What is considered exploiting?

What is considered exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


How are people to know what is and isn’t an exploit in this game? I’m reading all the hoopla about this snowflake exploit, but from what I’m reading, people spent resources and time to create these items, then used black lion chests (Which will either cost real money to buy, or you get a chance to open one from a black lion chest once a month or so with found keys from monthly’s) to break them down for 2 more ectos you put into it.

If you figure the cost of black lion chests into this, is this really an exploit? Or would you be breaking even?
Black Lion Salvage kit is 300 Gems. With the cost of the salvage kit on top of the other materials, it’s not a real big profit, and hardly seems like an exploit if you actually take the time to factor everything in.

So if this is considered an exploit, is buying rares for 20 silver off the traders market and salvaging them for 1-3 ectos an exploit as well? If it is, I have some news for you, 80%+ people most likely have done this a few times in your game, does that mean you will ban them as well?

In my eyes I see no difference in the two.

Can ANet please place more clarification on this or tell me if I’m right or wrong and why?

What is considered exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gisei.5749


Some players who took advantage of the exploit you are referring to were able to make hundreds of gold over the course of a few days. Good luck doing that with normal rares.

It is possible to make profit crafting some lv80 rares and salvaging, but it doesn’t compare to the snowflake’s profit. The time required on normal lv80 rares would justify the profit made.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

What is considered exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruien.9506


I realize common sense is in short supply for gamers. Anyone with a tiny itsy bitsy shred of it, knew this was an exploit.

Heres some common sense for you…

If its too good or too easy and you think, wow this great, Ill do this 100s of times in a short period…

You probably shouldn’t be doing it.

What is considered exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

I realize common sense is in short supply for gamers. Anyone with a tiny itsy bitsy shred of it, knew this was an exploit.

Heres some common sense for you…

If its too good or too easy and you think, wow this great, Ill do this 100s of times in a short period…

You probably shouldn’t be doing it.

Well I better stop using the AH then.

What is considered exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunar Sunset.8742

Lunar Sunset.8742

Anything that makes a profit other than buying gems from the store w/real money is considered exploiting.

50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want

What is considered exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

Anything that makes a profit other than buying gems from the store w/real money is considered exploiting.

Saddly it is begining to look that way.

What is considered exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruien.9506


I realize common sense is in short supply for gamers. Anyone with a tiny itsy bitsy shred of it, knew this was an exploit.

Heres some common sense for you…

If its too good or too easy and you think, wow this great, Ill do this 100s of times in a short period…

You probably shouldn’t be doing it.

Well I better stop using the AH then.

Yea you probably should. Altho Anet hasnt ever done it, they and other games have specific clauses in the toss about playing the AH. WoW has banned 100’s of accounts over the years for monopolizing the AH.

What is considered exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


I realize common sense is in short supply for gamers. Anyone with a tiny itsy bitsy shred of it, knew this was an exploit.

Heres some common sense for you…

If its too good or too easy and you think, wow this great, Ill do this 100s of times in a short period…

You probably shouldn’t be doing it.

But they’d also have to spend 5 gold for every 25 salvages.

I could make equal to a bit less of a profit on a good day just buying rares off the market for 15-20 silver each and getting 2-3 ectos off each. Is that considered exploiting?

I can make certain bags, and the mats cost greatly less than the profit i make by a great deal..is that considered exploiting the market?

I’m just saying, the term exploit is so very loose in this game because it has no concrete definition.

What is considered exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nethykins.7986


Thing is…exploits in games in particular are almost subjective.
Depends who’s looking at it.

If you’re a player: You see — whatever it is you’re benefiting from — as a design choice by devs. You have no real understanding of the backend of how it works. The assumption is that what’s there is intended.

If you’re a dev: You wield the power. You have complete understanding of the backend, and you know what you expect and what you don’t expect the game to do, and what players should be able to do. The assumption is, if players see something that’s way too beneficial, then it’s not intended.

So you can obviously see why it’s always a clash when it comes to what is/isn’t an exploit and what punishments to deliver.

Ultimately, Exploits are mainly down to bad coding, bugs that are overlooked and opportunist players, but because one side holds more power, it works in their favour.

TERA recently had a discussion about what can be considered as an “exploit” when people were able to lure an enemy boss to environmental damage and kill him super fast.

(edited by nethykins.7986)

What is considered exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.9672



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