So basically i am returning after a half year of pause, and want to start a whole new character, to look araund real good, but cant decide.
So i roamed forums, and thout things trough, but i only realized, i dont find a real ranged class.
Looking at forums, most of the “ranged” classes are actually usefull in melee or mid range builds. And classes that are actually “non range” have a really decent long range skillset, but are not detailed, and i dont think they should have anyway.
(here again i almost started to complain abaut, how unflexible classes are-viable i must add with viable builds)
So i came to a conclusion….is there an real ranged class in this game at all?
I mean, c mon, i would love engineers (disregarding hobo sack, and that i cant change the kits look, like others can change there weapon arsenal), but they are almsot fully medium and close range. Ofc they can go “long” range, but are almost totally …crap.
-Then there are elementalists, who are “supposed” to be the real deal "caster"s, but i am forced to contantly jump on foes, cripple them, “dagger” them, go melee and mid range, and if i go long range, i end up spamming 1 and 3 for almost no effect. In pvp ppl instantly run out (if you can cast it at all) from storms, that have an insane cd anyway. In pve mobs get to you almost instantly, then comes kiting (whitch i detest, since 3 years of wows hunter)
-Then there is necro …i dont even want to talk abaut it…are those staff 1 and marks supposed to hive me a decent contant dmg? Totally unviable at “long” range. Rest is full melee and medium range. Maybe in pve, where others “tank”, you can condition build, whitch is not what i want by “range”
-Comes down to ranger, and i see, that bows are actually one of the worst picks for ranger. Its almost all abaut pets (that are actually really weak), and microing them. Or running araund blowing horn and “supporting”. Or it realyl comes down to “ranged” combat, then all you do is “sit back and presss 1,2,3,4,5” while pet “tanks” or you kite. Feels terribly boring early game, in endgame terribly irritating actually.
-So what? I found thieves have quite a nice support and dmg from range. Even if they are supposed to be mostly melee. Besides, i really dont enjoy spamming a bouncing shortbow, or going Trinity. Atleast give them a rifle, so they can snipe and claim they are all araund class.
-Warriors? Yes they are actually good with longbow and rifle, i actually love it, but its a warrior, they are not supposed to be a main range class. BEsides, rifl is pure spam and ranged fight is not really detailed. Besides i hate heavy armor when going rifle or bow. (it actually looks the best in game, but not realyl fitting for range).
So i dont know….Mesmer? Maybe thats the only real good range option. Trough i hate the stupid and somethime useless illusion mechanic. Fully wasted when opponents are on some cliff.
I hope this didnt sound to QQ ish. It was not ment to be…i just wanted to know, who feels the same way, and feels, “true range” missing from the game?
(Oh and sorry for my terrible english in advance)