What is GW2 missing?
It is missing a good villain, some decent housing, and the feeling that our characters exist in a world instead of running around for substandard loot.
that’s just it. the story. zhaitain’s been dead a long time in the guild wars 2 universe. we killed him probably a month after launch. so that means orr should be being rebuilt, but it’s not. killing zhaitain was supposed to be …lasting, wasn’kitten why is orr left completely out of living story events? why can a city like lion’s arch be leveled for months now from a sub-plot. but orr, the main plot, can’t be …de-zombified? WoW did one thing right, when a boss like zhaitan is killed, the content flow moves on and acknowledges it.
Thats just it. Although Zhaitan has been defeated, his power seems to remain. Cleansing Orr creates some major issues with new players and continuity. The personal story wouldn’t make any sense, new players coming into Orr wouldn’t find it desolate and ravaged, but begining to heal, which doesn’t line up with that part of the story. Tequatl, his champion, is still hanging around, which doesn’t make sense if his master is dead. But thats a whole other story. Basically they would have to continue on the with PS, which wouldn’t be a bad idea at all.
Edit: More on why Orr cannot be cleansed
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
(edited by pdavis.8031)
hint: not everyone completed the PS, even ppl who played the game from day one so zhaitan is technically still alive.
What is GW2 missing?
Decent rewards.
Updated every Monday
Things GW2 misses…
Storytelling: Their heart is there! Secret societies, betrayals, death of characters, ect… But they are so horribly delivered!
- Replace the “2 characters talking” cut-scenes with a similar that uses the same animations, but takes place in the in-game world with dramatic camera angles that also show points/areas that the character’s are about to walk into. No need for much new animations and dialogue. See Dragon age origin for reference.
- Add cinematics in key areas of the personal story. Dont use painted ones. Cheap motion capture technologies are appearing here and there, so I don’t think it’ll be that expensive.
- Recapture some dialogues! Make the characters talk in a different manner depending on their personality choice upon creating them. Also give voice to ALL dialogues in the story mode.
Immersion: This is the hardest to explain why, but you can easily get unimmersed in this game. I believe the reasons are:
- The farming of Events! There are a lot, but not enough for old players to have not played them 1000 times. The champion farm in queensdale is a perfect example of people not seing the events as “events”.
- The lack of emotes! Both for the player and the NPC. The game would have been a lot less “gamee” if you could sit by pressing X by default, sit on chairs, see what you eat and drink, pose, and more NPCs did more than standing there.
- Voiced NPCs should act their role. Have them sound like they are screaming when talking in large scale events, instead of talking casually.
- Put more color in your Engine! Why do I have to use Addons like Sweet FX to make the game look good?
Gameplay/Zerging: In this aspect GW2 tried to make a free game where everybody gets loot from everything, and this friendly system came with a cancer!
Zerging is the worst part in GW2. All builds are based on AoE damage for tagging, and a gigantic group piles up on helpless bosses that cant scale enough for the amount of players attacking him with zero strategy involved. Grouping and co-operating is good, but zerging s@cks, It’s a Dominate Strategy (get punished with less progration for not playing that way) and it makes the game as mindless as it can get.
- Put an option to make other players transparent when they are around you, on combat and in large numbers.
- Put a limiter in loot from overscaled events. Something like loot a per second algorithm.
- Make over-scaled events slightly harder and/or with progressively lesser loot.
- Make champion loot being given upon completing a group event, instead of killing champions.
- Make each champion give loot twice every two hours.
This is my feedback…
hint: not everyone completed the PS, even ppl who played the game from day one so zhaitan is technically still alive.
It was explained to me that the open world is basically frozen in time, in open world the year is 1325, in the story, LW and PS, it’s progressed to 1327. So that would explain the continued corruption of Orr, Tequatl, and other things. It’s called the Personal Story, as time and the story line advance for each player, yet the world around them, with the exception of the Living World, continues, to an extent, to remain the same. Thats why you can repeat the same event over and over, or kill the same boss time and time again.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
(edited by pdavis.8031)
First, to nitpick…
As far as what it’s missing, it depends on the person. My friends left because there was no obvious gear treadmill. They went back to Rift. I don’t get it – they always complain that “X MMO we are playing is sooooo grindy” but they quit GW2 because it wasn’t grindy enough.
It’s not that it’s not grindy enough; there’s way too much grind in GW2 for any endgame target (given the “endgame targets” consist of legendaries, ascended gear and WvW/PvP achievements/rank, pretty much).
It’s that there’s nothing meaningful to do. Key word there: meaningful. There’s a lot of things you can do in GW2, and that’s great! Y’know. Until you’ve done them. And then…well. Why would you keep doing them? You’ve figured out that annoying jumping puzzle. You’ve killed everything involved in these world events (likely several times while leveling up). You’ve done a couple circuits on the WvW maps. Unless you’re a competitive player who’s into PvP, what else is there to do at that point?
Answer: not a whole lot. You could RP if you want, sure, but you can do that anywhere; it’s not really part of the game (and the tiny chat buffer sucks for it). Living Story additions just emphasize this problem rather than alleviate it, I’d say, since when one of them pops up you’re drawn back to areas you’ve already done many times over and given an opportunity to marvel at how very little has changed except for this one tiny sliver where something new was dropped on top of all the old, having minimal impact if any.
The exception, of course, is the recent business with Lion’s Arch. Or, rather, that would be the exception if it really had any impact beyond the run between portals and bank/TP in the main “hub” city more convenient since they’re now closer together. Beyond LA itself that tremendous event seems to have done…next to nothing, at least that I’ve noticed. That was a major city! Where are the refugees? Why hasn’t the world economy seen significant impact? How can one of the largest hubs of activity in the world have been blown apart without world-spanning effects?
That’s easy: it happened in Guild Wars 2.
Oh, well, nevermind then, of course nothing would change in that case.
I went off on a tangent. tl;dr – GW2 has grind, just not the right kind, nor an appealing setup for it.
End game content. There is a lack of end game content in gw2 and people have come to realize it. And no ascended gear is not end game content. It’s grinding for slightly superior gear which has such a minimal effect that you wouldn’t notice it if you were missing 1/2 pieces.
Seriously anyone saying mounts or something equally as stupid need to go back to WoW.
The personal story is lacking. I didn’t even finish it for a year. That’s how unsatisfying the experience and rewards are.
Never had that issue on GW1.
What’s Guild Wars 2 missing?
Guild Wars.
^^ true , gvg , hoh , templates , arenas , all missing also end game hardzones , fow,uw etc
The list could go on and on for the community as it shows in previous posts.
For me, I need to see: End-game PvE content that isn’t gone in 2 weeks. Competitive PvP. A guild update that includes a revamp of upgrades and the UI, autonomous building schedules, more use for merits, more guild missions, GvG, and guild housing. The commander icon/pin/tag system reworked to make them easier to see in combat and one that is seen only by guild members. More zones/maps. More world bosses that are on the difficulty level of Karka Queen or Tequatl with rewards to match the difficulty. Instanced dungeon-like PvE content that can hold 15-20 members. More legendary weapon options (seriously, no more rainbows). Legendary armor. New models of weapons and armor. New weapons, races, and professions. I’ll just stop here…. my list could go on and on.
One of the biggest things Anet needs to look into is rewards. People will always flock to the boss, mode, train, or whatever to get the best rewards possible with the least amount of effort. If Anet can make it so we get more scaled rewards then it’ll keep so many zones from being empty and the community more spread out (instead of 50 people running a Queensdale champion train).
The original poster is suggesting to remove the things that make GW2 unique and make it just another WoW type clone.If most of the things that you mentioned are changed then the loyal Guild Wars 2 players will go away and you will be left with a volatile population average Joe mmo players.
I came here exactly to escape from all the things your ’’friends’’ miss from other mmos.
Please kitten.
GW1 Devs
Precursors and raid tools…
GW2 is missing a lot of my old guildies and missing me much of the time. Its also missing substantial new permanent content and missing no no Living Story or events or festivals for a long time (after making us used to having a two weekly update with sometimes three different pieces of LS crossing over). It seems its missing a good financial turnover with my reasoning being although Anet have given nothing really substantial for a very long time they are pushing the 50% price cut of the box sets and keep promoting the ability to buy gold via gems (via real money) in their blogs of recent times which I didn’t notice before.
them due to those less than polite individuals out there and their offensive attitude.
(edited by joneb.5679)
This Page is the most Interesting of the Forum, has I have been playing guild wars for 10 years. I’m gonna tell you why So many people dropped GW2 .And I’m gonna tell you What Gw2 Is Missing.
Some people drop the game for multiple reason. ( Hacked & Restored’n’Naked , Forever Alone people, Lags out.) All of them are good reasons but nothing of them are Unchangeable or Unfixable, however. From the people of guild wars 1 they left guild wars 2 not because it’s not like guild wars 1. It’s just the opposite vision of the game and I will explain.
Guild wars 2 since the last patches is going into Massive Meta ( And Living story backtrace everything from scarlet ) in an open world. I do like open world and so is everyone. However ; Teq-3 Headed worm – Karka and more likely all meta went into Super Massive Zerg vs the boss.
Guild wars 1 was totally instanced. The world map, the missions, the elite zone, Uw – Fow instanced, PvP(AB too ) was instanced ( with a town to lfg-glf) Everything was closed. And guild wars 2 is all open wide. So Open, so many people..
What is guild wars 2 missing. I think we are on the clearest part from here dont you think ?
Guild wars 2 is missing Instance. Remember in Gw1 dungeons only appeared in EOTN expansion and Dungeons are the only group *instanced stuff in gw2. Except the personal story which is good in the start but past lvl 30 its very sleepy and Boring (#Forever Alone (( it was fun 1st time but i guess i was just so super excited about getting forward ))
I will explain to you why instanced stuff is what we all want and we all need.
If you played Gw1 you probably know what is Underworld and Fissure of Woe. if Guild wars 2 is doing a version of it wouldn’t it look like the Maze at Halloween day ? an open zone Mega Zerging events. Would it be as challenging wouldn’t it be Risk less ? Would you again and again fight to try to’’ Tags’’ the mobs to get loot ?
Here we are going further. Much Deeper. Now you should understand how Mega Zerging is, how do you feel in a Mega Zerg ? Powerful or just trying to catch up to get loot if an imminent battle is near ?
I’m not complaining about WvW : Wvw is a Masse Cummunity server defense/offense, i’m talking about the pve stuff. For exemple 100 People @ Grenth defense phase. Or Samething with melandrue battery phase.
Mega Zerging created – Mega servers – Mega servers created Mega events.
In a Mega zerg you are fighting for yourself for you loot. You could feel like if ud be here or not it wouldn’t change much stuff. Like a soldier in a desert or an ant in a city.
You sjust want to Outcome the damage to Tag over everyones.
I always seen Guild wars as Quality but not Quantity And in a Mass zerg you see Quantity for Quality. I might be wrong, i might even be the only on in the game to feel that way but trust me, a time will come where you will be there in my shoes wondering what I wrote at this moment has sens. That this game need alot more of instanced stuff to prove to yourself and to your mates that Unity is Power. Not Zerging.
What i miss the most of Guild wars 1. it’s the story in regular or Hard mode it didn’t matter the missions, Where you had a Quest & bonus and in faction / nightfall you had a timer to master piece the missions and you gained title that way, Chivos.
Than you had the elite Instanced zone. Urgoz/The Deep/GoT/UW/FoW This is what the game needs. More personal, the group privacy moment of crazyness. Dont you Agree with me ? I dont meant to stop the open world just more dungeons or an revamping how you instance stuff. Possible Living Story followup that way. Elite zones……..
Seriously you,re not over of doing AC/CM/TA/SE/CoF/HoTW/CoE/Arah.. Almost 2 Years. Should I really add 99 of Fractals ?
(edited by Dark Jackson.3417)
Come to think of it..we are actually not fighting someone/something right now..true..
What’s Guild Wars 2 missing?
Guild Wars.
I think i Fairly explained the difference And what is needed.
Gw2 is going Rift direction in my believing. Many Upscaling events making it harder
( more life , more power ) More mobs, more champions and in result more champion bags so in final, more loot.
While Guild wars was about a team of friends ; who created a guild, who made more friends who joined the guild.. That has capes Where this guild was Dominating from there personal build together in an instanced mission.
I think guild wars 2 doesn’t have the Privacy that guild wars 1 has.
Guild wars 1 was about controlling Aggro range, alot of precise stuff.
Remember the gw2 Scarlet Marionette event how many lanes has failed because mass environement players didn’t read the champ description. Neither listen the other players advice.
If you’re not Leading guild wars 2 can be Very Frustrating.
And Leading a mass of players can be even Worst.
(edited by Dark Jackson.3417)
The biggest thing I miss from GW1 was interchangeable skills.
It’s not even for the sake of build diversity, but using the same 5 skills over and over and over gets very dry after a while.
I would make the most inefficient builds sometimes in GW1 (and now TSW) for PvE for the sake of being a badman and just go on a massacre across Tyria for the sake of it. And it was awesome.
Last I checked GW1 is still going? Go back?
Hated that game, myself. But all that proves is there are many opinions….none of them any more “right” than any other.
But you won’t find me lamenting my dislike of GW1 on those forums compared to GW2 either.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
The game is very unfriendly to those of us that love grinding monsters. Anet claims they want to provide a game for everyone to play, but they don’t in this regard. I love to gather up monsters and aoe them to death to level up. They should at least add the option of grinding on monsters to level up for those that like it. And as a note, the killstreak booster does not count as I shouldn’t have to pay to grind on mobs.
What is GW2 missing? That’s easy, actual challenging/rewarding endgame. Unfortuntely GW2 is by far, the most casual game I’ve ever played. It is built and catered specifically for very casual MMO players.
WvW? Not endgame to me. Its a blob vs blob endgame. Small groups/skirmishes are rewarded pathetically and have very little effect on the overall environment that is WvW…. its very much a Zerg Vs Zerg gameplay, period. Whoever has the bigger blob and coordinated group that listens to a commander wins. It doesn’t even come close to the Original realm vs realm gameplay that way we saw back in the day of DoAC.
spvp – lol. Doesn’t hold a candle to original GW’s PvP system. I can’t believe they regressed on this. The reason I bought GW2 is because of how much fun I had in GW1 doing pvp. Its not the same here. Every match I enter, all i see are hambows, decap engis, spirit bunk rangers, cheese thieves and MM necros. Almost 2 years and we still have the same ole build dominating the pvp scene. Still no new modes to pvp. Its lackluster, sorry.
and why is PvP not being focused that much by anet? because casuals very rarely play it. Its a barren wasteland. Heart of the Mists is pretty much a ghost town in this game, no one cares that much about PvP.
PvE? lol havent had anything new to do here in years. No new dungs, Fractals are a joke and unrewarding. The most rewarding thing to do in PvE is running in a freaking zerg train. Thats challenging and fun! not.
That game has a lot of potential – but its serious lack of meaningful endgame is what will be its downfall. It’s catered to casuals too heavily, hence why we are still seeing Living Story updates as priority over actual, meaningful expansion pack content.
Cosmetics and skins are the endgame. Thats fine, but you are totally neglecting any potential hardcore MMO players with this kind of endgame system…
(edited by SkiTz.4590)
A short list of things I think are absurd for a game like this to be missing.
1) Guild halls. C’mon. Promised before the game even launched.
2) Player housing. Having a player ZONE isn’t the same thing. Again, promised a house that would react to your personal story… what we got was a zone where certain NPCs turn on or off.
3) Chairs you can sit in. C’mon, other games have solved the ‘very different body sizes’ thing.
4) A decent variety of town clothing. We’ve taken a big step backwards with this, now. It’s ridiculous that I can’t mix-and-match outfit pieces.
5) The ability to filter out items I can’t use, from every single shopping screen. Again… this is a silly thing to be missing. Especially since the BLTC already has a filters section, and even has a ‘show only available’ checkbox. Why no ‘show only usable’ as well?
6) Some way to group RPers, and show an RP flag. Getting us filthy casual roleplayers out of your hardcore PvPvW soup is just good for everyone.
(edited by Stormdancer.4972)
I agree a lot with this. In particular the lack of difficulty and multiple sPvP modes:
What is GW2 missing? That’s easy, actual challenging/rewarding endgame. Unfortuntely GW2 is by far, the most casual game I’ve ever played. It is built and catered specifically for very casual MMO players.
WvW? Not endgame to me. Its a blob vs blob endgame. Small groups/skirmishes are rewarded pathetically and have very little effect on the overall environment that is WvW…. its very much a Zerg Vs Zerg gameplay, period. Whoever has the bigger blob and coordinated group that listens to a commander wins. It doesn’t even come close to the Original realm vs realm gameplay that way we saw back in the day of DoAC.
spvp – lol. Doesn’t hold a candle to original GW’s PvP system. I can’t believe they regressed on this. The reason I bought GW2 is because of how much fun I had in GW1 doing pvp. Its not the same here. Every match I enter, all i see are hambows, decap engis, spirit bunk rangers, cheese thieves and MM necros. Almost 2 years and we still have the same ole build dominating the pvp scene. Still no new modes to pvp. Its lackluster, sorry.
and why is PvP not being focused that much by anet? because casuals very rarely play it. Its a barren wasteland. Heart of the Mists is pretty much a ghost town in this game, no one cares that much about PvP.PvE? lol havent had anything new to do here in years. No new dungs, Fractals are a joke and unrewarding. The most rewarding thing to do in PvE is running in a freaking zerg train. Thats challenging and fun! not.
That game has a lot of potential – but its serious lack of meaningful endgame is what will be its downfall. It’s catered to casuals too heavily, hence why we are still seeing Living Story updates as priority over actual, meaningful expansion pack content.
Cosmetics and skins are the endgame. Thats fine, but you are totally neglecting any potential hardcore MMO players with this kind of endgame system…
Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…
GW2 needs hot tubs.
Lots and lots of hot tubs.
What if every dungeon as an all path option.. 80s Only, You and all mobs are 80s, surely more mobs than usual, a kind of Hard Mode, All paths wich in the ends. You gain more money from the difficulty ( let’s say 3 gold bonus for less than 45 min and 2 gold for less than an 1 hours .. just suggesting )
Having yourself 80 push you to the max of your abilities and so do the monsters.
All monsters at level 80s would give you better loot and so the chest rewards.
Finishing it quite quickly would grant you more extra money.
Having it done in One run only and so time saving in the better situation.
Either how long it would take im pretty sure that in final it would be Quite an adventure. Don’t you think ?
(edited by Dark Jackson.3417)