only arise when people feel they are restricted for no good reason, add that to ‘free open’ speech (read: QQ) of forums and people have a place to vent their frustrations.
What happened to gamers? Games happened. And the games that happened changed the gamers.
I don’t want the best gear, sadly ‘as I love WvWvW’ it is getting to the point where I ‘need’ the best items ‘ascended’ to have fun (getting stomped by a guy wearing far superior gear is not fun)
If it was for fashion or ‘keeping up with the jonses’ then I can easily do without but the higher numbers mean without I will be much weaker and do less damage-which are needed in WvWvW.
i have one foot out of the door when i start to feel like i’m “farming”.
i need challenging and rewarding content.
not “farming an event with auto-attack and hitting DR”.
that isnt fun time for me.
Excellent post, agree also. I"ve been gaming since 1988, yeah I’m an old fart lol. I don’t know if you guys remember some of these early rpg’s, where you actually had to take notes, didn’t have any strategy guides, nothing really on the Internet in those days, and if your stuck had to call a hint line lol.
Man if some of these guys had to play those games, they would start crying….
It really has nothing to do with needing instant gratification, it’s the genre of game. MMOs, hell RPGS in general have always been about getting awesome stuff for your characters and beefing them up until they are absolute beasts. Also not to be an kitten but you would think someone of your age wouldn’t care so much about how OTHER people play the game. Why does it bother you so much?
This is not what RPGs used to be about. RPGs used to be about stories and solving puzzles. Go back to games like Baldur’s Gate. You tried to figure stuff out. Even later games like Dragon Age, I didn’t sit there trying to get the best loot. Or games like Skyrim.
All these RPGs have something in common. They’re more about exploring and experiencing than loot gathering. And they were all massively popular.
It’s MMOs that have made RPGs more about loot. I’ve been playing games for a long, long time, and I never remember gearing up being what any game was about until MMOs started becoming mainstream.
That is absolutely what RPGs were about.
If you never found better gear or leveled up your character you would never progress in an RPG. And Baldur’s Gate is a pretty poor example for you argument considering everything everywhere dropped loot lol.
(edited by Mercucial.6759)
I don’t want the best gear, sadly ‘as I love WvWvW’ it is getting to the point where I ‘need’ the best items ‘ascended’ to have fun (getting stomped by a guy wearing far superior gear is not fun)
If it was for fashion or ‘keeping up with the jonses’ then I can easily do without but the higher numbers mean without I will be much weaker and do less damage-which are needed in WvWvW.
I don’t know how you can possibly know that you did or didn’t beat a guy because of his gear. You cant’ talk to him. You can’t know what gear he has. Maybe he beat you and he gear wasn’t as good because he’s (or she’s) simply a better player.
I really do think this is all in people’s minds.
People want to excel in everything they do, sports, work and games…how is that a bad thing ?
You play football on the weekend for fun, others train 5 days a week and take it seriously…are they also pathetic and “should get over themselves” ?
This is just another “you don’t play like i do” thread.
Comparing video games and the actual playing of sports doesn’t work very well for a number of reasons. One….games=done from the couch(usually) sports=massive physical activity. Two…if a person is training for a sport five days out of the week most likely they are on a team of some sorts, and they are playing the game because due to one of lets say two main reasons. First reason..they enjoy the sport, thus being on a team. Two..they are getting paid to play the sport, therefore it benefits them to train and take the sport seriously. Pay check of a professional football player, or the college scholarship earned via playing football really can’t be compared to the kittening loot chest gotten after killing the Frozen Maw.
Being in my mid 30’s I remember the days of playing video games because I just enjoyed playing whatever game it was I was playing at the time. It had nothing to do with any kind of ingame rewards, stats, online “friends”, or playing a game just so I can find everything I didn’t like about it and kitten to other people about said game.
Being mid-thirties you’ll know about and appreciate the new title that’s about to be released within a week. You know, where simply finding the secrets, even finding the path to get there was all the reward wanted.
I work hard for everything in life, so expect an uphill battle in games or its not fun or satisfying for me, yet it can’t be too brutal either or frustration will win out. I’m all about 100% everything rather then I must get the best stuff also, I rather have it take a long time rather than people today that want it now so I can enjoy the effort.
thing is, even losers get loots out of frozen maw.
its a pinata, not fun, not rewarding of your gameplay skills.
Maybe not in pve but pretty much in WvWvW. But the fact is if you are playing wvwvw without the best gear- why not? You are gimping yourself, making yourself far less effective than you could be.
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