What i'm still waiting to see on GW2
i remember how i spent hours making builds on gw1
Why do people like this? My brain can’t comprehend.
- Stop grinding events (we are people not hamsters who walk in the same wheel for hours, this also gives a image of lazyness in the content production);
Grinding is something players do. Players want to grind, I don’t know why I’m putting this in the same bucket as spending hours playing around with builds (see above). But here’s the thing, any mechanic that’s implemented people will attempt to gain the maximum benefit. Remember when ANet implemented Champ bags? Next thing we have players doing Champ trains. Did ANet want Champ trains? No. But players saw that grinding bags was profitable. Even if ANet took out the champ bags players would just find something else to grind.
- Bosses with lower HP but harder to kill ( i’m not saying all bosses should be like Tequatl, but hitting the boss for loads of times doesnt make it harder, instead it kills the player with boredom xD);
Ok I’ll agree with this one. Having players auto-attacking a world boss, feel somehow wrong.
- Bring the GW armors and weapon designers back to gw2, because 70% of the skins are a bit bad looking in general, sorry to say
Never played GW, but I’m all for more armour design variety.
Guilds? Instead of Glorified friends list with chat?
Also Guild Wars armor wasn’t that great. Boob-plate is never good armor.
Precursors will come in between now and June.
New legendary’s: -meh-
Crafting precursors: thanks to my most favourite arenanet employee this is delayed. The in house economic specialist (not allowed to call names here) is always busy to punish the hard working players and protect the power traders. Even an earlier GW2 version of the internationale didn’t change his capitalistic view on the game to protect the 1%.
(Arise ye farmers of all servers!!)
grinding events: I dont grind events. I do them cause they are fun!
Diversity off skills for weapons. I remember also what a pain it was to balance GW1. I’m on mixed feelings here, but the answer is not in the weapons and also not in creating diversity, but in destroying it. I know, it sound wierd. the basic behind it is that this game only has one powerbuild, by placing traits on armor (so beserker armor gets offensive traits, knights gets defensive traits) and by upgrading those traits to be affecting your whole party, you force people to be flexible and not just go for beserker.
Bosses: I don’t bother bout them.
skipping some cause its not worth of putting attention on it.
bringing back weapon and armor designers: people come and people go. There are still a lot of first hour employees working at arenanet. some however wanted to find new challenges, this is only natural and to be encouraged, it doesnt mean I miss them, but the current designers and concept artists are also good.
This game is not GW1
If you want to play GW1 go there, it is still there and reasonable active.
I always said that some GW1 players will like GW2 and some will not like it. it is natural cause it is a different game. But the fact that GW2 is different doesnt make it a bad game.
I’m critical bout some elements of GW2, just as I have been critical bout some elements of GW1, but for me overall, this game is better then GW1, otherwise I would be there.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Also Guild Wars armor wasn’t that great. Boob-plate is never good armor.
You must have trouble finding armor in 99% of fantasy games then. And boob-plate or no there was a lot more variety in styles in GW1 armor. Seriously compare medium armor to GW1 ranger/assassin armor.
Anyways on topic, I really want to see them take some time and add a lot of the little features and things they were promising at launch. Namely things like town clothes shops in game where you can buy the majority of outfits that NPCs wear. Finally opening up all the activities that are already half-implemented (shooting range, bar brawl, polymock, etc).
I don’t recall them ever promising town clothes shops – do you have a source for that?
Also they kind of talked about how they were having issues with those activities a while back – and given that activities have proven not to be a massive player-puller it’s understandable that they may have stopped allocating resources to those.
A game is not a static thing, you don’t just decide what to implement and then implement. They learn things every single time they release content and they have to apply what they’ve learnt to every subsequent release of content – which means things that were planned get cut, or delayed, or changed.
From all of this i just want Gw 1 weapon and armor design and more content.I dont care for legendaries, or Precurssor’s in fact i dont want them to be craftable cause every1 will have legendaries then and that wont make them anyhow “legendary” or special right?Well every1 except those small amount of players that hate legendaries (like me).As for what i want is that Anet change the way living world works,i want them to put us on field to do something,to make every map busy.We really need something that will pull those people that stay in LA doing nothing out,they can do this by adding sandbox elements to the game.I want that and i want Cantha :P.
Uhh, What is legendary about being able to shell out 200+ gold on the trading post.
In their current state legendaries are not legendary, they’re just a way for the multitude of players who spend a LOT of time in game to show that they spend a LOT of time in game – or that they can play the TP instead of the game.
You won’t see sandbox elements added to the game – the engine doesn’t really support that, nor is that in the overall goal that Anet has for the game. If you want to play a sandbox then go play a sandbox.
I don’t understand why people like theorycrafting either. The only time I’ve done it was in another title and that’s only because that title has just as many problems balancing as I see here. I just happened to be playing a class they nerfed into oblivion over there also, so I’ve been spending time trying to find things that work and work well.
I hope what they claimed to be their goals in their first CDI thread is what they are actually planning! because if so that would be nice to have new skills, new types of weapons to use, and better access to armor skins for PVEers without a crazy grind or buying gold from the store.
I really do miss my Marhann Grotto druid armor from time to time.
Uhh, What is legendary about being able to shell out 200+ gold on the trading post.
In their current state legendaries are not legendary, they’re just a way for the multitude of players who spend a LOT of time in game to show that they spend a LOT of time in game – or that they can play the TP instead of the game.You won’t see sandbox elements added to the game – the engine doesn’t really support that, nor is that in the overall goal that Anet has for the game. If you want to play a sandbox then go play a sandbox.
Uhh yes i see,you are one of those people that says how “if you want to have duels in game then go do WvW” right?Well at current state Gw2 getting boring,not for me…i still have lots of fun with it but most of the community missing end game here,and end game is not useless legendaries.If they want to add end game then they need to add more stuff to do,which is signature of the sandbox game.
- New legendaries;
- Crafting Precurssor (both of them were promised in 2013);
- Diversity of skills for weapons (i remember how i spent hours making builds on gw1);
- Stop grinding events (we are people not hamsters who walk in the same wheel for hours, this also gives a image of lazyness in the content production);
- Bosses with lower HP but harder to kill ( i’m not saying all bosses should be like Tequatl, but hitting the boss for loads of times doesnt make it harder, instead it kills the player with boredom xD);
- Hoping boss scaling to work good or remove it (“Oh 10 players coming, let me get loads of hp so they waste more time on me”, this just removes the “reality” that we all expect to feel playing a mmo);
- New and fun content, expansions;
- Armors that can be obtained or crafted in special areas (remember FoW armor? besides being costly being on FoW and having to do some quests first, just spiced it up and just felt better to wear it, also if it’s a place hard to reach just increases the pleasure of wearing that armor);
- Bring the GW armors and weapon designers back to gw2, because 70% of the skins are a bit bad looking in general, sorry to say;
I strongly agree with this!
I’m still waiting (hoping) to see:
- Guild vs Guild PvP : could be done as mini-scale WvW – Guild Houses for 8-15 teams
This was the best thing in GW1 I still can’t understand why Guild Houses, Alliances, Alliance chat and GvG is not present in GW2.
- Hero Ascent PvP : the idea of HA was awesome, properly done will be 1000% better than spvp, could be done for 6 player teams.
SPvP in fact is like AB and maybe this is a reason GW2 is not so popular for pvp players like GW1 was (and still is for some of them!)
- new classes
- new weapon skills and ability to change weapon skill bar
- all weapons for all classess, I want axe on my mesmer!
- Cantha and Elona
CureForLiving.5360, you answered your own question:
“Why do people like this? My brain can’t comprehend.”
Answered by, “…any mechanic that’s implemented people will attempt to gain the maximum benefit.”
In GW1, you’d put together a set of skills and go out and use them to see if you were getting the maximum benefit. If yes, great. If no, rework and test more.
This is not GW1,understand that and you might enjoy the game even more.
“We are now! We are forever!”
This is not GW1,understand that and you might enjoy the game even more.
Ignorance isn’t understanding. Knowledge cannot be forfeit, well . . . I suppose if you wanted inflict great mental decay upon yourself, that’s always possible.
Instanced raiding with a raid interface, for say 20 to 30+ players
Back then, I had enjoyed Lotro’s The Rift, and classic WoW’s Zul’Gurub raids, the episodic progression and criss-crossing paths within, with weekly resets. And epic loot attainable by both raid tokens, and to a lesser extent as random drops for individuals.
Bog Otter makes a very good case of why instanced raiding is needed for the 3-Headed wurm etc on his youtube channel. Do see as he explains calmly in a 20min video : " Tyria Talk #60 – Thoughts on the Jungle Wurm – Guild Wars 2 "
Same goes for WvW.
Why are you looking forward to new Legendaries? They’re just going to get them wrong again where you can buy/sell half the materials to make the things.
Just more useless jargon to ruin the environment unless every single component is account bound.
What I’m waiting to see on Guild Wars 2 is a guildie announcing a WildStar release date before I find out myself.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
Why are you looking forward to new Legendaries? They’re just going to get them wrong again where you can buy/sell half the materials to make the things.
Just more useless jargon to ruin the environment unless every single component is account bound.
What I’m waiting to see on Guild Wars 2 is a guildie announcing a WildStar release date before I find out myself.
You do realize Wild Star is a Guild Wars 2 clone with WoW Clone Formulaic aesthetics right?
Why are you looking forward to new Legendaries? They’re just going to get them wrong again where you can buy/sell half the materials to make the things.
Just more useless jargon to ruin the environment unless every single component is account bound.
What I’m waiting to see on Guild Wars 2 is a guildie announcing a WildStar release date before I find out myself.
You do realize Wild Star is a Guild Wars 2 clone with WoW Clone Formulaic aesthetics right?
Yes yes, we all know all MMOs clone one another and every FPS is a Call of Duty or Battlefield clone. Zzzzzz.
If you think the manual dodging makes it a GW2 clone, you’re severely mistaken. Even if it was, I enjoy the GW2 playstyle. It’s the lack of entertaining content that will drive me from this game – I can only run the same dungeons every day for a certain time before I’m done.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
Why are you looking forward to new Legendaries? They’re just going to get them wrong again where you can buy/sell half the materials to make the things.
Just more useless jargon to ruin the environment unless every single component is account bound.
What I’m waiting to see on Guild Wars 2 is a guildie announcing a WildStar release date before I find out myself.
You do realize Wild Star is a Guild Wars 2 clone with WoW Clone Formulaic aesthetics right?
Yes yes, we all know all MMOs clone one another and every FPS is a Call of Duty or Battlefield clone. Zzzzzz.
If you think the manual dodging makes it a GW2 clone, you’re severely mistaken. Even if it was, I enjoy the GW2 playstyle. It’s the lack of entertaining content that will drive me from this game – I can only run the same dungeons every day for a certain time before I’m done.
Pay attention to the new warning circles from Marionette, vs Wild Star big boss warning circles. I guess wurm circles work too. Same game, same team.
Precursor crafting and new legendaries were never promised to come out in 2013. They made a roadmap where they stated: “Look guys, this is what we are PLANNING to be released this year and some things might get pushed back.” And just so happens that legendaries and precursors were the least important part of that list and got pushed forward due to time limitations.
Why are you looking forward to new Legendaries? They’re just going to get them wrong again where you can buy/sell half the materials to make the things.
Just more useless jargon to ruin the environment unless every single component is account bound.
What I’m waiting to see on Guild Wars 2 is a guildie announcing a WildStar release date before I find out myself.
You do realize Wild Star is a Guild Wars 2 clone with WoW Clone Formulaic aesthetics right?
Yes yes, we all know all MMOs clone one another and every FPS is a Call of Duty or Battlefield clone. Zzzzzz.
If you think the manual dodging makes it a GW2 clone, you’re severely mistaken. Even if it was, I enjoy the GW2 playstyle. It’s the lack of entertaining content that will drive me from this game – I can only run the same dungeons every day for a certain time before I’m done.
Pay attention to the new warning circles from Marionette, vs Wild Star big boss warning circles. I guess wurm circles work too. Same game, same team.
It isn’t the same team at all, just the same publisher. Telegraphs are in all games, and they’re often red to signify “BAD”. I don’t know how you can claim a red telegraph is a GW2 breakthrough, unless this is the first game you’ve played.
But this isn’t a GW2 v WS thread.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
I’m still waiting for:
-> Dyeable weapons
-> Improved underwater skills and gear (even my elementalist with max berserker stats can only do like 300 damage in the fire attunement underwater at level 80. It’s an absolute joke)
-> More gw1 weapon and armor skins
-> Being able to collect any surrounding loot bags when you’re dead
-> Account bound dyes
-> Account bound wxp (and I know at least THIS is coming, but it keeps being delayed)
-> Exotic/Legendary dyes with animations/special effects that can be applied to armor
Why are you looking forward to new Legendaries? They’re just going to get them wrong again where you can buy/sell half the materials to make the things.
Just more useless jargon to ruin the environment unless every single component is account bound.
What I’m waiting to see on Guild Wars 2 is a guildie announcing a WildStar release date before I find out myself.
You do realize Wild Star is a Guild Wars 2 clone with WoW Clone Formulaic aesthetics right?
Yes yes, we all know all MMOs clone one another and every FPS is a Call of Duty or Battlefield clone. Zzzzzz.
If you think the manual dodging makes it a GW2 clone, you’re severely mistaken. Even if it was, I enjoy the GW2 playstyle. It’s the lack of entertaining content that will drive me from this game – I can only run the same dungeons every day for a certain time before I’m done.
Pay attention to the new warning circles from Marionette, vs Wild Star big boss warning circles. I guess wurm circles work too. Same game, same team.
It isn’t the same team at all, just the same publisher. Telegraphs are in all games, and they’re often red to signify “BAD”. I don’t know how you can claim a red telegraph is a GW2 breakthrough, unless this is the first game you’ve played.
But this isn’t a GW2 v WS thread.
I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for new legendaries, I really want to make a legendary shortbow but there is no chance I would ever make that joke of a unicorn bow, I want something fierce to accompany my incinerators.
I’m waiting for pvp…oh wait…
I really do miss my Marhann Grotto druid armor from time to time.
Marhans Grotto <3
I really do miss my Marhann Grotto druid armor from time to time.
Marhans Grotto <3
I remember late-night dance parties in Marhan’s Grotto, back before Factions released. Good times….good times.
CureForLiving.5360, you answered your own question:
“Why do people like this? My brain can’t comprehend.”
Answered by, “…any mechanic that’s implemented people will attempt to gain the maximum benefit.”
In GW1, you’d put together a set of skills and go out and use them to see if you were getting the maximum benefit. If yes, great. If no, rework and test more.
Well said!
This is not GW1,understand that and you might enjoy the game even more.
Ignorance isn’t understanding. Knowledge cannot be forfeit, well . . . I suppose if you wanted inflict great mental decay upon yourself, that’s always possible.
That pretty much said it
i remember how i spent hours making builds on gw1
Why do people like this? My brain can’t comprehend.
For the same reason Magic: the Gathering has been growing and remains strong for the last ten years.
Build Wars was what made GW1 better than the competitors for me. I got hooked on the game because it was the virtual abstraction of a trading card game (replacing cards with skills).
GW1 to me defined a sub-genre that, to my knowledge, no other company has touched since.
(edited by stayBlind.7849)
I’m still waiting for:
-> Dyeable weapons
-> Improved underwater skills and gear (even my elementalist with max berserker stats can only do like 300 damage in the fire attunement underwater at level 80. It’s an absolute joke)
-> More gw1 weapon and armor skins
-> Being able to collect any surrounding loot bags when you’re dead
-> Account bound dyes
-> Account bound wxp (and I know at least THIS is coming, but it keeps being delayed)
-> Exotic/Legendary dyes with animations/special effects that can be applied to armor
Good ideas!
I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for new legendaries, I really want to make a legendary shortbow but there is no chance I would ever make that joke of a unicorn bow, I want something fierce to accompany my incinerators.
Yea! In my case i dont feel like buying twilight or sunrise because everyone has them and i dont find them really good looking tho.
I really do miss my Marhann Grotto druid armor from time to time.
Marhans Grotto <3
I remember late-night dance parties in Marhan’s Grotto, back before Factions released. Good times….good times.
Good old times :’) GW1 completly magical, the thrill of finding runners to grotto :p
I really do miss my Marhann Grotto druid armor from time to time.
Marhans Grotto <3
I remember late-night dance parties in Marhan’s Grotto, back before Factions released. Good times….good times.
Good old times :’) GW1 completly magical, the thrill of finding runners to grotto :p
In GW2 you have the thrill of being called an elitist exploiter for running anything. So progressive :^)